I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 954: Lunar Rabbit's Suggestion

In the precipice, the edge of the world's barriers.

Laozi looked at the boundary between the two worlds that suddenly tore a corner in front of him, with a smile on his face, and stepped into it calmly.

Just stepping into the stars, I saw the red cloud floating in the sky.

He quickly folded his hands and said: "I have seen brother, I am here to harass this time, please forgive me, brother!"

Hong Yun heard the words and smiled and said, "Why do you have to be so polite with me, Junior Brother? I used to speak back then. If you want to break through in the future, you can come to this world and step into the next level."

"If I'm not mistaken, the current Junior Brother has stepped into the pinnacle level of a saint, even if it is only one step away from the level of the realm master!"

"Junior brother came to find me this time, but want to step into the level of assistance?"

Laozi smiled and nodded and said, "It is precisely because of this that I have asked the brother to fulfill it."

Hong Yun raised his hand with a wave, and brought Lao Tzu to the center of this world, falling above the temple in the very center.

Kong Xuan, Ao Xue and others, who were originally cultivating below, got up quickly after seeing Hong Yun and saluted respectfully and said, "I have seen the master!"

Hongyun nodded slightly.

The Laozi beside him showed a look of surprise on his face after seeing the few people now.

He didn't expect that Ao Xue and the others had already stepped into the level of the world master, faster than he had imagined.

But it is normal to think about it carefully, after all, now my seniors have stepped into the world master.

Even when the teacher once spoke, the brother had traveled to the heavens and the worlds, traveled among the thousands of stars, and could even return safely.

Achieving this is enough to prove that the senior brother is extraordinary!

Even at the level of a starry saint, it is clear that it is not new to this level.

It just still made him feel a little embarrassed.

He was originally a fellow brother, but now his strength is not even reached by the servants of his senior brother, which really makes him feel a little bit embarrassed in face.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "The Tao and aura are the strongest here, so the younger brother will retreat here. In less than a hundred years, he will definitely be able to step into the architectural level."

Hearing this, Laozi quickly bowed his hand to Hongyun and said, "Thank you, brother, for your accomplishment!"

Hong Yun looked at Ao Xue and others below, and said: "During this period, you will teach him how to break through, remember not to be lazy!"

Having said that, Hong Yun also looked at Xiao Daji specially.

At this moment, Daji is wearing a mortal costume, holding the mortal food that I don't know where he got in his hand, and is sipping a bite to taste.

She seemed to have noticed Hongyun's gaze, Xiao Daji raised her head and glanced, her face was startled.

Then put the food in his hands behind him if nothing had happened.

With a serious face, he said, "Master, please rest assured, Xiao Daji will not be lazy!"

Hongyun shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand and nodded a little Daji, and then left directly.

After Hong Yun left, Xiao Daji let out a long sigh of relief, and then continued to take out the mortal food that she liked and continued to eat.

Ao Xue and others brought Lao Tzu into the temple, and then began to teach him some breakthrough experiences and precautions.

After that, the arrangements were made, and they returned to practice!

At this moment, Hong Yun also came to a small medicine garden prepared for him by Yueling Rabbit.

Here are planted with special treasures of heaven and material brought from the heavens and worlds, and there are also some red clouds that have never been seen before. It should be the private money of this moon rabbit.

Hong Yun touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "How many treasures does this dead rabbit have in his hands?"

Speaking of which, he couldn't fully open the spirit beast palace where the demon beasts of the heavens and ten thousand realms were stored.

But since he stepped into the starry sky saint level, that is, the ancient sage realm, many monsters of the same realm have been released.

So I saw how powerful the last owner of Chunyang Palace was.

Now the spirit beast palace has not been completely opened, which means that there are still monsters that far exceed Hongyun's strength to imprison it.

Could it be possible that there are still monsters at the master level of the Starry Sky inside?

But if that's the case, why didn't these monsters be released to defend against the enemy when the previous owner of Pure Yang Palace was besieged.

Or it is said that he had deliberately stepped into that mysterious ancient road, just in case he threw the Pure Yang Palace into the gap of time and space, and finally fell into his own hands.

A look of contemplation appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and then turned to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit who suddenly came to his side.

Yue Lingtu smiled and said: "Master, I have cultivated the ancient sage Tao fruit, and the human emperor grass I got from that kid, and now I have planted about one acre of land."

Looking in the direction of Yueling Rabbit's fingers, I saw that in the medicine garden not far away, there were two medicine fields densely covered with Renhuang Cao and Gu Sheng Dao Guo.

It's just that it's still immature, but judging from the appearance of its growth, it only takes a thousand years at most to fully mature.

Hong Yun smiled and nodded and said, "You did a good job in this matter. With these treasures, I will be able to have more high-end combat power in the Pure Sun Star in the future."

Yueling Rabbit smiled and scratched his head and said: "Although these things have been cultivated, they are not better than wild ones after all, and their effectiveness is a little worse, but the chances of winning have no side effects."

Hong Yun nodded slightly. He knew in his heart that being able to do this was enough to prove the magic of the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

If he can really do the same as those wild natural treasures, then he should doubt whether the Holy Moon Spirit Rabbit has hidden its identity and cultivation base.

Ordinary masters of the starry sky can't do this, as can be seen from the cultivation of the human emperor grass in the Xuanyuan aristocratic family.

But now, with these treasures, there will be no shortage of high-end combat power in the future.

Perhaps he can also elevate this world to a great world.

It's just that he still needs to find a way to continue to improve his cultivation level before he can improve.

After all, the existence of the Great Thousand World will inevitably attract the existence of the Lord of the Starry Sky. If his cultivation level does not reach the Lord of the Starry Sky, then even if the Great Thousand World is achieved by then, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

As if seeing through Hong Yun's thoughts, Yueling Rabbit said mysteriously: "If you want to go further, you can try to start from Pure Yang Palace. There are still many unopened palaces inside."

Hearing this, Hong Yun glanced at Moon Spirit Rabbit with a weird face, and then raised his hand to look around with his two long ears.

Then he asked in a somewhat suspicious tone: "You dead rabbit, did you hide something from the master? How do I feel that you are weird?"

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