I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 933: Bone Giant Interception

Before the black hole, everyone was suspended in the void.

A strange color appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and when he looked at the huge black hole in front of him, a touch of doubt suddenly rose in his heart.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit next to him said thoughtfully: "Could it be that the bone giant before him is still on the road to fight for battle."

The saint Qingluan and the servants behind her shuddered upon hearing the words, and the whole person was a little ill.

Before entering this savage world, how fierce the bone giant was..., they all saw it.

If the other party is really stuck on the road to the stars, stay at the intersection where they left.

That's really troublesome!

And before they came, they all noticed faintly that a touch of flesh and blood appeared in the giant white bone.

Now he was guarding outside this black hole, waiting for everyone to leave the wild world.

I don’t know how many people have been killed, how much flesh and blood have been swallowed, how are they recovering now...

Hong Yun looked at the people with some ugly expressions, and couldn't help but smile: "I will go out sooner or later, what are you afraid of?"

After speaking, he stepped into the huge black hole in front of him.

As soon as they embarked on the road to battle, everyone felt a rush of killing air!

On the huge road to fight for battle, the giant of the bones became a guard, and directly blocked everyone's path to death.

And in his hands, there are still two cultivators' corpses, and at this moment they are slowly devouring the flesh and blood and laws in these cultivators.

As for the giant white bones, the growth of flesh and blood became more and more apparent.

Yue Lingtu said with a vigilant look: "This guy's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it's even close to the peak of the ancient sage!"

The peak of the ancient sage?

Everyone in the field shuddered in their hearts when they heard what Yueling Rabbit said, looking at the figure of the giant white bone not far away, their faces were full of horror.

Even at the ancient sage level, they couldn't compete with it, let alone the current peak of the ancient sage.

Hong Yun focused on Qin Wuzheng, Xuanyuantai and others who were fighting against the white bone giant.

The bone giant had already sealed their way, and the only way to leave this battle for battle was to get rid of the bone giant.

But in their opinion, the strength of this white-bone giant is extraordinary, even if these incomparable saints and saints join forces, they can only barely contend with it.

If they hadn't had their own sacred land or the back hand left by the family, I am afraid that they would not have the capital to contend with the giants of bones.

Behind the sage of Qingluan, one of the servants cautiously said: "My lord, now that you have broken through the level of the ancient sage, you may be able to overcome it. If you can capture this giant white bone and bring it back to the Holy Land. , Even if you compete with your brother for the position of the next holy lord, it’s okay!"

When the other servants heard the words, their eyes lit up, and they all turned to look at the Saint Qingluan in front of them.

After hearing the words, the sage Qingluan looked at the servant who had spoken without a smile, and said in a self-confidently gentle words: "Why should I compete with my brother for the position of the Holy Lord? It is ridiculous. I will not take action. Just to give these juniors some experience capital..."

In his heart, he can't wait to get rid of the servant who opened his mouth.

I just stepped into the ancient sage level, and I couldn't even beat the wicked man in red next to him, and wanted to capture the bone giant.

Do you want this saint to die on this road of battle?

It is really damnable!

Hong Yun turned his head and glanced at Saint Qingluan, naturally knowing what the other party was thinking.

He looked at the white bone giant who was slaughtering the monk from a distance, and sighed slightly: "You can't let him go on like this anymore. The more people who die, the stronger his strength."

As the voice fell, Hong Yun's sharp-killing spear emerged, and a long sword volleyed above his head, slashing directly at the head of the white giant.

Falling directly on a road to fight for the front, the vast sword light soared into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it landed on the head of the giant white bone and burst into endless roar.

And the many saints and saints who were fighting against the white bone giant became vigilant in their hearts after being aware of this situation.

This power has already surpassed the level of the realm master, is it possible that someone in the wild world has broken through and stepped into the level of the ancient sage?

Turning their heads one by one, I saw red clouds not far away.

When Xuanyuantai saw this, his eyes instantly narrowed, and his heart felt like a stormy sea.

Originally, he thought that Saint Qingluan could step into the level of the ancient sage, it must be because of the existence of Saintess Qingluan behind.

So even though there were so many weird things, he didn't continue to think about it.

But now this little monk from a remote starry sky can also step into the ancient sage level in the wild world, how is this possible?

Suddenly, he thought of the few ancient sacred fruits that had disappeared.

Then he looked in front of the black hole.

Among the crowd, He Yue Lingtu and the others stood together, the Saintess of Qingluan who was very conspicuous.

Xuanyuantai was extremely angry, and he had roughly guessed what had happened back then.

It must be this sage girl in Qingluan and the Taoist man in red who have joined forces to steal the ancient sage Tao fruit before they can completely step into the stock market level.

These two people are really terrible!

On the contrary, it was Qin Wuzheng who was confronting the white bone giant. After seeing the red cloud at the level of the ancient sage, although there was a look of surprise in his eyes, he then said: "Congratulations, fellow Daoist stepping into the level of the ancient sage!"

After all, in his opinion, people who can be favored by Yunyan Old Sage, even if they come from a remote starry sky, must have something extraordinary.

Now it seems that his original idea is correct, and a good relationship can be regarded as an extra network.

Hongyun smiled and nodded, and then said: "Everyone! If you don't make any more moves and let the giants of bones slaughter them down, then it might not be impossible to break through and step into the peak of the ancient sage, or even the level of the sage in the starry sky. I will die at that time. Here."

"I won't make a move at this moment, but when will I wait!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were stunned, and there was no more dispute or hatred between each other, and they all went to the bones to fight.

After all, there were so many monks in the field, and sooner or later it would be their turn after the group of people in front died.

And the biggest black hole behind them was the moment they came out, which meant that they couldn't return again.

Even if they wanted to return to that wild world, it was already impossible.

Only if you bite the bullet and join hands with everyone to slay the bone giant here can they have a ray of life.

Xuanyuantai was also restraining his mind at this moment, leaving behind what had just been in his mind, and then rushed towards the giant white bones again.

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