I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 938: Ready to return

Seeing Hong Yun in front of her put away the chaotic light, Saintess Qingluan turned her head to look at the Lord of Yunyan.

She didn't understand why the aunt, who had been searching for her uncle's trail, had such an expression after hearing the news of her death.

Even if there is no grief, you shouldn't seem to care as much as before.

Is it possible that the delay for so long before is fake?

Just when the sage Qingluan was puzzled, she only heard the Lord of Yunyan say: "My brother, I understand, he should not be dead, although I don't know why he should hide, but I know that he is alive and it is enough. …"

Hearing this, Hong Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

He didn't know why the Lord of Yunyan discovered this, he thought he hadn't made any mistakes.

Even Qingluan Saintess looked at Hongyun with a look of disbelief.

After a while, Hong Yun pointed at the Lord of Yunyan and said, "Congratulations, Lord of Yunyan."

The Lord of Yunyan smiled, and then looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit beside Hongyun, his eyes full of remembrance: "I didn't expect that he really succeeded. Sending you out in the past is still a bit of life. "

Hearing this, Yueling Rabbit's eyes were full of sadness.

Hong Yun indeed glanced at the two strangely, as if there was some story between them.

At this moment, the Lord of Yunyan suddenly looked towards a place of chaos, his eyes were full of smiles, and his mouth murmured: "Hunboy, even my sister dare to lie!"

Above this ancient star, at the edge of the starry sky, a familiar appearance fell out of the chaos.

A little embarrassed scratched his head, then bowed his hand in the direction of the Lord of Yunyan, and then fled out hastily.

While running away, he mumbled: "My sister stepped into the master of the starry sky, it is more terrifying than before..."

Hong Yun seemed to feel something in his heart, following the gaze of the master of Yunyan, there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

He always felt that in the starry sky not far away, there seemed to be a familiar aura getting farther and farther away.

Just listen to the Lord of Yunyan continuing to speak: "During this period, you can practice quietly in the valley star, and no one can disturb you. If you have any doubts on the path of practice, you can come and ask me."

Saint Qingluan said sourly: "My aunt is so kind to them."

The Lord of Yunyan glanced at her weirdly, and then said: "Don't worry, I will treat you better next time. You don't want to go back to the Qingluan Holy Land during this period. Just stay here and practice with peace of mind. It will help you thoroughly stabilize your foundation, it will not be worse than in the Holy Land, it will only be stronger!"

After hearing this, Saint Qingluan seemed to recall something, her eyes showed a panic, and she waved her hand again and again and said, "Aunt, no, I think my strength is enough."

The Lord of Yunyan straightly pinched the neck of the Saintess Qingluan, and then walked towards the direction of his retreat.

As he walked, he said, "It’s time to restore the image for such a long time as the shame of the Saintess of Qingluan..."

No matter how the Saintess Qingluan struggles, she still can't escape.

After the Lord of Yunyan left, Hongyun and others reappeared above the ancient and modern. He inadvertently looked around, only to see a hidden aura, seeming to be staring at them.

Hong Yun walked on the street, turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side, and asked, "There seems to be some relationship between you?"

Yueling Rabbit scratched his head and smiled: "If there were no accidents, maybe I should call her master mother!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan and others showed a touch of shock on their faces.

They didn't expect that the last owner of Moon Spirit Rabbit was like this...

Even the Ancient Sage Yunyan can soak in his hands, it's really a bit tough!

And now that Ancient Sage Yunyan has stepped into the master of the starry sky, he has the power to protect himself in this world, and even has arrogant capital.

Moonling Rabbit has such a relationship, wouldn't it be necessary to walk sideways in the future?

Just listen to Yueling Rabbit continuing to speak: "But having said that, I don’t know if my previous master was dead. The news that he died."

Hong Yun nodded in agreement, he didn't believe it, just like how such talented people would die on the road.

Even if that road is the road out of the stars here.

The crowd came to the retreat that the Lord of Yunyan arranged for them, and after they walked into it, the prying figures all around disappeared.

Yue Lingtu said: "Master, we are still being watched, but I don't know if they are staring at those two bones or something else."

Qin Yuan said in disbelief: "Now that the master has broken through the position of the ancient sage, how can those people dare to provoke such an existence?"

Yue Lingtu smiled and said: "There is no shortage of ancient sages among these holy places! Even the ancient sages are full of differences. A Tianjiao who has just entered the level of ancient sages is even comparable to an old-fashioned ancient sage."

"Furthermore, there are quite a few people who have come back alive after embarking on the road of fighting, but the only one who can successfully step into the realm of the ancient sage is the sage Qingluan besides the master."

"But she has the blessing of the Lord of Yunyan, and no one dares to provoke him, so there are some secrets that can only be learned from the mouth of the master."

Hearing this, everyone's faces also showed a touch of helplessness.

This is the benefit of having a background.

But it's okay now, at least that group of people dare not explicitly target them unless they leave this ancient star and leave the shelter of the Lord of Yunyan.

Otherwise, their safety issues don't need to be considered at all.

Hong Yun rose slightly, and then said: "But we can't stay here for too long. Now that the road to battle is over, we should go back too!"

Qin Yuan said with some worry: "If we go back in the near future, I'm afraid we will encounter those people besieged and killed in the starry sky."

Hongyun smiled upon hearing the words: "After my cultivation base is consolidated, I can return later, not to mention at least in this starry sky, those people dare not do anything."

After hearing Hongyun's words, several people nodded slightly, and then left.

Hong Yun sat cross-legged in the retreat, and began to consolidate his cultivation in the retreat.

At this moment, the sage Qingluan was brought to the tower where she was by the Lord of Yunyan. This was where the Lord of Yunyan would rest and practice on weekdays.

Saint Qingluan said a little aggrieved: "Auntie, I am also an ancient sage anyway, how can you walk with my neck as before? If someone else sees me, my ancient sage is majestic. Wouldn't it be sweeping? ?"

The Lord of Yunyan glanced at her disdainfully, and then said: "An ancient sage in a mere trivial amount, how can you talk about majesty!"

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