I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 928: Advanced start

Hong Yun looked at the back of the insane sage Qingluan who was going away, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Then they left here with everyone.

Along the way, Moon Spirit Rabbit seemed to be very excited, and kept talking about the precautions for Hongyun to break through the ancient sage level.

It seems to be caught in a certain memory, and there is a kind of excitement in his eyes.

Qin Yuan looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in a weird manner. It was the first time he saw this dead rabbit so lively, it seemed a little different from usual.

Not knowing how long he walked, Hong Yun suddenly stopped and looked at the huge mountain range not far away.

Then suspended in the air, overlooking the entire mountain range.

After a while, he looked towards the deepest part of the mountain range, then took out the Pure Yang Palace, flicked his fingers lightly, and buried the entire Pure Yang Palace into the depths of the mountain range.

While the light and shadow flickered, the figures of everyone had disappeared in place, and when they appeared, they had already entered the Pure Yang Palace.

Hongyun's Divine Mind found out, scanned the entire mountain range, and slowly said: "There is a large congenital formation here, no matter how much movement can be heard, plus the pure Yang Palace, it can be said to be foolproof."

Moon Lingtu also said with a serious face: "Master, please rest assured, this time the Pure Yang Palace is under my personal control, absolutely no one can step into the Pure Yang Palace for half a step."

Qin Yuan and others on the side also spoke again and again, expressing loyalty.

Hong Yun nodded slightly, then entered the Pure Yang Palace body and stepped directly into the retreat.

The retreat here was created by the previous owner of the Pure Yang Palace himself, which was sufficient to withstand the impact of the master of the starry sky, and was the top priority of the Pure Yang Palace.

Hong Yun stepped into it, and the closed door slowly closed.

Everyone kept their faces in the Pure Yang Palace solemnly, and Yueling Rabbit even sent a few people to guard in the mountains, and if there was any disturbance, immediately spread the message.

And she herself was staying in the retreat, looking at the retreat in front of her with some nostalgia.

Then he directly sat cross-legged in the court, quietly guarding outside.

Qin Yuan glanced at Yueling Rabbit, always feeling that the dead rabbit had something on his mind.

And in the retreat at this moment, Hong Yun sat cross-legged on the futon, adjusted the laws and mana in his body, stabilized his Taoist fruit, and began to gradually return to his best state.

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yun suddenly opened his eyes, took out an ancient sacred fruit, and suspended it on his chest.

A faint light radiated from the ancient sacred fruit, a mysterious aura lingered in the entire retreat, and countless visions suddenly appeared in it.

Even outside the retreat, you can get a glimpse of the truth.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit, who was sitting in distress, has now taken out the game console brought from that side of the technology world again. After seeing a vision coming from the retreat, he sat up straight.

Hong Yun let out a long sigh of relief. The purpose of his trip to travel the starry sky, and the purpose of participating in the road of battle, is to break through the level of the ancient sage.

That is to say, the saint in the starry sky, now that the goal is close at hand, there is not much worry in his heart.

After a while, he gradually became familiar with the rules passed from the ancient sacred fruit, Hong Yun raised his hand to hold it in his hand, and then suddenly swallowed it in his abdomen with his mouth open.

In a daze, behind him, there seemed to be the shadow of the fishing rod. If it was not there, it exuded a strange atmosphere of the law, as if it was helping Hong Yun to stabilize the power of the law around his body.

The red cloud spirit sank into it, vaguely glimpsing a starry sky.

In the starry sky, a bright star condenses on it, exuding an extremely brilliant light, it seems to be the only life planet in the starry sky.

He controlled his conscious body to approach the shining planet, and he sensed the vicissitudes of life from it from a distance.

The weird aura from this planet was almost the same as the prehistoric he was in.

The red cloud was suspended in the starry sky, looking silently at the huge planet in front of him, trying to explore his spiritual thoughts to see why.

But before he fully explored his divine mind, not far away, a dilapidated planet exuded a terrifying aura.

The aura from this dilapidated planet made Hong Yun feel a little familiar, as if he had felt it during the star promotion battle.

He thought about it carefully in his heart, and suddenly remembered the middle-aged man in the black dragon robe that appeared in the starry sky before.

There is his remnant aura on it, could it be that that person walked out of this planet.

Hong Yun controlled his consciousness to approach this ruined planet, far away, and he sensed the repelling power coming from above.

After a while, the surface of the red cloud hovering in the starry sky suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He could see faintly, there seemed to be a few familiar breaths on this star, and even familiar figures.

Hong Yun raised his hand and tapped lightly, and said softly, "Rewind time!"

When the voice fell, I saw that above the dilapidated star in front of me, time and scenes flowed backwards, as if re-interpreting everything that had happened here.

I saw a few familiar figures flashing away in that star.

Hong Yun couldn't help but frown, and the shadow of the fishing rod appeared behind him instantly, and a strange force of law spread from the fish tank and poured into his body.

In an instant, a series of special memories appeared in Hong Yun's mind.

"The world's seeds of interception..."

"The two similar worlds in the universe."

"Huge Gu worms are fighting each other!"

"Choose one of the strongest and embark on the mysterious road to leave the starry sky and sea."

"Who lays out in the universe? Who treats these stars as chess pieces? And who is playing this Fangfang Holy Land and the family in applause?"

Hong Yun's complexion was a bit ugly, but he didn't expect that he would find such Xin Mi when he set foot on the sage level of the starry sky.

Or in other words, someone deliberately placed these two worlds here as a stepping stone on their way to advancement.

If you don't swallow these two planets, I'm afraid that no matter how much you refine the ancient sage fruit, you will not be able to advance to the level of the starry sky saint.

Who on earth is secretly calculating with him?

Hong Yun frowned, looking at the dilapidated stars in front of him, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes.

Even if he can give up the hope of advancement, and wait until a similar flower and a similar person appear in the universe in the future, when he grows up, will he make the same choice as himself?

We cannot put our hopes in the hands of others, let alone put our own future and destiny in the hands of others to make choices.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun looked at the dilapidated stars in front of him, a touch of decisiveness flashed in his eyes!

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