I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 956: seed

Pure Yang Palace.

Looking at a gap opened in front of him, Hong Yun's eyes rarely showed a wave of fluctuations.

Then he continued to push forward, trying to completely open the palace gate in front of him.

But no matter what he did, he could only push the front door halfway open, and there was still a forbidden to appear above this door.

Its strength can only be deciphered by stepping into the master of the starry sky.

Moreover, the Lord of the Starry Sky is not the power that barely stepped into this realm, but the mid-level of the Lord of the Starry Sky can break it and step into the palace.

Hong Yun was a little curious about what was in this palace that could make the previous owner of Pure Yang Palace so careful.

It was even stronger than the previous Spirit Beast Palace.

Could it be that the treasures banned here are even more terrifying than the group of big monsters in the Spirit Beast Palace that are comparable to the level of the Lord of the Stars?

Standing in front of the palace, Hong Yun sighed deeply as he looked at the palace gate half-open in front of him.

Then he used the authority of the owner of the Pure Yang Palace to attract the strongest spirit treasure that his authority could attract from the palace in front of him.

I saw a red light flying out of the palace, and it came to Hong Yun in an instant.

And the moment the red light left the palace, the gate of the palace was completely closed. If you want to open it again, I'm afraid you will have to wait for a thousand years.

"It's a pity" in Hong Yun's heart!

If I had known it for a long time, I'm afraid I would come here to pick up a spiritual treasure every thousand years. After so many years of accumulation, I am afraid that I have a lot of treasures on hand! ?

Thinking of this, he sighed leisurely in his heart, and then looked at the Lingbao in front of him.

I saw a seed-like baby looming in the red light in front of him.

Hong Yun frowned and took it out of the red light. He held it in his hand and saw that it was really a seed that he didn't know what it was.

He looked up at the palace gate that was closed before him, not knowing what to say for a while.

For some reason, he always felt that the dead rabbit was pitting him, but there was no evidence.

After hesitating for a while, he took the seed that flew from the palace and left Chunyang Palace, and walked towards the place where the Moon Spirit Rabbit came from.

But in a moment, he came to the small medicine garden of Yueling Rabbit.

He had just stepped into the medicine garden when he saw the busy Yueling Rabbit suddenly stand up, looked at Hongyun in surprise, and said, "Master, why are you here?"

Hong Yun looked at the expression on Yueling Rabbit's face, not as if it was deliberately deceiving.

He took out the seed he had obtained before, and said somewhat depressed: "In that palace, I only got such a seed. I don't know what it is for?"

A smile flashed in the eyes of Yueling Rabbit, looking at the seeds in the hands of this red cloud, he pretended to be surprised and said: "Master is really a good opportunity, this kind of child is extraordinary, this thing is comparable to the spirit of the ancient sage Tao fruit. Shi, a rare good baby in the world!"

Hong Yun looked at Yueling Rabbit with a weird face, and asked suspiciously: "Do you know this stuff?"

Moonling Rabbit nodded in agreement, and then said: "Master, I have heard my previous master talk about it. If a world wants to achieve a truly great world, in addition to the core of the world and the changes in the heavens. , Comes from the foundation in the world..."

"Just like the world right now, the world tree and the many spiritual plants I planted are one of its foundations."

"And the seed that the master obtained from the palace is also equivalent to a world, and can be one of the foundations of a great world."

"The spiritual vegetation bred by this seed is called the "world barrier", which is equivalent to the world barrier. The only difference is that the world barrier is a simple protective barrier that every world can produce. The main level of invasion."

"If the master is not there, I am afraid that even a mighty power that enters and leaves the Old Sage can't resist."

"But this world barrier seed is different. If it is planted, when it grows, it can be transformed into a world barrier, which is sufficient to resist the attack of the master of the starry sky!"

"Of course, it needs to grow for hundreds of yuan. If I plant it now, I can at best catalyze it into a world barrier against the pinnacle of the world leader!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun stood silent for a long time in the court.

This seed of the world barrier is almost a dispensable existence for him.

It seems that this opportunity was wasted...

Hong Yun sighed quietly, then looked at Lao Tzu who was sitting cross-legged under the World Tree in the distance, and then walked over slowly.

Coming to the front, he could clearly perceive that Lao Tzu has now fallen into the critical moment of stepping into the realm master level.

Only the last layer of window paper was pierced, and it was logical to step into the realm master level.

When Lao Tzu came to this world to break through, he didn't need to find or control one world, as long as his cultivation reached the limit.

Seeing that Lao Tzu never took the last step, Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly clicked, and a clear light shot out from his fingertips and fell directly into Lao Tzu's body.

At this moment, Lao Tzu only felt his soul coming out, drifting towards the sky, and the whole star became smaller and smaller in his eyes.

He even saw his big brother Hongyun, standing in front of him, as if he was protecting the law.

And his soul is under the protection of the will of Heaven, directly stepping into the starry sky, and then drifting towards the depths of the starry sky.

The red cloud below seemed to be aware of this too, and couldn't help frowning.

Even if it was a breakthrough here, Lao Tzu's soul shouldn't have stepped into the depths of the starry sky. There must be something wrong.

Hong Yun's figure disappeared in the same place instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived next to Lao Tzu's spirit.

Looking at the Lao Tzu next to him, he slowly said: "You continue to move forward. If you protect by your side, you will be safe and sound!"

Hearing this, Laozi stood in the starry sky and bowed his hand to the red cloud, and then said: "If this is the case, thank you brother!"

Hong Yun nodded slightly and followed Lao Tzu all the time.

With the red cloud on his side, I also settled a lot in my heart. Fortunately, following the force of attraction, the whole soul moved toward the depths of the starry sky.

Hongyun secretly used means to cover Laozi's spirit, just in case, so that the spirit of Laozi was completely shattered.

The two wandered towards the depths of the starry sky not long after.

Coming to a hidden corner of the starry sky, I saw a figure in black sitting cross-legged on an empty star.

The power of the law exudes around the body, which is generally the same as the force of attraction that Lao Tzu has sensed.

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