I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 932: Leave

The sage Qingluan looked at the moonling rabbit muttering in front of her, and asked in surprise, "Can you cultivate Human Emperor Grass?"

Yueling Rabbit thoughtfully said: "You can try it. After all, this thing is really rare, and we didn't grab it back then."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help sighing.

What is this? That Xuanyuan family was also a human emperor family anyway, so how could it be possible for people to grab their treasure at the bottom of the box casually.

And listening to Yuelingtu's tone, it seemed quite regrettable.

Among the servants behind the sage Qingluan, there was a cultivator at the peak of the world master who looked quite old, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation when he looked at the moon spirit rabbit.

How could this rabbit look so familiar? He seemed to have seen it somewhere.

At this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the original center of the universe, countless great energies were suspended in the starry sky, and the sun, moon and stars gathered in the palm.

Not far in front of him was a powerful mysterious person, and behind that mysterious person was the most mysterious ancient starry road in the universe.

The man looked at the many Star Lords in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Why are you old people so stingy? Don't you just grab some treasures?"

"Besides, aren't all those treasures that you snatched back?"

"He has been chasing me until now."

Beside the mysterious person, a little rabbit hides at the mysterious person's feet, looking at the countless star lord on the opposite side.

One of the masters of the starry sky shouted coldly: "Asshole thing, you took my Xuanyuan family's supreme warrior, and you want to **** my Xuanyuan family's human emperor grass. It's really a sin worthy of death."

Not only him, but everyone said, "And the sacred fruit of Nirvana from the Holy Land of Qingluan."

"The Sungrass of my Shangyang Holy Land..."

"My Ten Thousand Dao Ancient Tea from the Desolate Ancient Holy Land..."

"And I have the Emperor Jing from Daganxian Dynasty..."

"My Daqin's... Yuxi!"


Hearing the angry accusations of the many stars in front of him, the mysterious man sighed faintly, and then slowly said: "It seems that today is doomed to be good."

He looked at the little rabbit at his feet, picked up two rabbit ears and stuffed it directly into a miniature palace.

Then he punched the starry sky in front of him, threw the palace over, smiled and said, "Little guy, goodbye!"

Then he looked at the many Star Lords in front of him.

The Lord of the Starry Sky on the opposite side is also full of vigilance. Although the guy on the opposite side is doing everything, but the strength is also superb.

Otherwise, they would not unite with so many masters of the starry sky to encircle and suppress.

At this moment, I saw the endless world emerging behind the mysterious person in front of me, and chains of avenues were rising in the sky, and the mouth was even more roaring: "Come on, have a good fight!"

Behind the masters of the stars, a female ancient sage looked at the mysterious person in the distance, her eyes full of sadness.

Just when everyone thought that a big battle was coming, they suddenly found that the scene before them was shattered.

I only heard the mysterious man laughing boldly: "When I return from this ancient road in the starry sky, I will wait for Yuer to have a good time!"

After speaking, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he directly set foot on the ancient starry sky.

This is the most mysterious and dangerous starry road in the universe.

For a moment, all the masters of the starry sky were stunned on the spot, looking at the back of the mysterious people who had disappeared, and roaring up to the sky.

I was fooled again!

Being fooled by this **** thing again, all their treasures can't be tracked back.

Damn it!

Damn it!

On the wild planet.

The servant shook his head abruptly, and he recovered, looking at the Moon Spirit Rabbit not far away in disbelief.

As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw two red lights bursting out of Yueling Rabbit's eyes, which flashed away, no one could notice.

The servant's mind was blank for a moment, and when he came back to his senses again, he found that he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he seemed to forget again. This feeling made him quite weird.

At this moment, the sage Qingluan even got close to Yueling Rabbit and said flatteringly: "Wait for you to cultivate this human emperor grass, it is better for us to cooperate! Sell it to the heavens and ten thousand realms, how about dividing it into eighty-two? !"

Yue Lingtu glanced at her, then shook her head and said, "At most nine one."

"Nine-one?" A look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the sage Qingluan, but then she said with great spirits: "Nine-one is also good, then that's the deal."

Yue Lingtu glanced at her, and then said: "Then you wait for 30 million years!"

Saint Qingluan sighed.

Hong Yun watched the conversation between the two, patted the head of Yueling Rabbit, and finally said, "Since this matter has been resolved, let's wait for the exit to open and leave this world together!"

Yuelingtu nodded slightly, and then everyone looked in the direction of the entrance not far away.

I don't know how long it took, a huge black hole appeared in front of everyone.

At the moment this black hole appeared, an unknown number of cultivators rose up in the air and galloped towards the black hole.

Most of them are in ragged clothes, as if they have experienced a lot of fierce battles.

Some people even shouted: "Xuanyuantai, starting today, I can't stop waiting!"

Below the crowd, Xuanyuantai sat on the chariot, looked at the person who had spoken before, couldn't help but sneered, and said, "This seat is waiting for you!"

After being robbed of Human Emperor Grass by the Saintess of Qingluan that day, this guy began to look for those monks whose cultivation was not as good as his, and took the opportunity.

Now I have robbed a lot of good things, although it is not as good as the human king grass, but it is barely able to stop the loss.

And that Qin Wuzheng even left in the direction of the black hole among the crowd.

Before Xuanyuantai left, he even glanced in the direction of Saintess Qingluan, and then walked directly into the black hole with a cold snort.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun smiled and said, "It seems that you have offended many people again."

Saint Qingluan waved her hand indifferently and said: "As long as we are not exposed, the ancient sage is fearless."

Their cooperation has really offended too many people, and there are many forces behind it, and it is far from being solved by one or two sons.

As long as the matter between her and Hongyun is not exposed, her actions during this period alone will not arouse public anger.

Hong Yun chuckled when he heard the words, and then flew directly in the direction of the black hole.

Qingluan Gusheng and others followed closely.

Before everyone completely stepped into the black hole, they heard a tragic cry for help and a terrifying aftermath of the explosion, as if they were experiencing some terrifying battle.

Lunar Rabbit's eyes shrank instantly...

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