I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 947: See the old friend again

I saw a huge dilapidated star directly shattered in the vast starry sky.

Countless fragments went in all directions.

On the way, I don't know how many stars were broken, and finally turned into dust in the starry sky, completely disappearing.

Among the broken stars, a series of terrifying laws spread out from it.

Together with Tiandao, it turned into a ferocious dragon, rushing towards Hongyun and others.

In his mouth, the slightly dilapidated core of the world exudes shocking power, and it is difficult for people to believe that this is a star about to be ruined.

Hong Yun raised his hand and grabbed it lightly.

The incarnation of Tiandao and the core of the world were all caught in his hands, no matter how they struggled, they could not escape the palm of Hongyun.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side said: "That's it. I thought before that why this Heavenly Dao and the core of the world can survive to this day. It turns out that the creatures on the stars are nourished to be able to retain their current strength."

Hong Yun frowned as well, putting away the core of the world and the way of heaven.

Then he looked at the fishing rod in the pond and said, "I went to the wilderness for a while, you wait here and wait..."

After hearing this, everyone nodded, and after a response, they returned directly to the stars.

And Hongyun tore through the barriers of the world and appeared directly in the prehistoric land.

In the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in the Zixiao Palace.

Today's Hongjun has completely suppressed the Tao of the day, even slowly refining it.

Hongyun arched his hands toward the top: "Teacher, this is the core of the world and the heavens I captured. It should be able to fight and stop the decline in the predicament."

Upon seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help but smile.

Then he said: "You have the heart, but this can only temporarily stop the trend of spiritual decline in the prehistoric age. If you want to completely restore it to normal, you need at least two copies of the world core and heaven."

After hearing the words, Hong Yun was silent for a moment, and said: "The remaining share, the disciple will find a way in the future, the top priority now is to first refine the core of the world and the heavens into the prehistoric state."

He looked at Hongjun in the stands and said: "The teacher is inconvenient to take action now, let me help the teacher."

With that said, Hong Jun was able to separate the world core in his hand from Heaven's Dao.

Then they were thrown into the prehistoric places.

Hongjun continued to refine today's predominant way.

And Hongyun began to refine the core of the world and the heavens that have been integrated into the prehistoric.

With his current strength at the ancient sage level, refining this kind of thing is simply a breeze, and it has been refined in just a hundred years.

Incorporating a world core and the great famine of heaven, the decline of the spiritual energy has stopped for the time being.

And the many great abilities in the prehistoric slumber at this moment are also slowly awakening, one by one looked in the direction of the Purple Cloud Palace with uncertainty.

They fell asleep thousands of years ago.

The level of saints is okay, at least the changes between heaven and earth have not as much impact on them as imagined.

On the contrary, they are the mighties of the quasi-saint level.

The spiritual energy decline between heaven and earth, for them, the impact is not ordinary.

They had to seal themselves, let themselves fall into a deep sleep, and wait until sometime in the future, after the heavens and the earth returned to normal.

They will naturally wake up from their deep sleep.

Unexpectedly, this has just passed a thousand years.

This majestic world has temporarily stopped the decline of spiritual energy, which really surprised them.

That's why they all looked in the direction of Zixiao Palace.

Among the clouds, a few streamers came towards the Zixiao Palace.

It is Lao Tzu and others.

After Lao Tzu and the others came to the Zixiao Palace, they saw the red clouds that had been waiting here for a long time.

They all said, "I have seen the big brother."

Hongyun nodded his head with satisfaction when he looked at everyone, and said: "It seems that you have not been lazy during this period of time. If the world had not changed, I am afraid you would have been able to step into the level of the world master long ago."

Lao Tzu and the others smiled and shook their heads, and said, "Thanks to my brother, let me wait and practice among your stars."

Hong Yun said, "How about the two bald donkeys?"

Lao Tzu and the others froze for a moment, and then realized in their hearts that the big brothers of his own family were talking about the two guys in the West.

Lao Tzu smiled and said, "The two of them are also in a state of desperation. For nearly a thousand years, a kind of Buddhism has appeared in the mortal world, and the momentum of development is booming."

Tong Tian laughed out loud.

They didn't expect that Jin Chanzi would be able to make such a big noise after leaving the underworld.

In addition, there are restrictions on the way of heaven's shot.

Those two guys in the West, even if they want to take a shot at Jin Chanzi.

By the way, that little guy is not called Jin Chanzi now, but is called... Tang San's Burial!

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun suddenly became interested.

Afterwards, the spirit of mind came out directly, and looked at one or two among the prehistoric.

Sure enough, as Lao Tzu said before, this Tang San was buried in the precipice, but there was a lot of noise.

The territory and power of Western Buddhism have been reduced by more than half.

This caused many bodhisattvas and arhats on Lingshan to directly cut off the incense, and even many of them had fallen in their realm.

The new Buddhism founded by Tang San's funeral has grown a lot.

The incense and luck is extremely prosperous.

This guy also stepped into the realm of the quasi-sage of the two corpses because of this.

If there is no change in the world here, I am afraid this little guy will break through and enter the sage level.

It's really a bit surprising in people's minds.

Behind him.

Hongjun also slowly opened his eyes, looking at the few people in the hall, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Then he said: "Since you guys have already come here, you can relive the past here."

At this moment, a roar suddenly erupted outside Honghuang.

Hongjun couldn't help but his expression changed, and then he said, "Here again."

Hongyun Shennian glanced out in an instant, after seeing the person and the woman next to him, he couldn't help sighing.

Then he said, "Teacher, this matter will be handed over to me."

Hongjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded.

Hong Yun separated a white bone incarnation, walked directly behind the scenes, and saw the father and daughter.

When the middle-aged man saw this, he was stunned at first, and then he said: "The only way out is the merger of the two worlds. Why are Daoists still stubborn to understand?"

Hong Yun looked at the two people in front of him, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

Now that I have seen it this time, I will fulfill the two people's wish and cut off the cause and effect of the past!

Thinking of this, Hong Yun said: "Two fellow Taoists, besides letting the two parties merge, there is still a way to go..."

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