I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 929: breakthrough

Looking at the ruined world in front of him, Hong Yun flickered outside the barriers of the world, raised his hand and gently shook it in front of him.

I saw the destruction world in front of me instantly collapsed, turning into a dust in the starry sky and sea, completely disappearing.

And not far from that ruined world, there is a world quietly suspended in the starry sky, and the world exudes the same aura as the prehistoric world.

This is the chess piece left in the overseas layout of the universe, and it is one of the Gu worms left by him.

He planted two identical worlds, and left two similar flowers in this universe, in order to compete for the strongest Gu King in the future.

The world where Hong Yun was, and the world in front of him were both selected by that person.

If nothing happens, the two worlds will collide with each other sooner or later in the future until one of the worlds is completely annihilated.

But now when Hong Yun broke through the ancient sage realm, he came to this universe by accident.

Even if it comes here with the power of the soul, it also has the means to destroy the stars, not to mention that in this star, even the battle power of the realm master level has not been possessed.

Hong Yun hovered outside the world, looking at the now-familiar prehistoric world, and shook his head helplessly.

He could clearly see those familiar faces in this star, those who looked like his friends.

Even the spirits and spirits are exactly the same, without the slightest strangeness.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that he had already seen the truth, I’m afraid he would now think that his soul had returned to the starry sky.

If it weren't for the star that he owned here, maybe he would have really forgotten it here.

The red cloud was quietly suspended in the starry sky, and the telomeres were outside the stars. He could clearly perceive that the heaven among the stars had already discovered him.

But even if it was discovered, he couldn't escape the palm of his hand after all.

The way of heaven in this world wants to abandon everyone in the world, escape here by himself, looking for a new star.

Hong Yun stepped forward, his appearance had already appeared in the sky above the stars, and all kinds of terrifying robbery clouds slowly gathered into a huge face.

The many powerful abilities below were shocked, all of them wanted to escape from here.

However, the entire star has been swept away by the red cloud, in the starry sky, and they have no special means to go to other starry sky, how could they be able to escape.

After a while, Hong Yun opened his mouth slightly, and the huge face within the stars also opened his mouth simultaneously, and then took a sudden breath.

The laws of the world, many creatures, everything is swallowed by it.

Including those familiar faces, those creatures like their own friends, were swallowed by them.

Since someone regards it as a gu worm, then as he wishes, he will completely swallow this star and turn it into his own legal power.

For a moment, everything within the entire star was silent, and all the creatures died tragically in an instant, turning into soul seeds, suspended in the body of the red cloud.

Looking at the densely packed Divine Soul Seeds, Hong Yun sighed lightly.

Then he put away these spirit seeds, all he had swallowed before was just the vitality and law of all the creatures within this star.

As for these spirits, after they return, they may be able to settle in the star where they are, and let them return again.

Instead, he wanted to see what countermeasures the people who lay out outside this cosmic sea had.

After the red cloud swallowed the vitality and the power of the law in the entire star, the huge star in front of him quickly withered and turned into particles of dust in the starry sky, and then completely drifted away.

In the next moment, Hong Yun took out the fishing rod he had obtained before and gently tossed it towards the distance.

I saw a horrible thread of law extending above the fishing rod, heading towards the depths of the starry sky with the fishing hook.

Just in the blink of an eye, it seemed to hook a creature somewhere.

Hong Yun chuckled, "Abandoning all the creatures in this star, don't you think you can really escape!"

After speaking, he raised the fishing rod gently, and the silk thread on it was quickly recovered.

Directly at the end of the fishhook, a manifested heavenly path emerged, and above the heavenly path, a figure that was indistinguishable from Hongjun was trapped by the law chain.

"Hong Jun" roared, "What else do you want to do? I have sacrificed this star to you, so why should I kill it all?!"

Hong Yun looked at "Hong Jun" in front of him, and a coldness appeared in his eyes. He could see clearly that there were traces of outsiders' layout in this person.

If it weren't for the rapid growth of his soul power, I am afraid it would be difficult to find the traces of this trace left.

This person wants to escape from this starry sky, probably just to find the second Gu worm. When the time comes, he will spend tens of thousands of epochs to cultivate a second Gu worm star.

For them, time is no longer useful, not to mention that even if the power of the years is terrifying, the people behind it will definitely help them through this disaster.

If he wanted to really break the game, how could he let this "Hong Jun" escape the starry sky.

Hong Yun said coldly: "The person who laid out left a trace on you..."

"Hong Jun" was taken aback for a moment, and then roared grimly: "Even if you can see the traces, what can you do? He is independent of the cosmic sea, and he holds a cosmic sea, thousands of stars, and many stars in his hands. , All in the palm of his hand, do you still want to escape from this person's control?"

Hongyun was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's not a bad idea."

"Hong Jun" was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said with a smile: "If you really are ignorant and fearless, even if you lose this star, in this cosmic sea, I don't know how many worms are still hidden. How many ordinary schedules can you solve and how many can you swallow?"

Hong Yun looked at the opponent's hideous face, couldn't help but chuckle, and then said: "You don't fight, you never know if it's impossible. If someone uses this layout, what can I do if I overturn this game?"

After speaking, he raised his hand and gently waved it to directly erase the figure of "Hong Jun" in front of him, leaving only a pure power of heaven in his bag.

Hong Yun raised his head, and in the deep starry sky above his head, a stalwart figure was looming, with a fishing rod in his hand, as if he was fishing.

In his body, all kinds of stars, the power of many stars, began to gather and breed slowly.

Outside the heavens, a stalwart figure identical to He Hongyun emerged.

In the retreat at this moment, the Moon Spirit Rabbit who was playing the game suddenly got up and said with excitement: "It's done, it's finally..."

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