I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 953: Plant a world tree

Pure Yang Promise, above the world.

Hong Yun looked at the two young saplings in his hands, with a smile in his eyes.

Since he returned from the wild world, he has given these two guys to the Moon Spirit Rabbit to cultivate together.

Unexpectedly, these things are easier to cultivate than the ancient sacred fruit.

After all, this world tree is a living existence, there is no need to re-cultivation with fruits, as long as it is simply cultivated.

Now that the world tree has been cultivated, it can almost be planted.

After all, with the guardianship of the World Tree, this star will be more perfect than before, and the aura of heaven and earth and the rules of the avenue will be more stable.

In this way, not only has the potential of this world been improved, but he can step into the world more quickly, and the upper limit of the entire world will also increase.

This is an excellent choice for ordinary creatures or for those who rely on the power of levels.

Hong Yun casually threw down the two small trees beside him and landed in the center of the world.

One of them is the World Tree...

As for the other tree, some may have forgotten it long ago, but this tree can assist the world tree to enhance the potential of this world.

As the world tree falls in the very center of the world, it directly takes root.

The thick roots penetrate deep into the core of the world.

Through the supply of heaven and earth aura and the core of the world, it began to grow and develop continuously.

In just the blink of an eye, it has turned into a towering ancient tree.

The two trees are no more than a thousand miles away from each other, but they influence each other and even begin to merge their breath.

Those great abilities guarding at the core of the world naturally also discovered the accident that happened here. They came under the world tree one by one, looking up at the world tree towering in front of them, with shocked expressions in their eyes.

One of them said, "From above the trees here, I actually sensed the Three Thousand Avenue... No, even more than the Three Thousand Avenue. Where did this tree come from? Why did it suddenly appear here?"

Someone replied: "Every inch of change in this world will be reflected in the eyes of Lord Lord, and what happened here is naturally no exception, perhaps it was Lord Lord who did it."

Everyone looked up at the world tree in front of them. With this world tree, it only takes thousands or even tens of thousands of years at most.

They will be able to break through the limitations of the original cultivation base and enter a new level.

Taking advantage of their enlightenment, the moment the world tree took root, the world barriers of the entire world began to become stronger.

Among them is the great power of the realm master level, which can originally sense the existence of world barriers.

But with the emergence of the current world tree, the world barrier seemed to disappear in their eyes. No matter how magical power they used, they couldn't sense the existence of the world barrier.

This means that if they can't sense the existence of world barriers, they can't step out of this world.

For them, the world barrier can be equivalent to a kind of imprisonment, but it is more of protection.

Even among these stars, there are only a few worlds...

This also proves in disguise that their upper limit of cultivation level has also been greatly improved.

Hong Yun looked at the world tree rooted below, and then at the incarnation of the will of heaven beside him, smiled and said, "With the existence of this world tree, your future work will be much easier if you think about it."

The incarnation of Tiandao Will smiled and nodded. He did not expect that such a decision made temporarily in the past would bring him such a terrifying opportunity today.

Perhaps one day, this world can also set foot in the real world.

Hong Yun went on to say: "In this case, you will be able to guard this world for a long time, and you can let them play by themselves, as long as they don't hinder the operation of the world's rules!"

The incarnation of Tiandao Will smiled and nodded.

Then he raised his hand and pointed slightly, and he saw several spacecraft and many satellites that were originally explored at the edge of the starry sky.

At this moment, they landed downward one after another.

It's just that they landed very slowly and lost all power.

But when they landed on the ground, not only did they not suffer any damage, they could even be said to be intact.

Many countries, or companies, that launch satellites and organize spacecraft to explore the stars.

After seeing the abnormal changes happening right now, they are all at a loss.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the top scientific researchers at the time discovered that the rules of this world seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

The understanding of the rules and science and technology they had originally had gone backwards by a notch at this moment.

In other words, they must research new science and technology before they can truly set foot in the stars.

This is a difficult challenge for them.

In the same way, these people have some understanding of practice, and even those in power in many places are powerful.

Inform your subordinates of what happened during this time, and then let them play by themselves and begin to explore new rules and principles.

When they succeed, the world's science and technology will undergo earth-shaking changes.

After doing all this, the incarnation of the will of the heavens disappeared completely and returned to the place where the heavens were operating.

And Hong Yun stretched his waist slightly, and when he was about to go to his dojo to rest for a while, he noticed that there were people in the predicament contacting this world.

Hongyun's spiritual thoughts explored and found that the person was not someone else, but Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu's current cultivation base has reached the peak realm of a saint, and above it is the level of the realm master.

It's just that although there have been improvements in the prehistoric, if you want to truly break through the level of the world master, you still need to wait for several epochs before the prehistoric potential will increase significantly.

Apart from that, the only way is to find a world that allows him to break through to the level of the realm master.

Then step into it to make a breakthrough, and return to the prehistoric once again after the breakthrough is completed.

So Lao Tzu's first reaction when his cultivation reached the top of the imprisonment was to come and look for the red cloud.

For other saints in the prehistoric world, he is also a detective who explores the way forward.

If Lao Tzu can succeed, it also means that other powers that have reached the peak of the saint can also use the same method to break through and step into the contact level.

In this way, after returning to the prehistoric land, it can also feed back to the prehistoric land itself and increase its potential again.

From the original speed, it has been upgraded several grades.

The practitioner and the world are complementary to each other. If you just ask for it, your aura will decline before the famine.

Hong Yun looked at Lao Tzu on the edge of the world barrier with a smile on his face, then raised his hand and put it in.

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