I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 942: Return

In the endless starry sky, a spaceship shuttles in the starry sky, walking among countless stars, and constantly passing by.

Inside that spaceship, it was Hong Yun and others.

Ancient Sage Xuanming looked around with some curiosity, and then sighed: "I didn't expect these mortals to practice poorly. There are many good things about these strange things."

Moonling Rabbit sat aside playing the game and said with a smile: "Not only that! These mortals are quite enjoyable. The most powerful weapon among them is even comparable to the level of the Golden Immortal Da Luo."

The ancient sage Xuanming was full of sorrow when he heard the words, but he did not expect that this group of mortals without magic power could achieve such a degree.

For example, this spaceship now, instead of walking through the stars in their place, makes them much easier.

I don't know how long it took, everyone came to a teleportation point.

Qin Yuan went down to activate the teleportation array, and the entire spaceship instantly disappeared in place and came to the other universe.

Everyone walked all the way, towards the prehistoric universe.

I don't know how long it took, everyone came to an extremely unfamiliar universe, and saw a slightly dilapidated scene around them, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the silent and dilapidated stars, and couldn't help but be surprised: "This universe is a bit weird, as if it was eaten by someone."

In an instant, everyone appeared in the universe, and looking at the vast scenery in front of them, they were all a little shocked.

Even the old sage Xuanming, who has always been knowledgeable, couldn't help but be amazed, and then said: "I didn't expect that there really is such a ruthless person, in order to step into the next realm, and forcibly devour a universe!"

"If the swallowing fails, I am afraid it will be completely dead. This kind of existence can be described as a life of nine deaths!"

Hong Yun also looked at the universe in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Feeling the familiar breath around him, he didn't know what he was thinking.

This universe was when he broke through, the universe where the soul was located, was specially set up here by that person for the purpose of raising Gu.

When they came, they had never been to this universe.

Why did he pass by here when he returned? There must be someone secretly calculating them behind him, but he didn't even know.

How terrible is the person behind this? Which might be hiding behind!

This kind of existence is definitely not like something that can be cultivated in this universe...

It is definitely an existence other than the Lord of the Starry Sky.

Hong Yun's expression was a little gloomy, and then he said, "Keep on playing and ignore these ruined universes!"

Hearing this, everyone appeared in the spaceship again, then stepped onto the teleportation array, and disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

Everyone rushed all the way to the starry sky where the prehistoric world was. After thousands of years, they finally came to the starry sky where the prehistoric world was.

Hong Yun sent the Moon Spirit Rabbit and the others back to the ancient star where he was, and then he went to the precipice.

As soon as he arrived in the prehistoric land, Tiandao felt a little bit.

Tiandao's huge eyes were opened above Honghuang, looking at the red clouds below, there seemed to be something strange in his eyes.

Hong Yun frowned. Could it be that during the time he left, what happened to the teacher failed? Could it be that it was really suppressed by Hongmeng's avenue?

His figure flickered, and he appeared directly in the Zixiao Palace.

When he arrived at Zixiao Palace, he found that there was no one here.

According to common sense, Hongjun would definitely come out to see him after he knew he came here, but why didn't he show up at this moment?

Hongyun's spirit scanned the entire wilderness, searching for the place of heaven.

In the blink of an eye, he found the place where Hongjun is now, and his back figure flickered and disappeared into the Zixiao Palace in an instant.

He came to the place where Heaven's Dao was, and looked at Hongjun in front of him, with a look of shock in his eyes.

At this moment, Hongjun has been mixed with the heavens of this world, and there is a great way around them, and the laws are constantly being linked.

If Hongyun came here in the evening for a thousand years, I am afraid that Hongjun would be completely swallowed by the heavens of this realm, and then dissipated invisible.

Hong Yun sighed deeply. Fortunately, he didn't linger too much, otherwise the teacher was in danger!

He raised his hand to point at Hongjun in front of him and tapped lightly, and then he saw a blue light burst out and plunged directly into Hongjun's body, isolating the connection between all the avenues.

After completely isolating the main road from contact, Hongjun opened his eyes leisurely.

Seeing Hongyun Hongjun in front of him, a touch of relief flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "You are back!"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I will completely suppress the prehistoric way for you."

Hongjun smiled and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, even if you help me suppress the prehistoric Dao at this moment, Hongmeng will definitely make another move in the future. They will definitely not let go of this old fragment if they want to hit the whole world..."

Hongyun was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then said: "Teacher, please rest assured, Hongmeng will handle it with me."

After speaking, he directly and forcibly suppressed the predominant way.

With Hongyun taking action, Honghuangtiandao no longer has the power to resist and can only let Hongjun slowly absorb it.

Hongjun shook his head slightly, and then said: "If you are not strong enough, don't provoke Hongmeng. After all, the two worlds were once one, and I also know the thoughts in his heart. It's a pity that now is different from the past, otherwise Maybe I will support him too!"

After hearing Hongjun's opening, Hong Yun turned his head and looked at where his star was, and then smiled: "Teacher, don't worry, there is me in the universe, and the future will certainly be no weaker than before."

Hongjun smiled and nodded, then suddenly turned his head to look somewhere, his face was not a little weird.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Since the matter has been resolved, then you can leave by yourself!"

Hong Yun nodded, and then left directly.

When he had just left the beginning of Tiandao, he found that Nuwa and Houtu were coming together.

After seeing Hongyun, there was a smile on the faces of the two women, and then unanimously said: "Brother is back!"

Hongyun smiled and nodded: "I'm back, this trip has been very rewarding!"

Behind him, he said with some curiosity: "According to this, the brother has broken through to the level above the saint, or the level above the realm master?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Above the realm master, we call it the sage of the starry sky, and in this universe, the other heavens and the world are called the ancient sage, and under the lord of the starry sky, the ancient sage is in the invincible hand... "

When the two women heard this, there was a touch of envy on their faces.

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