I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 926: Fight!

Hong Yun's hands were covered with mana, and he took the fishing rod on the altar directly, and took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the fishing rod that was taken down at this moment was still absorbing the essence of magic weapons around it, and there were terrifying laws on it, which looked a little weird.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side said, "This is the first time I have seen this strange treasure. It can absorb all the magical essences here. It should belong to the top batch, but I can't tell why."

Hong Yun looked at the fishing rod in his hand strangely, and then the temple leaned out and scanned the entire cave, wanting to see if there was anything left in the cave.

But after he saw it thoroughly, he found that the only intact thing in the hole was the fishing rod in his hand.

A look of surprise appeared on the surface of the red cloud. Is this sacred place using this kind of treasure just to store this thing? What exactly does this thing do?

He covered his divine consciousness on the fishing rod, and then forcibly imprinted his own spirit aura on it.

In just a few moments, he directly recognized the fishing rod as the master.

He could feel that a terrifying force of law was feeding back from the fishing rod, and he began to continuously enhance his behavior.

He hadn't expected that Hong Yun's cultivation base would be completely consolidated.

Originally, he thought that he still needed to find a way before using the ancient sacred fruit to completely consolidate his current cultivation base without leaving a trace of hidden danger.

But he didn't expect that the things he had worked hard to be completed by such a small fishing rod.

At this moment, a series of terrifying roars came from the outside, which sounded a bit like the Tyrannosaurus rex chasing Xuanyuantai before.

The face of the red cloud was stunned, and then his body completely disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of everyone.

Raised his hand to hold the Gunslinger in his hand, and then looked at the direction beyond the valley.

Outside the big formation, the second prince and others were suspended in the void, and in front of everyone was the Tyrannosaurus that had chased out Xuanyuantai before.

The formation mage below is still breaking the formation with all his strength.

Not far behind Na Tyrannosaurus, followed by the embarrassed Xuanyuantai. At this moment, he had already summoned many servants to his side.

His eyes were fixed on the valley not far away, and his heart was so angry.

Before he was yawned by the Moon Spirit Rabbit, causing him to be chased by Tyrannosaurus rex, and finally waited until his breath completely dissipated before he could talk to Tyrannosaurus sensibly.

He told all his analysis to Tyrannosaurus rex, saying that what had happened before was a trick Hongyun made.

In addition, this Tyrannosaurus rex spirit was already far superior to the other monsters, and under the glance of its supernatural powers, he actually agreed to the cooperation matters Xuanyuantai said.

So, looking for the aura of Hongyun and others, they chased here.

Although Hong Yun and the others were walking, there was no aura leaked, but the Tyrannosaurus rex's talents were extremely powerful, forcibly found some clues from these emptiness.

Outside of the valley that I had been chasing, I ran into someone from the second prince.

The second prince looked at Xuanyuan Terrace behind the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and then said: "What? Your Xuanyuan family wants to declare war with my Xian Dynasty?

Xuanyuantai's complexion was a little ugly, and then stood proudly in the void, and said in a cold voice, "I have no intention of this. I came here this time to find a red-robed Taoist. The companions below felt that the red-robed Taoist was In the valley, there is no intention to be hostile to the Immortal Dynasty."

The second prince was furious when he heard the words, and said: "Laughter! Your Highness has already come here, and the large formation here is intact. How can someone enter the valley in front of your Highness."

Xuanyuan was taken aback on the table, and he could naturally see that the formation in the valley in front of him was intact.

But thinking about the cooperation between him and the earth dragon before, it was the same situation. The formations that they laid one after another were intact, but the things they guarded had long since disappeared.

This is enough to prove that the Daoist in Red has a special way to enter the formation without breaking the formation, or to take away the things in the formation.

He looked at the second prince with a serious face, and said, "Second prince, don't worry, the Taoist in red has special methods, what if he is in this valley?"

A big sun appeared behind the second prince, exuding extremely terrifying power, suspended in the void, shining on the world, full of threats.

"Don't say that the red-robed Taoist is not in the valley, even if he is in the valley, he is just a prey of my Highness..."

Without waiting for Xuanyuantai to speak, a fire burst suddenly before the Tyrannosaurus rex at the forefront opened its mouth, as if it was about to burn everything, and it shot at the second prince.

In the blink of an eye, this place was turned into nothingness and rushed to the eyes of the second prince.

The second prince's eyebrows were full of evil spirits, and he said in a cold voice: "What a wicked animal, I will kill you here today!"

The voice fell, and the big sun behind it was suspended in the air, slamming towards the Tyrannosaurus rex, like a real sun star.

Exuding endless flames, and the momentum of burning all things, it fell straight on the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And in the valley at this moment, Hong Yun and the others, who were watching what happened here, also showed a hint of doubt on their faces.

Just listen to the Moon Spirit Rabbit muttering to himself: "How can the effect of the medicine disappear so quickly, is it possible that the master's things have expired?"

When Hongyun heard the words, he was speechless for a while.

Then I looked at the scene outside the valley with some curiosity. I don’t know who the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Second Prince of the First Dynasty are strong and who is weak...

The rest of the people also looked good at the show.

I had known that by virtue of their previous identities, such as the Saint Child level or the prince level of the Immortal Dynasty, it was not an existence they could touch at all.

Looking at the fight between the two now, it's not funny.

I saw the Tyrannosaurus rex outside the valley exuding dazzling purple light, and it stood up to the sky abruptly against the big day, and then bit towards the two princes.

Xuanyuantai also gritted his teeth abruptly at this moment, and killed the second prince's protector.

The old eunuch's voice was sharp, and he shouted coldly: "Well, what happened today, the minion must report it to the emperor, your Xuanyuan family will be destroyed this time!"

A coldness flashed in Xuanyuantai's eyes when the old **** spoke.

Don't do it altogether, and leave the second prince and others here.

Otherwise, the Xuanyuan family will be in danger if this incident comes out!

Thinking of this, Xuanyuantai and the others fought even harder, seeming to completely put their life and death out of control.

At this moment, the formation mage who concentrated on deciphering the formation of the valley suddenly said, "His Royal Highness, the second prince, will fulfill his mission and successfully break the formation!"

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