I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 964: coffin

As if thinking of something, Hong Yun beckoned not far away and let the Moon Spirit Rabbit step forward.

The Moonling Rabbit, who was playing with the flowers and plants, couldn't help but stepped forward frightened as he looked at his master like this.

Cautiously asked: "Why did the lord come to me?"

Hongyun looked at Yueling Rabbit earnestly, then smiled and asked, "How many things are you hiding?"

Yueling Rabbit couldn't help but shook his heart when he heard the words. He shook his head and said, "It's gone, it's gone, nothing is hidden."

Hong Yun's figure flickered, and instantly appeared behind the Yueling Rabbit, directly holding the Yueling Rabbit upside down and shaking in the air.

Just shaking for a long time, nothing fell...

He casually threw the Moon Spirit Rabbit aside, and then looked at each other solemnly, and then at the few people who were breaking through from a distance.

Yue Lingtu smiled and took two steps back, and then said: "Master, if there is nothing else, then I will go back first."

Hong Yun waved his hand casually and let the Moon Spirit Rabbit leave.

He waited until Yueling Rabbit was gone before he muttered to himself: "This dead rabbit is so deep!"

He carried his hands and came to the side of Yuan Yuan and the others, and then his figure completely disappeared here, and he came to the starry sky, standing on a desolate star.

Looking at the starry sky where the Lord of the Sky was not far away, there was a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Then he raised his hand to squeeze the stars and set up a formation at the junction of the two starry sky to prevent anyone from coming to the starry sky where he was not paying attention.

After doing all this, he turned his head and returned to the desolate star before.

Then he took out the previous fishing rod, raised his hand and threw the hook out, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

Hongyun reached out an incarnation and walked behind the black hole, spreading along the fishing line to the depths.

Only at the edge of the black hole, there are still a chain of rules to seal it off.

This incarnation of Hongyun could not enter the black hole at all.

According to the previous speculation of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, after this black hole, it should be outside the Universe Sea.

It's just who did the chain of rules on this black hole.

The only function of these chain of rules is to prevent people from entering the universe through this black hole.

In the past, the only way to leave this universe was the most mysterious ancient road in the starry sky.

It's like when you set foot on the ancient starry sky, the corpses of those strong men in the terrifying black fog on both sides of the road, some people say that they are the horribly dead starry masters on the most mysterious ancient starry sky.

But in this universe, how could there be so many masters of the starry sky.

Did they die on the road, the corpse buried in the darkness, or died on the battlefield outside the universe, where the corpse was sent to the ancient starry sky.

Turned into nourishment to supply the ancient starry sky and the existence of the world behind it.

All this is an unknown!

Hong Yun sighed faintly, and then raised his hand to move the fishing rod, only to see that in the black hole, a huge coffin was blocked outside the chain.

No matter how he pulled it, he couldn't pull the coffin out of the black hole.

Hong Yun frowned, which showed that the coffin at the moment had surpassed the level of the saint of the starry sky, and at the lowest was also the lord of the starry sky.

But this is just a coffin, how could there be a breath comparable to the Lord of the Stars.

Just when he was puzzled, the regular chain bound on the coffin was constantly trembling, and then cracks appeared on it.

It just broke apart in just a moment...

Hong Yun's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at the coffin behind the black hole warily.

I saw the coffin lid opened, and a dry and dark figure sat up from it, his eyes were full of black mist, and he was staring at the red cloud faintly at this moment.

After a long time, the lacquered black shadow muttered to himself: "I found it, is this the back hand you left behind?"

Seeing that the lacquered black figure was about to take off from the coffin, the next moment a giant hand covering the sky was slapped abruptly.

"Just trespassing into the old man's site, really **** it!"

The giant hand covering the sky directly patted the black shadow on the forehead, abruptly photographing him and lying down again.

Then a series of strong regular chains surged, and the coffin lid was re-covered, turning into chains and bound on the coffin.

The fishing rod in Hong Yun's hand also suddenly loosened, and was directly drawn out of the black hole.

The black hole gradually closed, and then disappeared completely.

Only the vast starry sky and a blank red cloud were left.

The red cloud stood above the star, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

For some reason, he never felt that the owner of the giant hand was a little familiar, not just him, including the figure sitting in the coffin, also gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But there is no trace of the existence of these two people in his memory. Where does this strange sense of familiarity come from?

He turned his head, and the Moon Spirit Rabbit had come not far behind him. At this moment, he was looking at Hongyun with a vigilant expression and asked: "Master, what just happened? Why is there such a terrifying fluctuation here?"

Hong Yun waved his hand casually, and said, "It's just a small matter."

He looked deeply at the starry sky, and finally returned to the square star under his control, looked at the primitive and others who had already broken through, smiled and said, "Congratulations, brothers and sisters, your cultivation is even better. Floors."

Yuan Yuan and others hurriedly said: "This time, thanks to the brother, if it weren't for the brother to let me come to this world to break through, I am afraid we would not be able to step into the level of the world master so smoothly."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "After you break through, remember to consolidate your cultivation base. It is best to find a masterless star for refining, so that you can become a real world master."

Yuan Yuan and others quickly nodded their heads and agreed, and after some greetings, everyone gradually left.

And the place where the Lord of the Sky is at this moment.

He sat on the throne, glanced towards the starry sky where the red cloud was, and muttered to himself: "It was the breath of the gatekeeper just now, why did it suddenly come?"

Beside him, a dark shadow gradually appeared, and said thoughtfully: "In addition to the breath of the gatekeeper, there are traces of other strong people remaining, and it is not originally planned in this universe. Breath, is it possible that someone broke in..."

The Lord of Sky Vault shook his head and said: "Impossible, now that the war hasn't been over, how could someone shuttle across the battlefield and sneak in under the eyes of the gatekeeper."

"And that breath fades in a flash, making it hard to be sure."

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