I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 949: The truth beyond the universe

Although the star in front of him was broken, there was not much loss in the core of the world and heaven.

If you throw it all at Na Hongmeng Realm Master, you can still fulfill your previous promise.

At least, after integrating this star, Hongmeng can grow stronger again, and even be full of new vitality.

At that time, it will develop for tens of thousands of years, and there may be a real opportunity to try to impact the big world.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the face of the red cloud.

In this way, the cause and effect between oneself and Hongmeng can also be completely ended.

I am afraid there will be no chance to go to Hongmeng in the future.

He allowed the star in front of him to float in the universe, and then threw the hook again, deep into the huge black hole in front of him.

After a long time, the fishing line stretched straight again.

Hong Yun raised the fishing rod with a smile, and then pulled it to his eyes.

Looking at the broken stars floating in front of me.

A look of surprise appeared in Hong Yun's eyes.

He didn't expect that his luck would be so good, and he would catch two stars in succession.

Although the star this time is not as good as the one he is going to give to the Hongmeng, it can also extract the core of the world and the way of heaven.

It just so happens that the primordial land can be restored to its heyday.

At least the aura that can last for millions of years will not decline or even disappear completely as it is now.

Hong Yun raised his hand and gently tapped at the two stars, and then used means to confine the two stars in the starry sky in front of him.

Then he turned his head and looked at the black hole in front of him.

He is now more and more curious about where this black hole created by the fishing rod leads.

If it weren't for things to be undecided right now, he really wanted to enter it and explore it.

With his current cultivation base at the ancient sage level, although he could not perfectly deal with all crises.

But even in the face of the Lord of the Starry Sky, he is sure to escape.

Entering this mere black hole should not be a problem.


When he has time to deal with it in the future, he must go to the black hole to observe it.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun made another move and threw the last shot.

And at the moment.

On an ancient star beyond the huge universe.

The figure of the clay sculpture seemed to move, and the soil fell sternly from it, and then it revealed the appearance of an old man in a suit.

The old man glanced at the universe in front of him, and then a smile appeared in his eyes.

Muttered in his mouth: "Little guy, good luck, not only swallowed the opponent I prepared for you, but also found the treasure that the old man threw into the universe."

He looked at the universe and sea below with far-reaching eyes, and said, "It seems that one day, you may be able to detach yourself and become the one to play against me. I look forward to that day."

"My way is not alone!"

After the words fell, the old man looked at the huge black hole suspended in the sky above the universe, and raised his hand lightly.

It seems that a very special formation was imposed on the black hole.

With this formation, only the pinnacle of the master of the starry sky can get out of it.

This should be the only safe passage to the universe beyond the most mysterious ancient i-star road.

After doing all this, the old man glanced into the endless darkness behind him again, revealing a faint sharp edge behind him.

It turned into a flash of sword light that was enough to split the endless darkness.

The old man raised his hand lightly, and the horrible sword light that could destroy the universe was completely shattered at this point of the old man.

He looked into the darkness and chuckled: "Don't worry, one day, the old man will bring many passages to the battlefield. This reserve source of troops should also work."

As the voice fell, the old man counted points against the darkness behind him, and the laws of terror emerged.

It directly blocked the darkness behind him.

He looked at the huge universe in front of him, and whispered softly: "Grow up faster, the old man can't wait long..."

Immediately, endless soil was born on the old man again, and the soil contained Dao laws capable of destroying the heavens and the earth, and it was sealed.

Before the old man was completely banned, he seemed to have seen somewhere in the universe, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Hongyun also raised his hand to gently pull the fishing rod.

A jade slip radiating golden light broke out of it and landed directly in the palm of the red cloud.

A look of helplessness appeared in Hong Yun's eyes.

This is the first time he has caught this jade slip, but now his path has taken shape, how could he be following the path that others have walked.

But when he sensed the terrifying aura emanating from the jade slip.

I suddenly felt that if I could learn from it, it would be a good choice.

With a move in Hong Yun's heart, he would break the guardian power on the jade slip, but let him do whatever he wanted.

The guardian power on the jade slip never moved.

He can faintly perceive the strength of this guardian power, at least if he reaches the peak of the ancient sage, it can be broken.

This made Hong Yun feel a little depressed.

He didn't expect that his last shot would actually catch something temporarily useless.

It will probably take a long time for him to break through to the peak of Old Sage.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun held two shrunken stars and headed to the prehistoric land.

Only a moment.

Hong Yun had already arrived at the edge of the prehistoric area, separated from Na Hongmeng by one boundary.

The moment the red cloud appeared, the Hongmeng Realm Master appeared outside the diaphragm at the same time, looking at the red cloud in front of him with some uncertainty.

He remembered that Hong Yun said to help him solve the previous problem.

Now that only a hundred years have passed, has he found a solution?

Thinking of this, the color of doubt on the face of Hongmeng Realm's Lord became even stronger.

Hong Yun took out the relatively complete star he had obtained before, this was a damaged Zhongqian world.

Even if it is placed in the entire universe, it is an extremely heavy gift.

Hong Yun then threw the star across the realm, and then said: "This broken mid-thousand world star is enough to make up for all the shortcomings in the present Hongmeng, and it can be promoted to a state of victory."

The Hongmeng Realm Master looked at the broken star in his hand, and then he looked at the red cloud across the realm in front of him hesitantly.

He asked: "Before you said, the cause and effect between you and Hongmeng, what is the cause and effect between you and Hongmeng?"

Hongyun coughed softly when he heard the words. After seeing that the female mighty figure did not appear beside the other party, he slowly said:

"You don't need to know about this. Since you have already obtained a solution, please don't interfere with this prevalent matter."

The Lord of Hongmeng nodded upon hearing this.

Now that he has obtained the solution, there is no need to spend energy and time staring at Hongmeng.

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