I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 955: The way forward

Yueling Rabbit heard the words, a panic expression flashed across her face, and quickly waved her hand and said: "How is it possible? How can I hide something from the lord for such an honest rabbit!? The lord must be wrong..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun looked at Yueling Rabbit earnestly.

This guy had hidden his cultivation base and many secret guarantees before. It can be said that he has a history of history. How can he trust her so easily?

However, the guy Yuelingtu reminded himself that there were still many palaces in the Pure Yang Palace that hadn't been opened yet.

Perhaps one's further path is not necessarily in these unopened palaces.

He pondered for a moment, and then looked at Yueling Rabbit with seriousness: "It's best not to hide it. If you let the master catch what you conceal, then I will make you a braised rabbit head."

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit shivered instantly, then smirked twice, and stopped speaking.

Turned his head and fiddled with the treasures that he had planted.

But the red cloud disappeared in the same place in an instant, and entered the Pure Yang Palace, wanting to see what breakthroughs were in those palaces that had not yet been opened.

Just after Hong Yun entered the Pure Yang Palace, Lao Tzu, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at everything unfamiliar around him, I sighed deeply.

Although the upper limit of this star is higher than the upper limit of the prehistoric, but in the final analysis, the time for him to practice here is still too late.

Coupled with the fact that the upper limit of his own practice has come now, if he can't break through to become the realm master level in a short time, then it will be really troublesome.

Lao Tzu walked out of the temple and looked at the powerful people who came here to make pilgrimages, but found a lot of powers at the level of the realm master, and even more terrifying existence above the realm master.

A hint of envy flashed in his eyes, when would he be able to set foot in this state...

Now he specifically asked his brother to help him step into the realm master level.

But I didn't expect that after coming here to practice for so long, after all, he was still a miss, and his cultivation was imprisoned here.

Just when I was upset in Lao Tzu's heart, the Moon Spirit Rabbit came hopping over.

He raised his eyes and looked at the depressed Lao Tzu, and couldn't help but say: "You are only a short distance from the level of the master, but if no one pierces you through this layer of window paper, I am afraid you will stay in this state forever..."

Hearing the words, Laozi followed the Moon Spirit Rabbit’s voice, and after seeing that it was the Moon Spirit Rabbit, he bowed his hand respectfully.

He can still remember that this rabbit is a great power at the level of a realm master, and according to his understanding of his own elder brother's temperament, the person who can follow him into the starry sky must not be an ordinary realm master.

If this rabbit can speak to guide himself one or two, maybe he can really step into the architectural level.

Thinking of this, Lao Tzu said respectfully: "Please also teach this senior."

Yueling Rabbit coughed slightly, and then smiled and said, "If you want me to mention you, it’s not impossible. If you really want to step into the realm master level, you should go under the world tree for a while. Maybe it's possible to detect a hint of opportunity."

Hearing this, I turned his head and looked at the towering World Tree not far away.

Before he retreats, there does not seem to be a World Tree here yet, and he did not expect that such a terrifying existence would appear in his retreat for such a long time.

Although he is still a long way from the world tree, he can still feel the law of horror from the world tree.

And the looming danger of fall in my heart!

You must know that with his current sage pinnacle, or the strength of a half-step world master, even in the face of the power of a newcomer to the world master level, he still has the power of a battle.

But he felt the message that he would be crushed from above the big tree in the distance.

This is enough to prove the horror of the World Tree...

Lao Tzu stood there and was silent for a moment, and then he arched his hand at the Moon Spirit Rabbit: "Thank you, senior for reminding!"

When the voice fell, his figure instantly disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he had already come under the world tree.

It seemed that I was aware of the temple aura on Lao Tzu's body, and the World Tree only protruded a trace to surround it, and had no intention of driving away.

Lao Tzu also let out a long sigh of relief, he was afraid that the World Tree would forbid him to comprehend the principles of Taoism here.

If that were the case, it would prove that his path to the realm master level was completely sealed.

Lao Tzu arched his hands at the World Tree with a respectful look.

Then he sat cross-legged under the world tree and began to close his eyes and realize the principles of the Tao.

And those powers who guarded the temple and the world tree around naturally knew the identity of Lao Tzu, so no one came forward to stop it.

He just allowed him to sit cross-legged under the world tree, feeling the principles of the great road from the world tree.

The Lao Tzu who was cultivating did feel his way forward, and he had a faint feeling in his heart that he had practiced cross-legged for a hundred years under the world tree.

At that time, it will definitely break through the level of the world master!

Thinking of this, a touch of excitement flashed in Lao Tzu's heart, then forcibly calmed his mind and fell into practice again.

Pure Yang Palace.

Hong Yun stood in front of a closed palace gate, with a contemplative expression on his face.

As the owner of Chunyang Palace, he can naturally sense everything in Chunyang Palace, but for these palaces with closed doors.

He can only vaguely sense some information.

And in the palace in front of him, there were the top techniques of the heavens and ten thousand realms that the previous master of the Pure Yang Palace had searched.

There are many of them, and they are all classics robbed by the previous master of Chunyang Palace from various sacred sites, aristocratic families or immortal dynasties.

It's just that he has offended too many people because of this. Not only did he **** the Lingbao Lingzhi in the fight, he even grabbed a lot more for his exercises.

No wonder it caused those powerful groups to attack.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, can't he be kind to others like himself?

If the last master of Chunyang Palace had a kind character like himself, perhaps he could cultivate to...by his own power, he could break the confinement of the universe.

Hong Yun took a deep breath, then mobilized his authority in the Pure Yang Palace, and began to push open the closed palace gate in front of him with all his strength.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit seemed to feel something in his heart, and glanced in the direction of Pure Yang Palace.

There was a faint smile in his eyes.

In the Pure Yang Palace, Hong Yun also opened the door to a gap, which already revealed an extremely terrifying light.

All the voids outside the palace are instantly illuminated!


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