I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 946: Sleep

In the vast starry sky.

A star suspension that looks extremely dilapidated, but it also has a very strong vitality in it.

The Red Cloud Spiritual Mind covered the entire star, and after seeing the scene in it, his face was also taken aback.

Originally, he wanted to find some broken stars and deprive them of the core of the world and the heavens.

Used to make up for the passing of aura and vitality in the predicament.

It's just that above this dilapidated star, it is far less dilapidated than I imagined.

There are still a lot of creatures on it.

If you extract the core of the world and the heavens by yourself, I am afraid that all the creatures in this world will die tragically.

After thinking for a while, Hong Yun suddenly laughed and said: "You wait and go in with me to watch one or two."

After hearing this, Yueling Rabbit nodded quickly.

She hasn't seen such an interesting world in a long time.

Xiao Daji and the others on the side were even more excited, at the time when Hong Yun and others had left.

A few of them looked at the stars where they were.

It has been a long time since I traveled abroad.

During this period of time, I can find the feeling of traveling with the master at the beginning.

Everyone placed this dilapidated star in the starry sky, and then the figure completely disappeared in place.

When they appeared again, he had already reached the sky above the dilapidated star.

A very sickly gray appeared in the entire star.

In the midair, countless small particles hidden in front of everyone are suspended, trying to get close to the bodies of Hongyun and others, and then look down.

An extremely pungent smell exuded all around.

On the continent below, there are ruins and ruins everywhere.

Terrifying potholes are displayed below.

Hong Yun couldn't help but frowned slightly. Although this situation had been detected clearly in his divine mind, he was truly immersed in it.

But it's another feeling.

This world has become unsuitable for normal creatures to survive.

It seemed to have been washed by some extremely powerful weapon, and the back half of the sky was full of radiation.

In the eyes of everyone, mutated beasts wandered around, but after seeing a few people, they fled with their tails between them.

The crowd flew towards the distance, and in front of them was a huge modern city.

It's just that this modern city is surrounded by towering walls around it, and the inside is visible to the naked eye.

There are also neon flashes, but it looks a little bleak.

In the streets, the eyes of people coming and going are more or less numb.

From time to time, I looked up into the sky, and when I saw the yellow-brown clouds above, my heart was full of sighs.

The clothes of Hong Yun and others changed just like ordinary people, but they were much cleaner.

Into the crowd quietly.

After a while, a thin figure squeezed in front of a few people, looking up with their dirty little faces, and said, "Several adults from other shelters? Do you need a guide? I'm very cheap. I only need a copper plate a day. ."

Hong Yun glanced at the little boy in front of him. There were two ghost guards around him, showing the appearance of a middle-aged man.

If nothing happens, it should be the boy's parents.

In the turbulent flow of people all around, apart from this somewhat special little boy in front of him, only those brawny men who are entwined with the eerie ghostly spirit will be guarded by ghosts.

In addition, it is the mysterious black-robed man who controls each mutant beast.

The entire city gives people an extremely depressed feeling.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Okay, then you will take us around in this city, you will be indispensable for rewarding money."

Hearing this, the little boy couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Then he led the way with a look of excitement, thinking in his heart that tonight, he and his sister would not have to go hungry anymore.

Ever since the family walked out of the underground, mom, dad, grandparents were gone.

He and his sister are the only ones who depend on each other.

He promised his parents that he would take good care of his sister...

As the little boy walked, he said, "Since the birth of the new calendar, we in Boulder City are among the top 100 cities on the new star. You can buy everything you want in it, as long as you have money."

Hong Yun nodded as he listened, but Shen Nian was searching for all the information in this world.

Under the leadership of the little boy, everyone walked and visited the city continuously.

After a long time, Hong Yun sighed slightly in his heart.

Now he roughly understood what was happening on this star.

It's just a pity.

The human race that used to be nearly 10 billion is now out of ten.

Even if the remaining human races on the surface, under the erosion of radiation, it is difficult to survive to the age of forty.

They came to the ground because of insufficient underground resources, and they even needed them to provide resources for the underground.

In order for human fire to continue to flourish, some people must always be sacrificed.

Just listen to the little boy opening and saying: "Several adults are really good-looking, just like the characters in the pictorial before the new calendar."

Having said that, the little boy was a little envious.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If you are allowed to go to the new world, where there is no radiation and sufficient food, but you need to support yourself and rebuild your home, would you like it?"

When the little boy heard the words, he was a little curious and said: "Will there be yellow rain in that place like here?"

Hong Yun was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head: "No."

The little boy said with a look of envy: "If this is the case, the people there must be very happy. They don't have to worry about food or worry about danger."

Hong Yun smiled and touched the little boy's head, and said, "You haven't answered my words yet."

The little boy smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "No one will refuse such a beautiful place. Since we came to the surface, everything has been built by ourselves. If we can really go to such a world, everyone will be willing to..."

"But does such a world really exist?"

Hong Yun looked at the little boy with a look of despair in his eyes, and a roasted chicken appeared between his hands and stuffed it into the little boy's arms.

"This, you will get the money. After you go back to eat and sleep, you will come to a new world."

The little boy ran towards the house with confused eyes.

Hongyun and the others disappeared instantly, overlooking the broken ground below, and said: "It seems that this star does not need to continue to exist."

His thoughts moved slightly, and all the creatures above the entire star fell into a drowsiness.

Then when he reappeared, he had already arrived in the pure sun, and was placed in an unmanned corner of the world by heaven.

Looking at the dilapidated stars in front of him, Hong Yun raised his hand and grabbed it.

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