I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 943: Solution

When Hou Tu and Nu Wa heard this, they said with some envy: "Then what realm is the brother now?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Old Sage Realm, also known as the Starry Sage!"

Nu Wa sighed: "Brother is really amazing!"

Looking at the two women in front of him, Hong Yun said: "I'll wait and don't stay here. If the two juniors are willing, you can follow me to my world."

Upon hearing this, Nuwa and Houtu nodded in unison.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun waved his big hand, and the three of them instantly disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they had already arrived in the world to which Hong Yun belonged.

Now this world has expanded several times, even surpassing the predecessor, because of Hongyun's promotion to the starry sky saint level.

Moreover, the development of this world is completely different from that of the prehistoric. In addition to the sci-fi cities that stand on the ground, there are many immortals in the sky.

Obviously two paths have been taken to make the world more colorful.

The moment the red cloud appeared in this world, the incarnation of Tiandao instantly appeared beside him, looked at the three people in front of him, and nodded slightly.

The relationship between Hongyun and Tiandao is completely different from the relationship between Hongjun and Honghuang.

Strictly speaking, the two of them should be a master-servant relationship, so there is no such thing as reflection. Heaven relies on red clouds to grow and grow.

Only when the red cloud becomes stronger can the world's heavenly path grow stronger.

The relationship between Hongjun and Honghuang was as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago. Hongjun had already conspired with the way of heaven. First, after achieving an equal relationship with the help of the way of fit, he began to slowly suppress the way of heaven.

If it weren't for the sudden discovery of Hongmeng Zhongdao, I am afraid that the current Hongjun has already realized the situation envisioned in his strategy.

Looking at the incarnation of Tiandao in front of him, Hong Yun couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and then found some more unique things in the incarnation of Tiandao.

That is the principle derived from the development of science and technology. Obviously, this world has already recognized the path of science and technology.

It seems that what he did back then did not exceed his expectations.

Moving those creatures into this world makes this thing more of the rest of the Tao.

Not only that, he even discovered some companies that study the human body in this world, and even began to develop special genetic drugs.

They named this thing a gene lock, using gene drugs to open the gene lock, so as to achieve a terrifying ability far beyond ordinary people.

It's just that these so-called genetic locks are far less advanced than practice.

Of course, it is also possible that the world's research on so-called genes has not reached the point where it is extremely strong.

Seeing the cultivation method blooming in this world, Hong Yun couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

Hou Tu and Nu Wa beside him also looked at the world with curiosity.

It was the first time that they saw this kind of world, and those some weird mortal instruments could even make them rival the immortals with the power of mortals.

This is another way they see in this world.

Moreover, in this world, technology has been steadily combined with practice, and if it is not too long, I am afraid it will develop more rapidly.

Hong Yun brought Nuwa and Houtu to the temple.

Kong Xuan and the others who were waiting here arched their hands at the three and said, "Welcome the master back to the house!"

The little Da and the others on the side showed a touch of excitement on their faces.

The moment Yueling Rabbit saw Xiao Daji, a sharp light appeared in his eyes, and then a little excitedly came forward and rubbed Xiao Daji's cheeks.

It's meaty, it feels very good...

Xiao Daji struggled to break free from her hand, and said with a dissatisfaction: "Now I have become a saint. If you are rude, I will beat you."

Qin Yuan and the others looked at Daji with weird expressions, not knowing what to say.

Let alone a small saint, even if it reaches the level of the world master, it is not in the hands of this moon spirit rabbit.

Hong Yun glanced at the two of them, then coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, stop making trouble with you two. Now that you have returned to this world, you can practice cultivation well and don't continue to waste time."

After hearing what Hong Yun said, Daji, Ao Xue and others returned to the retreat to practice.

Under the leadership of Hongyun, Nuwa and Houtu began to travel through this world.

After all, many new things have developed in this place since they came last time, which made them feel a little surprised and also become more curious.

The three of them traveled in the starry sky, not knowing how long it took.

Just listen to both Nuwa and Houtu talking at the same time: "Brother, in recent years, the aura in the predicament has gradually declined."

Hearing this, Hong Yun also sighed in his heart. After all, he saw the decline of Honghuang's spiritual energy in his eyes.

If you want to make the great famine continue, I am afraid that you still need to swallow some cores of the world, and even the Dao of Heaven, in order to continue to be stable.

After all, compared with other worlds, Honghuang is just a larger fragment after all.

Even under Hongjun's governance over the years, he has begun to approach completion.

On the contrary, Hongmeng can continue as always, but Hongmeng will no longer be able to advance, unless it swallows the land.

Or find other broken worlds to swallow and merge.

At this time, Hong Yun seemed to have thought of something. He seemed to have a good friend in Hongmeng.

This makes him a little embarrassed...

After thinking about it again and again, Hong Yun sighed in his heart and said: "I will find a solution to this matter. If the spiritual energy disappears completely in the future, you can come and survive in this world."

Nuwa and Houtu smiled and nodded, then they bid farewell to Hongyun and traveled in this world by themselves.

This made Hong Yun a little confused.

He pondered for a moment, and then left this world directly into the starry sky.

Beside him, Qin Yuan, Yue Lingtu and others stood on both sides, looking at Hongyun with some curiosity.

Yueling Rabbit even asked aloud: "Master, what are you looking for?"

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, then turned over and took out a pair of fishing rods, looked at the fishing rod in his hand, and said hesitantly, "This thing is extremely powerful. world?"

Yue Lingtu suddenly realized: "Master wants to use this thing to solve the diminishing spiritual energy in the predicament?"

Qin Yuan also showed a gleam in his eyes.

He was also very curious about the fishing rod in Hong Yun's hand, if it could really tune into the broken world in the other starry sky.

Not to mention that it is to solve the problems in the prehistoric world, even if this world is promoted to the great world...

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