I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 963: Confuse

The Lord of the Vault of Sky looked at the Lord of Shaking Light who gritted his teeth and couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes.

It was the first time he saw this guy so gaffe...

The Lord of Shaker who has always been such a mess, if someone finds out that he is now complaining here, I am afraid it will make people laugh out of their teeth.

He thought for a moment, and then smiled and said: "If that's the case, you will be here to recover from your injury during this period of time. When your injury is healed, you can go to the place with me for a walk!"

The Lord of Shaking Light was silent for a moment, and then said: "That little guy has great potential. He can get the inheritance and blessings of the gatekeeper and that bastard. I am afraid that in the future it will be the hope of the battlefield outside the universe..."

The Lord of Sky Vault smiled and said: "Because of his good potential, we should go and take a look. At least before leaving, let him understand what he needs to face in the future."

When the Lord of Shaking Light heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he smiled and said: "It's okay, give me a period of time, let me recover from my physical injury first, and then go together..."

When the voice fell, he disappeared into the starry sky, as if he had never appeared before.

The two chains that the Lord of the Vault of Sky gave him before were enough for him to return to his peak state.

After the Lord of Shaking Light disappeared, the Lord of Sky Vault then looked at the few people beside him, and then led them to a planet where life had just been born.

At this moment, Hongyun looked at the primitive and others who suddenly came, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He welcomed Yuan Yuan and others to the stars, and suddenly smiled: "Several brothers and sisters came here to make a breakthrough!"

Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian looked at each other, and laughed at the same time: "Brother, we are here to make a breakthrough."

"Even though Honghuang has become more aura now, if you want to step into the realm master level in it, you can't do it at all..."

"And now I have reached the peak of the saint, and I am only one step away from the world master. If the stalemate continues like this, I am afraid that the heart will be dusted, and I ask the senior brother to do it!"

Nuwa and Houtu were also silent for a long time, and they came this time because of this.

Now his own big brother has stepped into the realm of the starry sky saint, and they are still at the peak of the saint, if this continues.

I’m afraid I can’t even see the back of my brother...

After hearing the two people speak, Hong Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Senior apprentices, please rest assured, come here and leave everything to the senior apprentices to arrange."

The crowd recounted the past in the temple, and Hongyun told them what to pay attention to when they stepped into the realm master level.

Then arranged for everyone to stay at the foot of a world tree to prepare for a breakthrough.

But he came into the starry sky, glanced at the starry sky dominated by the lord of the sky not far away, and couldn't help showing a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Before, he could vaguely perceive something that happened in the starry sky.

But it was precisely because he could perceive what happened in that starry sky that he had a lot of worries in his heart.

The direction that the man in black was leaving was also the starry sky.

If they were malicious, they would have no resistance at all by virtue of their current strength in the realm of the starry sky saint when they came back in the future.

And there are only two ways he can improve his realm now, that is, he can raise the world he controls to a great world, and he can make himself a lot more advanced in his cultivation.

The other is to swallow enough heaven, material and earth treasures, the lowest level is also the human emperor grass level, with the help of the rich energy and the rules of the universe to break the mirror.

As for the road that Old Sage Yunyan used to take, he hadn't thought about it.

Just waiting for the ancient starry sky road to open again, I don't know how many yuan will be waiting, there are only these two breakthrough methods in a short period of time.

Just when Hong Yun was sad, Yueling Rabbit suddenly appeared to the side, looking thoughtfully at the starry sky in the distance.

Muttered to himself: "Master, don't worry, those two guys won't do it to you..."

A look of surprise appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and he asked, "How can you be sure of this?"

The Moon Spirit Rabbit looked a little bit sad and said, "Because they are all characters like my former master, they won't reconcile themselves to being invincible in this cosmic sea, and they will leave sooner or later."

"Outside this cosmic sea, there are our common enemies. They are optimistic about the master's potential and will never do anything."

Hong Yun heard the words, the incomprehensible color in his eyes became more and more intense, and then asked with some uncertainty: "If this is the case, then why did your former master be attacked by a group?"

The Moon Ling Rabbit was taken aback for a moment, the sad expression in his eyes disappeared, and he said in a slanderous manner: "You two are not the same. He is too capable of causing trouble..."

When Hong Yun heard this, there was also a strange look on his face.

He deeply agreed with Yuelingtu's excuse.

These can be seen from the inside information contained in the Pure Yang Palace, without looting dozens of hundreds of holy places or immortal kingdoms, the inside information contained in the Pure Yang Palace is simply not available.

And that guy didn't steal it sneakily, but hit the door directly to **** it...

Although it was an invincible road, it was a bit too much.

Hong Yun sighed deeply, and then asked: "What is the common enemy outside the universe?"

Moonling Rabbit was silent for a moment, and said, "Some foreign enemies!"

"The powerhouses who have stepped out of other cosmic seas are best at conquering, plundering and destroying. In this cosmic sea, every master of the starry sky that has disappeared has stepped into that battlefield."

After hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, Hong Yun couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath.

How terrifying is the battlefield with the Lord of the Stars as the threshold?

He sighed leisurely, and then said: "If this is the case, then I really want to take a look."

After speaking, he looked at the stars he controlled.

Today, Yuan Yuan, Tongtian and others have reached the key to their breakthrough, and with the support of the World Tree, they are about to step into the level of the world master.

Hong Yun flew into the stars, and then stood by the people, watching them break through together.

After a while, everyone's spirits suddenly flew out, under the protection of the red clouds, they were constantly exploring the starry sky, absorbing the power of the rules of the stars in the universe.

Hong Yun witnessed everything that happened in this event, wondering whether to find them some ready-made stars of life.

In this way, they can rush to the real world master level.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit who was not far away, and then stroked his chin thoughtfully...

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