I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 927: ready

After hearing the voice of the array mage, everyone invariably looked in the direction of the valley, only to see that the large array in the valley was completely destroyed.

In front of everyone, it was the appearance of the ruins over and over.

A light flashed in the eyes of the second prince, looking at the ruins of the spiritual power in front of him, and his heart was excited.

Before coming, he had been like the elder of the royal family and inquired about the origin of the cultivation forces here.

The power of cultivation here is comparable to a sacred place and an immortal dynasty. Even if it is not known to be destroyed by anyone, the remaining heritage is enough to shock people.

When Xuanyuantai looked towards the distant valley, he was also short of breath.

He naturally knew what the power of cultivation in this valley had always meant. If he could bring back all the treasures left in it, then he would definitely be the next Xuanyuan Family Patriarch.

The second prince said coldly: "If this is the case, how about I wait to explore the valley together?"

He knew in his heart that Xuanyuantai would not be able to leave until there were not enough benefits. Instead of guarding him all the time, it would be better to turn from the dark to the light and bring him by his side.

Xuanyuantai nodded solemnly.

The Tyrannosaurus rex on the side saw the breath-concealing thing under the moonling rabbit cloth before, and a doubt flashed in his eyes.

It raised its foot forward, the second prince and others were full of disdain from this movement.

Although there is only one cultural power site left here, it is still somewhat dangerous. Instead of letting them try the danger, it is better to let the evil animal in front of them pat the danger for them.

Everyone followed the Tyrannosaurus Rex and walked into the valley, passing by the back hand under the cloth of the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Everyone felt something in their hearts.

The second prince had a bad thought when he hadn't come. He looked at the empty valley in front of him, raised his hand and gently wiped it forward.

I saw an instantaneous change in the vision of the eye, with countless fragments of limbs everywhere, and fragments of Lingbao everywhere.

The spirituality left in the ruins of this cultivation power has been completely absorbed by the Killing Spear at this moment, and everything is broken when touched, and turned into powder floating in the sky. .

"How could it be? How could it be like this!"

The second prince looked in front of him with a look of disbelief, and then rushed towards the palace in the distance.

Everyone behind him hurriedly followed.

Arriving in the palace, the spirit of God burst out instantly, covering the entire hall.

But after some searching, nothing was gained.

Not even a tiny bit of special artifacts with spirituality were found.

"This place has been evacuated!" Xuanyuantai said in disbelief.

At this moment, the second prince looked at the Xuanyuantai in front of him with a rather ugly expression, and asked, "The red-robed Taoist you mentioned earlier is sure to be in the valley?"

Xuanyuantai nodded, and then said: "The red-robed Taoist does have some special methods to enter any formation without breaking the big formation..."

Having said that, everyone still doesn't understand who has been evacuated from here.

The Tyrannosaurus rex outside was furious, it could sense it, and the aura of the red-robed Taoist disappeared.

There is still a little breath left here.

It was enough to prove that the Taoist man in red had indeed come, but they came late this time and let the man ran out.

The second prince and the others looked at the Tyrannosaurus who was angry in the distance, cursed in their hearts, and then suddenly turned their heads to look at a hidden cave.

A touch of joy was immediately revealed on everyone's faces, and this treasure house of spiritual power appeared...

They disappeared in place, wanting to enter the treasure house before the others.

But when they stepped into the treasure house unimpeded, they found that there was no soul treasure left in front of them, and it was even cleaner than the outside.

On the altar in the deepest part of the treasure house, there are obvious traces of storing spiritual treasures.

And looking at the traces above, that Lingbao had just been taken out soon, maybe it was taken away when they broke the face formation.

The second prince was furious and directly shattered the entire treasure house.

In the void in the distance of the valley, Hong Yun couldn't help but shook his head as he watched the huge movement coming from the valley.

"How can young people now have such a bad temper?"

Saint Qingluan looked at Hongyun with contempt, and then muttered in her heart.

At this moment, Hong Yun suddenly had an extra ancient sage fruit in his hand. He looked at the sage Qingluan with a smile, and said, "I promised you before. If there is a harvest from this trip, I will give you an ancient sage. Daoguo, now is the time for this seat to fulfill its promise."

Saint Qingluan was happy on her face, and then suddenly looked at Hongyun with a little nervousness, and said, "You don't want to give this thing to me and then grab it back?"

Hong Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then angrily said: "How can this seat be the kind of person who turns back!"

After speaking, he directly threw the Ancient Sage Daoguo in his hand.

Then he waved his hand and said, "You go away by yourself!"

After receiving the ancient sacred Tao fruit, Saintess Qingluan looked at Hongyun with a look of disbelief, and then moved away tentatively. After finding that Hongyun had not moved at all, she galloped away instantly.

There was a voice from far away: "This time I see who would dare to say that this saint is the shame of the Qingluan saint, and this seat is the Qingluan ancient sage!"

Yuelingtu looked at the back of Saint Qingluan with a disdainful face, and whispered: "What a shame!"

Hong Yun was looking at the fishing rod in his hand, and he could sense it. Although he didn't know what the object in his hand was, in terms of grade alone, it had already surpassed the sharp-killing spear that was advanced again.

It seems that it is not the thing of the universe here.

After a while, he put away the fishing rod in his hand, and then muttered to himself: "Time is running out, it's time for me to go further..."

The rest of the people looked at Hongyun with excitement, and asked, "Master, do you want to break through?"

Hong Yun nodded.

Since he has the ancient sage Tao fruit in his hand, he can perfectly step into the realm of the ancient sage, then why waste time here.

This savage world is for those great abilities staying at the level of the realm master to find opportunities.

Now that his chance has been found, it is time to break through the realm, and then leave here.

It's just that he doesn't know whether the bone giant is guarding the road of battle, the strength of the bone giant is beyond his imagination.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side said: "If the master wants to break through, it is better to take out the Pure Yang Palace and hide it in a corner of the wild world, so that it can be foolproof."

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words. During the time he set foot in the center of the universe, he also heard that someone was attacked and snatched Dao Guo while breaking through the realm of the ancient sage. You must be fully prepared.

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