I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 925: A pair of fishing rods

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in front of him, smiled and said, "Why is it so troublesome."

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the small tower in front of him flying straight out, flying around the hall, spreading out a series of extremely mysterious laws.

As if looking for something, he left the hall directly after just a moment.

Hongyun and the others followed closely, and saw that the small tower came to the outside of the main hall and went straight to a dense place behind.

Then he stopped in nothingness, and then swayed as if turning his head to look at the red cloud.

A smile appeared on Hong Yun's face. He looked at the small tower not far in front of him, smiled lightly and said, "I found..."

Everyone came to the small tower and looked at the nothingness in front of them, with a smile in their eyes.

Although this is the secret place of the cultivation forces, but now I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed, the original cultivation forces' formation is even more dilapidated.

Coupled with the tricks of the small tower, the dense land scene in front of you is fully exposed.

They only need to come to the front, and they can clearly feel the huge entrance in front of them.

At this moment, Yueling Rabbit suddenly turned his head and looked aside, looking at a dark place behind everyone, a smile could not help appearing on his face.

Then he whispered quietly: "I don't know if this kid can hold back..."

A smile flashed across Hong Yun's face.

Since they left the hall, the person who was in the dark has followed them here, hiding not far behind them, and his thoughts can be seen.

It's just that the secret land has appeared in front of them now, and I just don't know if the person in the dark can stand it.

Hong Yun raised his hand and saw him in front of him with a single tap. A huge hole appeared in an instant, which could accommodate everyone to enter. After this hole, bursts of extremely terrifying light came.

A breath of mystery emerged in it, making everyone amazed.

Qin Yuan sighed even more: "I didn't expect that after so many years, the treasures in it not only have no spiritual power loss, but also are so well preserved. I just don't know how terrifying the people who destroyed this power of cultivation at the beginning were. Waiting for the baby, didn't look at it."

Saint Qingluan shook her head slightly, and said: "Who can know? The existence of a holy place can be destroyed, and who can know what cultivation level it is. If I am not mistaken, this cultivation power should be taken by one person. Extinct!"

"As far as I know, in this cosmic ocean, a person who can destroy a holy place with his own power has never appeared..."

Yue Lingtu nodded in agreement, and she followed her former master, and she had naturally seen a lot.

It can be said that in this universe, she has even seen more than one-third of the masters of the starry sky, and even seen countless ancient sage-level existences.

But no one has ever been able to do such a terrifying thing as he is now, and destroy a holy place alone.

If such a person really exists, I am afraid it comes from outside the universe. After all, no one knows what is outside the universe.

There was also a hint of contemplation on the surface of the red cloud. He looked at the huge hole that appeared in front of him, smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will wait to see if I go in."

For him, it is not that important to destroy the existence of this holy land.

He came to the center of the Universe Sea this time to participate in this battle for the road, in order to break through the ancient sage level, now he has the existence of the ancient sage Tao fruit, breaking through the ancient sage level is a fixed fact.

So to him, the truth is not that important. On the contrary, he cares more about what treasures remain in this treasure land.

Everyone walked into it together, and the Moon Spirit Rabbit was still secretly observing the creature hidden in the dark.

But as soon as they knew that after they entered the cave entrance, the creature hidden in the dark never showed up, which made everyone feel a little strange.

After they completely stepped into the cave entrance, pressing and holding them faintly heard the breath of exploration.

Then I saw the figure of a young man slowly appearing. The young man couldn't help showing a touch of embarrassment when he looked at the huge hole that appeared in front of him.

Then he sighed and said: "Why did I meet you in this place again? I thought Daganxianchao was the only one staring at me. It's a pity that the treasure in this treasure land..."

The young man looked at the hole in front of him with a pity, then looked back at the peak servants of the realm masters in the valley who protected the sharp spear from absorbing the fragments of the spirit treasure.

I can only sigh secretly that my chance is not here.

After hesitating for a moment, he rushed directly to the outside of the valley, and then came to a dense ground above the valley.

The boy looked at the Dagan Xianchao Formation Mage who was trying his best to crack the formation in the entrance of the cave, a sneer smile appeared in his eyes, and then he disappeared in place.

After the boy disappeared, the moon spirit rabbit suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Moon Lingtu looked at the place where the boy had disappeared, with a thoughtful look on his face, and muttered to himself: "It turned out to be you! No wonder the master said that he had already given an explanation before, but he did not expect this kid to hide like this. Deep."

At this moment, Qin Yuan's voice sounded from behind him, and the Moon Spirit Rabbit disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

When everyone came to the entrance of the cave, they found that there was no so-called spirit treasure long ago, and there were only some remaining fragments of the spirit treasure.

But when the entrance of the cave had just opened before, the breath of Lingbao that came out of it did not seem to be fake, which made them a little puzzled.

Hong Yun also frowned and walked forward. He could faintly feel that the remaining spirit treasures in the field, the remaining spirit treasure aura, were constantly spreading towards the center of the dense land.

It seemed that something was constantly absorbing the remaining breath of Lingbao in this cave.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit also discovered the anomaly at this moment, and there was more divine light in its eyes, and it was faintly visible that there was a terrifying spirit treasure hidden in the depths of the cave mansion in front.

Qin Yuan and others looked at the remaining fragments in the field, full of regret.

They could see that when these spirit treasures were not damaged, their grades were far superior to the spirit treasures in their hands.

It's a pity that I don't know what the reason is, it has been completely destroyed. Could it be that what they saw outside the cave before was an illusion?

Just as everyone sighed, they had already reached the deepest part of the cave.

Hong Yun raised his eyes and looked at the center of the cave. There was an altar in the center of the cave. All the remaining breath of the spirit treasure in the cave was surging toward the altar.

Then he was swallowed by the spirit treasure on the altar.

Hong Yun looked strangely at the spiritual treasure on the altar, not knowing what to say for a while.

In his opinion, it should be the top treasure that can swallow the many spirit treasures in the field.

But there is no treasure that looks like a fishing rod...

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