I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 941: Xuanming Old Sage

In a starry sky at the edge of the universe, Hongyun and others appeared here.

Looking at the unfamiliar starry sky around, the face of Moon Spirit Rabbit showed a touch of shock.

Although she had known that the power of the small tower had increased greatly, she had never thought that the small tower could span several star fields.

Originally, she thought in her heart that she could escape the imprisonment of those starry sky masters.

I didn't expect to be here.

And around Hong Yun's body, Qin Yuan and others who had been put away by him before also appeared here.

Everyone first looked around with a vigilant face.

Then he was completely relieved.

At this moment, Qin Yuan pointed to the ancient sage superpower who was **** by the fishing line beside Hong Yun, and said with a shocked expression: "This guy, how come you can keep up."

Yue Lingtu said with a look of disgust: "It's not that he followed, it was the master who caught him."

The level of the ancient sage who was tied up, after hearing the people speak, looked at the strange starry sky all around with a stupefied expression.

And the behind said with an ugly look: "Quickly let go of this seat, or wait for the ancestors of our clan to find the traces, and you will not be able to escape even one of them."

Hong Yun looked at him with a weird expression, and then said: "You didn't intend to let me go. Now that you speak like this, you are lying to a fool."

Afterwards, Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly tapped the body of the small tower.

I saw that the little tower followed the ancient saint's body for two turns, and a ray of light flashed above the tower, directly erasing all traces of the ancient saint's body.

The captured Old Sage Pinnacle cultivator looked very ugly after hearing Hong Yun's words.

He could perceive that the place he was now was far away from the encirclement of the Lord of the Starry Sky, although he did not know how Hongyun and others did it.

But now it can only prove that he really has no foreign aid.

It is almost impossible to wait for the Lord of the Starry Sky to come and rescue him.

They looked at Hongyun with ugly expressions, and said, "I am willing to trade my entire net worth for my life!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Killing you, or even enslaving you, these things are still mine, why should I let you go and leave me trouble?"

The man was taken aback when he heard the words, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I know of an abandoned starry sky, where the breath of the avenue remains."

The Moon Lingtu on the side smiled and said, "Since you have come here, don't plan to go back alive. Do you think we are the kind of fools you imagined?"

Ancient Sage Xuanming sighed, and then said: "I just want to save my life!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun raised his hand and pointed at Xuanming Ancient Sage's eyebrows, planting cause and effect in his soul, which was equivalent to enslaving him.

Then I heard Old Sage Xuanming tell the landmark of the abandoned universe he knew.

After speaking, the ancient sage Xuanming sighed leisurely, and it was inevitable that there was a sense of gap in his heart.

Qin Yuan on the side stepped forward and said comfortingly: "Although your cultivation base is far surpassing me, but now you are here, then you will be at ease, don't think too much!"

He has a thorough view of this kind of person, and the more advanced one's practice, the more he values ​​his own life.

How can a person who has cultivated to such a realm willing to die willingly?

Even if they were enslaved, they would have to survive desperately.

This is also the reason why Xuanming Old Sage Society decided to surrender when he knew that Hongyun could not be threatened.

It's just that he looked at Qin Yuan, who was comforting him by his side, and felt sad for a while. When did he fall to the point of being comforted by the pinnacle of a realm lord...

After seeing the expression on the face of Xuanming Ancient Sage, Qin Yuan felt a little helpless.

He knows this feeling best, and I am afraid it will take some time before he can get over it.

After he slows down, he should also understand that it is actually not a bad thing to follow his own master. After all, Hong Yun's current strength, even if it is placed in the heavens, is considered the top existence.

Following him is not considered buried, looking at tens of thousands of eras.

Who can escape to the sky under the encirclement and suppression of so many masters of the starry sky?

Isn't this the only one!

Hong Yun looked at the few people in front of him, and then released the spacecraft that had been stored in his own space.

When everyone entered the spaceship, the captain drove slowly towards the target.

Compared to their speed, this spacecraft is quite slow, but it can also give them peace of mind to rest for a period of time.

After all, for them, time has long been meaningless.

Everyone followed the spaceship and wandered among the many stars. I don't know how long it took before they finally saw the abandoned starry sky.

The red cloud was suspended in the starry sky, looking at everything that appeared in front of him, raised his hand and gently grabbed it in the midair.

Seeing the law of endless avenues emerged, it instantly converged into a circle in his hands.

Seeing this, the ancient sage Xuan Ming showed a shocking expression on his face.

Although he knew Hongyun's strength was strong, he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong. The existence of this level is probably only slightly weaker than those of the masters of the starry sky!

After converging this realm avenue, Hong Yun scanned the entire starry sky, wanting to see if there were any survivors in this starry sky.

But after a while, he was somewhat disappointed to withdraw his mind.

Because in this dilapidated starry sky, there are no practitioners, let alone survivors, and even some traces of vitality have been completely erased.

Hong Yun sighed leisurely, and then said: "It seems that there is no other effect here."

After speaking, he took everyone back to the spacecraft.

After everyone went back, Old Sage Xuanming looked at Hongyun, and then hesitated and said: "Before, what was the origin of the fishing rod you captured me?"

He has always wanted to ask this question, but he hasn't asked it until now.

Ordinary magic weapons do not have much effect on an ancient sage.

What's more, Hong Yun didn't even use a three-point force, so he easily captured him back, enough to see the terrifying part of the Lingbao.

Even the master of the starry sky failed to react.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't know..."

This is true, because he really doesn't know what magic weapon that dried fish is, it was obtained from a site of a spiritual power.

He originally only wanted to use the ancient sage Xuanming to test the spirit treasure, but he didn't expect this magic weapon to be so terrifying.

It is really amazing to directly capture the ancient sage Xuanming back alive!

The ancient sage Xuanming was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head with a wry smile, and then stopped asking.

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