I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 948: Fled

In chaos and nothingness.

The realm master from Hongmeng heard a look of confusion on his face when he heard Hongyun's opening, and then opened his mouth and asked: "Since you said there is another way, then tell me what this way is?"

Hongyun pondered for a moment, and then said: "This way is to find the core and heaven of some broken worlds, and completely merge that broken world into the Harmony."

The man sneered and said: "If I can walk freely among other stars, how can I think about merging the prehistoric into the Harmony."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Leave this to me, and it can be regarded as the cause and effect between me and the wait."

The human face was taken aback, and then he said: "The cause and effect between waiting, what is the cause and effect between waiting!?"

At this moment, the strong female person beside him suddenly said, "Who are you? Why do you sound so familiar? The breath on your body seems to be my old friend, who are you?"

Hong Yun's face was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "A hundred years from now, I will hand over some broken worlds to you here, and I will not wait for that..."

After speaking, Hong Yun's figure disappeared instantly and returned to the Zixiao Palace.

The disturbance of the two mysterious silhouettes on the opposite side caused the surrounding space to become distorted.

Inside the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun, who had just come back to his senses, looked at the red cloud with a weird expression, then smiled and said, "It seems that you stepped into the Hongmeng more than once that year?"

Hongyun smiled helplessly: "I just entered it and traveled, and it didn't cause any trouble."

And in the omnipotence at this moment, after seeing the red cloud disappear, the strong female suddenly felt a sense of suffering.

She only felt that Hongyun's breath made her very familiar, as if she had met it somewhere.

And these two have been together for a long time.

Beside him, the realm master of Hongmeng World said: "Daughter, do you seem to know that person?"

The strong female also nodded hesitantly, and said: "It should be known, maybe he used the incarnation to enter the cosmos."

Thinking of this, this person suddenly took out a jade pendant, held it in his hand and examined it carefully.

The light flashing on the jade pendant stopped instantly, as if it had been completely cut off.

At this moment, Hong Yun also left the Zixiao Palace directly and returned to the star that he controlled.

And now in the star where he is, after a hundred years of time changes, an unknown number of new paths of cultivation have been derived, and technology has undergone unprecedented changes.

At this moment, mortals can already set foot on the stars, and even explore on many stars.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Hong Yun nodded slightly. What he hoped was that all kinds of practice methods contended, and extremely advanced technology appeared.

Only in this way can this world exist for a longer time.

And because the science and technology of this world are progressing more and more rapidly, they no longer only ask for resources within their journey as before, but go to the starry sky to plunder other uninhabited planetary resources.

This also makes the resource consumption rate on this star slower and slower.

At this moment, Ao Xue and others are also about to step into a new realm, and everything is developing towards a good situation.

The red cloud hovered in the starry sky, and took out the fishing rod that had been put away again, only to see the light flashing on the fishing rod, obviously a hundred years have passed.

He slowly threw the fishing rod in his hand, and a huge black hole once again emerged in front of him.

Seeing this, the Moon Spirit Rabbit among the stars said helplessly: "Master has started fishing for "fish" again."

Beside him, Qin Yuan said with a look of excitement: "How is the research on the human emperor grass and the ancient sage Tao fruit, and how long will it take to cultivate them?"

Yueling Rabbit heard the words and said with a confident expression: "It only takes ten thousand years, I can cultivate the human emperor grass and the ancient sage Tao fruit together."

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's face was full of excitement.

He has been stuck at the pinnacle level of the realm master. I don't know how long it will be. If he can cultivate the ancient sage Tao fruit, he will definitely have his share by then, and he can also step into the ancient sage realm through the ancient sage Tao fruit.

No one wants to stay in the same realm for a long time, and Qin Yuan is no exception.

And the Old Sage who was caught by Hongyun was stunned when he heard Yueling Rabbit's words. He looked at Yueling Rabbit in disbelief, and then said, "Unexpectedly, the Xuanyuan family spent a lot of money. It’s hard to believe that a human emperor grass has not been cultivated in millions of years. You can cultivate it in less than ten thousand years."

Qin Yuan asked curiously: "Compared with Human Emperor Grass, Ancient Sage Daoguo should be more difficult!"

The ancient sage chuckled softly when he heard the words, and then said: "I have already broken through to the level of the ancient sage. I don't need to use the ancient sage fruit, but it is the human emperor grass, which can be used under the lord of the starry sky!"

Hearing this person speak, Qin Yuan couldn't wait to punch him on the ground.

However, after weighing the difference in cultivation level between the two, he still cancelled the plan in his heart, and then solemnly urged the Moon Spirit Rabbit to hurry up and cultivate the ancient sage fruit.

As long as he can break through the realm of the ancient sage, sooner or later he can crush the annoying guy in front of him.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit waved his hand and said, "It's useless to remind you. Ancient Sage Tao fruit is not that easy to cultivate, so An Xin is waiting here."

With that, he took out the game controller and started playing the game.

Chin’s principle is to get a game pod from nowhere, and then said with excitement: "Who still plays this low-end game now? Recently, Black Goose has released a 100% immersive game pod..."

Moonling Rabbit said without turning his head: "I'm afraid that my spiritual thoughts will directly overwhelm the entire game..."

Kinhara scratched his head, then tentatively entered the game cabin, and one inadvertently shattered the entire server.

Then he nodded sighfully, then turned and left.

At this moment, the red cloud was still "fishing" boringly in the starry sky. Now that he has decided to extinguish the cause and effect in the cosmos, he must do it cleanly.

I don't know how long there was a movement from the fishing rod.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then suddenly raised the fishing rod and pulled it towards him.

Only in the huge black hole, a huge star slowly appeared, slowly approaching the red cloud.

The Red Cloud Spiritual Mind leaned out and scanned the entire star in front of him. After seeing the specific scene in it, he nodded in satisfaction.

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