I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 940: Leave

Hong Yun looked at the fading soul fire in front of him, shook his head slightly, and then put it away directly.

Around him, the small black tower kept surrounding with excitement.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, raised his hand lightly, then put it away, and walked directly out of the retreat.

In the retreat, Yueling Rabbit and the others gathered together with ugly faces, looked at the red clouds that came out, and said: "Master, there are many ancient sage-level existences waiting outside the starry sky. If we want to go out, I am afraid it will be a little difficult. It's done!"

Hong Yun raised his eyes and looked into the starry sky, only to see a terrifying figure floating on the edge of the starry sky.

He nodded slightly, then smiled and said, "It's okay! I have found a way to leave."

After speaking, he led the crowd to levitate over the ancient star, arched his hands in the direction where the Lord of Yunyan was, and then headed into the starry sky.

The Lord of Yunyan, who was training the Saintess of Qingluan in the high tower, saw Hongyun look like this, and knew in his heart that they were leaving this world.

The Lord of Yunyan raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky, then raised his hand and gently tapped at the edge of the starry sky. Many ancient sage beings flew out directly, and even left the starry sky.

The Lord of the Stars roared, "Master of Yunyan, don't deceive people too much!"

The Lord of Yunyan sneered and said: "Which green onion you are, you dare to talk to this seat like this, believe it or not, I will destroy you a holy place!"

Hearing the words, the lord of the starry sky stopped speaking instantly.

They all know something about the Lord of Yunyan. In their eyes, the Lord of Yunyan is a lunatic, a lunatic who is thorough and extremely powerful.

Although the opponent is only the first to enter the realm of the starry sky, but the combat power is not much weaker than those top existences, and it does have the strength to destroy a party's holy land.

The Lord of Yunyan said, "In this starry sky, I will protect them..."

Hearing what the Lord of Yunyan said, many of the Lords of the Starry Sky, as well as the existence of the Old Sage level, retreated to the outside of the starry sky, and directly withdrew from the starry sky here.

But they didn't leave too far, guarding at the nodes of the teleportation array, Hong Yun and others could not escape.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the face of the red cloud. In his opinion, it was not easy for the other party to be able to do what it is now.

Yueling Rabbit said worriedly: "That said, but the nodes of the teleportation array in the starry sky have been controlled by these people. It may be difficult for us to leave the center of the universe!"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "No need to worry so much!"

After speaking, he put the people around him into his own space, leaving only the Moon Spirit Rabbit to stay outside.

Speaking of which, in addition to his own cultivation base and the many magic weapons he has gained, the biggest gain on the road of fighting turned out to be the servants of this group of world masters at the peak level.

With the existence of these people, I am afraid that above the star under my control is the strongest star in the world.

Yuelingtu looked at the master beside her with some puzzledness, and couldn't help but asked loudly: "How does the master want to leave the starry sky before?"

As soon as the voice fell, a small tower appeared around Hong Yun's body.

A look of surprise appeared in Yueling Rabbit's eyes, and then a little shocked: "When did he complete it?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "The treasure that the Lord of Yunyan gave me is exactly the incomplete part of this small tower. Now we want to get away, we must use this small tower."

Upon hearing the words, the small tower exuded waves of excitement.

There was also a smile in Yueling Rabbit's eyes. She naturally knew that the power of this small tower was terrifying before it was completed.

It has been completely consummated now, I am afraid its power is far beyond the past.

At this moment, I just listened to Hong Yun opening and saying: "But before I leave, I have to test it out. How is my cultivation level now?!"

After speaking, the Killing Spear suddenly appeared in his hand, and then rushed towards an ancient sage not far away.

Looking at the Lord of Yunyan from above the ancient star, he couldn't help sighing after seeing Hongyun behaving like this.

It seems that she still needs to think of another way to rescue these little guys.

And the group of ancient sages opposite Hongyun, after seeing the galloping Hongyun, not only did not have the slightest sense of fear, but also flashed a sneer.

Just listen to one of them and say: "Among those mortal people, shouldn't this be called Gou Ji jump over the wall? He doesn't really think he can break through the siege!"

Someone laughed and said: "Behind me are all guards of the master of the starry sky. Even if he can break through the siege of mine, he will not be able to escape the starry sky!"

At this moment, one of the ancient sages rushed towards Hongyun excitedly with a weapon in his hand.

This is a great feat for him!

A smile appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and the two confronted each other, erupting horrible fluctuations.

After a while, I saw the old sage full of confidence, his body withered, and even his soul was shattered in an instant.

Hongyun sighed slightly, and then helplessly said: "It seems that this is already the limit..."

He was able to figure it out. With his current strength, it should be equivalent to those terrifying arrogances, and at most he could only be fierce before a few ancient sages.

If he reached the level of the master of the starry sky, he might be very difficult to resist a move.

Not far away, the lord of the starry sky was furious, and said, "Capture this life!"

In an instant, countless ancient sage-level powers rushed towards Hongyun one after another.

There were waves of strange fluctuations from the small tower, and a black vortex instantly formed behind Hong Yun.

Hong Yun put away the sharp spear, then took out the fishing rod-shaped magic weapon he had obtained before, and directly stepped back into the black whirlpool together with the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Just when the black vortex was about to close, a fish hook spread from it, and an ancient sage-level existence was **** with the fishing line and pulled directly into the black vortex.

There is the Lord of the Starry Sky that can't help but directly shoot, but when he shoots, the black vortex has long since disappeared.

Countless masters of the starry sky were furious. They probably never dreamed that they would let this person escape under their tight surroundings.

You know, they have already banned several pieces of starry sky, even if it is the existence of the master of the starry sky, it is impossible to escape from their encirclement silently.

What kind of treasure is that little black tower, it is so terrifying.

The Lord of Yunyan in the tower also showed a look of surprise in his eyes, and then smiled and said: "It seems that this little guy has better luck than him..."

After speaking, the sage Qingluan on the side interrupted and said, "Aunt, why are you absent-minded? What happened outside?"

The Lord of Yunyan slapped him with a slap, allowing him to cultivate well in the tower.

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