I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 967: guess

Hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, Hong Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Old friends on that road?

It seems that the most mysterious ancient road in deep space is still a little different from what I imagined, at least perhaps not what I once thought.

Yue Lingtu looked at the place where the two disappeared, feeling lost for a while.

Then he said: "Those two guys, don't die outside!"

Hongyun smiled and patted the head of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, and said: "Every person who walks out of the universe is a distinguished person, and there is no need to worry about them."

When the voice fell, he turned and walked towards the back.

Now that the way forward has been determined and I have seen the peak beyond my imagination, perhaps I should make a breakthrough sooner.

Since the world he controls, he is already subtly feeding himself back.

Then only need to start from this aspect.

When the world has fully grown into a real great world, maybe oneself can also use this to become the lord of the starry sky.

Moreover, he is the legendary master of the orthodox starry sky, accepting a world into his body, forming a universe starry sky by himself, and gaining infinite power.

Only then can we go further.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and then he entered the world directly.

Behind him, Yueling Rabbit looked at the red cloud that was suddenly beaten with blood, couldn't help scratching his head, constantly guessing what his master wanted to do.

And on the other side.

After the Lord of the Vault of Sky and the Lord of Shaking Light stepped out of the universe, they were engulfed by a terrifying power and flew towards the giant city in the chaos.

During the flight.

The Lord of Shaking Light couldn't help but slapped his tongue: "This old man, it really depends on people to order food. When I came by myself, he took it back."

When the Lord of the Sky heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Then you are talking about how you left the universe."

The Lord of Shaking Light was speechless for a while.

When he left the Universe Sea, he did take a shortcut, but there was no need for him to be so cruel.

That rod almost shattered his body completely.

The lord of the sky looked at the giant city not far away, and a burst of light burst into his eyes, saying: "I have already sensed the mark on that city and the breath left by countless battles. I don't know if foreign enemies are like in my heart. As strong as you think..."

The Lord of Shaking Light smiled and said: "The foreign enemy who has been able to fight until now is probably not that weak, but I don't know whether those dogs will startle their teeth when they see our brothers coming."

The Lord of the Vault of Heaven looked at the Lord of Shaking with disgust, and said: "Do you want to be beaten, don't pull me up."

Master of Shaking Light: "..."

Within the world.

Hong Yun came to the world tree, and looked at the world tree that was growing sturdily in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a touch of satisfaction in his eyes.

After thinking about it for a moment.

He flickered, stepping directly into the Pure Yang Palace, and came to the gate of the Spirit Beast Palace that had never been really opened.

In his previous guess, the spirit beast of this spirit beast palace was the weakest at the level of the realm master, and he had also released the spirit beast of the starry sky saint level before.

It's just that the time it made him remember it!

That kind of terrifying aura, if nothing unexpected happens, there is at least one master of the starry sky power in it.

The dead rabbit seemed to have said before that she also ran out of this spirit beast palace.

However, judging from her performance, this guy's position in the Pure Yang Palace is more inclined to be a housekeeper.

To be a steward of Pure Yang Palace, his strength should not be weak.

This guy, shouldn't he be a hidden master of the starry sky! ?

Thinking of this, Hong Yun felt more and more possible in his heart. After all, the previous master of the Pure Yang Palace, but under the encirclement and suppression of many stars of the sky, successfully got away.

According to the words of the Lord of the Sky and the Lord of Shaking Light, that guy should have already gone to the battlefield outside the universe.

He must have left behind.

Just as Hong Yun was thinking about it, a figure was suddenly found in his divine thoughts, it was the Moon Spirit Rabbit that sneaked in.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit hid in the distance, looking at the red cloud standing in a daze in front of the Spirit Beast Palace, not knowing what he was thinking.

But when she was relieved, Hong Yun appeared beside her silently, raised her hand to hold the two ears of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, and lifted it abruptly.

Moonling Rabbit was in Hongyun's hands, looking at his owner with an innocent look, and said, "Master, what are you doing?"

Hong Yun looked thoughtfully at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in his hand, and muttered to himself: "You told me before that you ran out of the Spirit Beast Palace."

Yue Lingtu stared wide-eyed, nodded, with an innocent posture.

Hong Yun continued: "If this is the case, who is the guy in the Spirit Beast Palace who is suspected of being the Lord of the Starry Sky?"

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit shook his head quickly and said: "I don't know. Since I ran out, I have lost too many memories. I can't figure out who that guy is."

Hong Yun said suspiciously, "Really?"

The moon rabbit nodded frantically.

Hong Yun raised his hand to release the Moon Spirit Rabbit, always feeling something wrong in his heart.

Along the way, the guys who knew Yueling Rabbit were all too weird, even the Lord of the Vault of Sky and the Lord of Shaking Light, who had just left.

That kind of feeling, it's like talking to the peers.

A dead rabbit at the level of a sage in the starry sky, where could it be such a big face, even if it was added to her previous master, it shouldn't be right.

And this guy, there are too many things in his hands.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, before coming to the Spirit Beast Palace, looked at the closed palace gate in front of him, and then raised his hand to cover it.

Use all your strength to push it directly away.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit, not far behind him, couldn't help but have a complex look in his eyes as he watched Hong Yun pushing the palace gate so hard.

Seeing that the gate of the Spirit Beast Palace had been pushed open.

Several rays of light flew in scramblingly among them.

Can be the next second.

The gate of the Spirit Beast Palace was directly closed, leaving only a light spot slipping away from it and being directly taken into the bag by Hong Yun.

Hong Yun looked at the light spot in his hand, with an unbelievable color in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "How can this spirit beast palace gate be stronger than before?"

"Is it true that only when I step into the master of the starry sky can I be able to push it away completely?"

Beside him, the Moon Spirit Rabbit said comfortingly: "Master doesn't need to be like that. This Spirit Beast Palace is a supernatural being in the Pure Yang Palace. It doesn't matter if it can't be opened now."

Hong Yun looked at Yueling Rabbit suspiciously, wondering for a while whether this dead rabbit was a sincere consolation.

Just listen to the Moon Spirit Rabbit continuing to speak: "Perhaps the master refines this pure Yang Palace with the world and incorporates it into his body. After a cosmic starry sky is spawned in his body, he can also completely control it."

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