I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 931: Human Emperor Grass

Wild planet.

Xuanyuantai was sitting on the broken chariot and looked at the sage Qingluan not far away with a look of disbelief.

It is absolutely impossible for him to admit his mistake with that ancient holy breath.

Isn't this the shame of Qingluan Holy Land?

According to the rumors, it took tens of thousands of years to cultivate to the level of the realm master.

Even when she embarked on the road of battle, she was only in the middle stage of the world leader.

The servants that Qingluan Holy Land prepared for her had reached the late stage or even the pinnacle realm of the realm master, just to protect her from this wild star.

How could this person be one step ahead of himself and achieve the level of the ancient sage?

Is it possible...

He suddenly remembered the red-robed Taoist who stole the ancient sage Daoguo before, and then looked at the sage Qingluan in front of him, and began to compare in his heart.

At this moment, Saintess Qingluan suddenly turned her head towards Xuanyuantai, her eyes filled with smiles.

Then he said: "Xiao Xuanyuan, are you sending a congratulatory gift to the ancient sage Xuanyuan family?"

Xuanyuantai's complexion was slightly cold, and then he said in a cold voice, "Did you leak out the thing about the Ancient Sage Daoguo? How did you know that I have the whereabouts of the Ancient Sage Daoguo?"

After hearing the words, the sage Qingluan shook her head and said: "You little fellow, don't put your hat on, be careful I sue you for slander!"


Saint Qingluan akimbo her waist and said: "Yes, the Taoist in red said that it is a price to slander others."

With that said, she looked at Xuanyuantai in front of her, and a hint of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Then he said, "But I don’t think you’re anything good anymore. It’s better to give me your unique treasure in Xuanyuan Holy Land, Human Emperor Grass. I know your identity, and I must carry a spare plant with me. of."

Xuanyuantai's complexion changed in an instant, and then angrily said: "Asshole! You dare to hit my man Huangcao's idea."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped directly on the ground by the sage of Qingluan.

Just listen to the sage Qingluan speaking with a sneer; pay attention to your identity, Xiao Xuanyuan, the ancient sage does not want to kill you now, otherwise even if you have the treasure of the Xuanyuan family and lose this physical body, you think you can still Can you compete with others?

There was a burst of blue and red on the Xuanyuan table, looking at the sage Qingluan floating in the air.

After gritted his teeth, he directly took out the human emperor grass that he had spared and threw it in the past.

This human emperor grass is an immortal grass cultivated exclusively by the Xuanyuan family. It is best used to consolidate cultivation and restore wounds.

It sounds a little inconspicuous.

But Human Emperor Grass can consolidate all cultivation bases under the Lord of Starry Sky and restore all the methods and rules under the Lord of Starry Sky.

The current Lord of the Starry Sky, every top aristocratic family or holy land will have a seat.

This kind of existence, ordinary does not appear in front of people at all.

This is a great thing to save your life.

Saint Qingluan took the human royal grass, smiled and nodded at Xuanyuantai, and then said, "This is only sensible."

Xuanyuantai let out a cold voice, then turned and left.

But before he left here, he saw Saint Qingluan directly kicked her foot, and instantly kicked Xuanyuantai away.

Looking at Xuanyuantai, which had already turned into a meteor and disappeared here.

The sage Qingluan nodded with satisfaction, and then muttered to herself: "If you receive a human emperor's grass, the ancient sage will send you compassionately, so that you can save some time. "

Immediately, Saintess Qingluan put away the human emperor grass in her hand, sensing the surging cultivation level in her body.

All the entourage who had scattered her summoned back.

Turning his gaze to the direction where Hong Yun was, he whispered: "That guy definitely still has a lot of good things in his hands. He has to grab them before he breaks through the realm of the ancient sage."

As soon as she said this, the servants around her nodded in agreement.

You must know that the current Saintess of Qingluan is at the level of the ancient sage, on this wild planet, the strength of all outsiders is the top.

Now it is about to be fully opened while taking advantage of the road.

Taking advantage of this last time, it is natural to prepare more things to grab the attention of those guys.

All the consequences are borne by her brother.

At that time, even if you and others are servants, you can get some more benefits.

Thinking of this, one by one suddenly became excited.

At this moment, in the middle of the air, a voice rang out: "Little guy, I heard you are going to find me and then **** me?"

The saint Qingluan couldn't help but shake her heart when she heard the words.

Then I thought that I had already broken through the realm of the ancient sage, and the timidity in my heart completely disappeared.

Just about to speak with his head upright.

I saw that in the void, Hong Yun and the others slowly walked out and came to Qingluan Saintess.

Sage Qingluan looked at Hongyun's strength, and was stunned. The surging cultivation base and rules were right for the ancient sage.

How did this red cloud break so fast?

She has the special method of Qingluan Holy Land in her hands, so she can break through the ancient sage level in advance.

Didn't this guy come from some remote starry sky?

How could I break through before myself.

As soon as a servant behind Saintess Qingluan wanted to speak, he felt a force of law spread directly to the vicinity of his head, sealing his mouth completely.

The sage Qingluan took out the human emperor grass she had snatched from Xuanyuantai, and said with a dogged smile: "Of course, I just grabbed a good treasure, and I can’t wait to repay the ancient sacred fruit. Kindness."

Hong Yun looked at the human emperor grass in the hands of Saint Lady Qingluan with some surprise, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

When the Moon Spirit Rabbit saw this, his eyes lit up and said, "Human Huangcao, I didn't expect you to have this kind of opportunity, I remember the secret of the Xuanyuan family at this time? Why did it appear to you? In your hands, is it possible that you grabbed the share of Xuanyuantai?"

Upon hearing this, the sage Qingluan raised her head proudly and said: "Of course, that cockroach saw this old sage, and didn't even dare to put one fart, so she directly took out the human king grass and gave it to me. ."

Hearing this, everyone's heart was full of sighs.

Sure enough, strength is a good thing, and the saint Qingluan who has always been regarded as the shame of the Qingluan holy land can grab things.

However, Xuanyuantai was still smart, able to bend and stretch, and it would become a big event in the future.

Without waiting for Hongyun to speak, the Moon Spirit Rabbit took the Human Emperor Grass and said: "This is a good thing. Maybe you can try to cultivate it. Back then, the old master wanted to grab an acre or two. There was an accident before the shot was taken, which is really regrettable."

Hearing Yueling Rabbit's mouth, everyone looked at it strangely, not knowing what to say.

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