I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 939: The origin of the giants of bones

Among the towers.

When Saintess Qingluan heard the words of the Lord of Yunyan, she couldn't help showing a touch of grievance, and then she said, "My brother has not yet achieved the ancient sage. I have already reached the level of the ancient sage one step ahead of him..."

Hearing this, the Lord of Yunyan couldn't help but sneered, and then said: "That's because your brother has been consolidating his foundation and wants to take the strongest path. If he steps into the level of the ancient sage, he can instantly crush you. "

Saintess Qingluan could not help but sighed when she heard the words, and then said: "His qualifications are better than mine."

The Lord of Yunyan said, "Even if his aptitude is better than you, it doesn't hurt too much. It's just that you are too lazy on weekdays, so you will be like you are now."

In an instant, Saint Qingluan no longer spoke, she could only obey the Lord Yunyan's arrangements as if she had accepted her fate.

And above the ancient stars at this moment, those great abilities from various sacred places and aristocratic families: all of them are secretly watching where Zheng Hongyun and others are.

In their opinion, there must be a secret in this red cloud.

And from the words of their saint sons who came back on the way of fighting, this Hongyun seemed to still have the two leg bones and soul fire on the mysterious white bone in his hands.

This is extremely mysterious to them, and it is about the future road, how can they let it go.

It's just that in the starry sky where the Lord of Yunyan is, they can't grab it.

After all, at the stage of the ancient sage level, the Lord of Yunyan was hailed as the first person under the Lord of the Starry Sky, and he could even have a few tricks against some weaker Lords of the Starry Sky.

Now that he has entered the level of the master of the starry sky, his strength is bound to be different from the past, and it should be the uppermost among the masters of the starry sky among the heavens and worlds.

Now they can only closely monitor the movements of Hongyun and others, and wait until they leave the starry sky where the Lord of Yunyan is, before making a decision.

And in the retreat at this moment.

Hong Yun looked at the mysterious treasure surrounded by chaos that the Lord of Yunyan in front of him had sent him, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Then he raised his hand and tapped lightly, and immediately absorbed the chaotic air.

Including the treasure in it, it suddenly appeared in its original form.

It turned out to be the remaining missing part of the small black tower. At this moment, surrounded by the air of chaos, faintly exuding a series of extremely terrifying rules.

A look of surprise appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and the small tower also got out of his body, circling Hong Yun excitedly.

He glanced at the broken little tower in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Originally, he thought the incomplete parts of this small tower were extremely difficult to find, but he did not expect to get the incomplete parts of this small tower by mistake.

He raised his hand and lightly clicked, and the small tower and the broken parts in front of him instantly closed.

Then a series of rules lingered out of it, and instantly enveloped the entire small tower.

I don't know how long it took. After the endless rules faded, the small tower in front of Hong Yun's eyes had also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The small tower, which was originally incomplete, appeared before standing up, nine inches tall, ninety-nine stories above and below.

Every layer exudes an aura of incomparable horror, and the prohibition in it has already been completely transparent under the refining of Hongyun.

A smile appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, he could perceive the change of the small tower in front of him, and he was gradually walking in a very strange direction somewhere.

Now the ability of the small tower is far beyond the past, it can freely shuttle through the stars, even the universe...

The little tower was spinning around Hong Yun with excitement, seemingly very excited.

Hong Yun patted the small tower in front of him, then took out the soul fire from the bone giant before, and looked at the terrifying soul fire that was beating in front of him.

After he meditated for a while, he began to spy out with the power of the soul.

Around his divine and soul power, there are rules surrounding and sheltering from the small tower, allowing his divine and soul power to be perfectly contained in the soul fire.

In a daze, Hongyun appeared in a top sacred place.

He seems to have brought the life experience of the soul fire before him. In this top holy land, he is the holy son of the holy land.

The strength runs through the world, and the qualifications are unprecedented.

Until one day, he ran into a gangster from the edge of the universe, followed by a dead rabbit, mumbling about kicking the pavilion.

Then the family holy land and the family fought over.

Every sacred place or aristocratic family that was kicked out by him, his son was close to defeat.

The most bizarre thing is that after these saints were defeated, there was a strange treasure missing in the holy ground behind them or in the aristocratic family.

Everyone put their suspicions on the **** right now.

But allowing them to search secretly, their lost treasures appeared in the depths of the universe, or even escaped from the universe.

In desperation, everyone had no reason to capture him, so he could only let him kick the hall again.

And above an ancient star, the little **** brought a dead rabbit and ran into a woman known as "Ancient Sage Yunyan".

And only this ancient sage Yunyan can make a tie with the gangster.

But after several battles, this person's progress was visible to the naked eye. After the ninety-ninth battle, Ancient Sage Yunyan was defeated.

That servant even chooses a family or holy place again to continue playing in the pavilion.

It's just that this time, besides the dead rabbit beside him, there was another ancient sage.

Several people kicked the hall all the way and fought all the way, all the way to the huge forces in the depths of the universe.

And this person also stepped into the master level of the starry sky within a short period of time.

All the huge forces in the depths of the universe united and sent the Lord of the Starry Sky to strangle the damned treasure thief.

The giants of bones are naturally among them.

It's just that under the joint siege of the many masters of the starry sky, the treasure thief became more and more courageous, and even killed many masters of the starry sky.

It wasn't until those hidden powers appeared that they were pushed back to the edge of that mysterious starry sky and ancient road.

In desperation, the little **** threw the Moon Spirit Rabbit and his palace into the black hole, while he stepped onto the ancient starry sky.

As for the ancient sage Yunyan next to him, he is under the protection of his own forces and has not been involved in any way.

In order to regain the treasures of his own power, the giant white bones chased into the ancient starry sky road together, and he chased into it together with the master of the starry sky of many forces.

But these people have never come back since they set foot on the ancient road of stars.

And the memory of this group of soul fire stopped abruptly after the bone giant stepped onto the ancient road of the starry sky.

Hong Yun separated from the soul fire, and that terrifying figure appeared in front of her eyes.

It seemed that the last owner of Moon Spirit Rabbit was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

The master of the starry sky who can fight against many sacred places and aristocratic families with his own strength, if he is not forced to set foot on the ancient starry sky road, I am afraid he should be the strongest person in the universe.

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