I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 968: Inner universe

After hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, Hong Yun nodded thoughtfully.

If he could really refine the Pure Yang Palace with the world and incorporate it into one's body as he said, perhaps it could really give birth to a cosmic starry sky in the body.

When you step out of the universe, don’t you take a universe with you? !

At that time, the rise and fall of the universe here will be closely related to oneself.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then patted Yueling Rabbit's head and said, "You dead rabbit is right!"

After the words fell, his whole person instantly disappeared in place, floating in the starry sky looking at the world below.

After thinking for a moment in his heart, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed, swallowing the whole world together with Pure Yang Palace into his abdomen, suspended in his body.

Then the whole person sat cross-legged in the starry sky, constantly absorbing the rules and spiritual energy from the universe, and constantly refining the world in the body.

Before he controlled this world, it was nothing more than refining the Dao of Heaven and the core of the world, and this time he wanted to refining the entire world.

And the many creatures in that world only felt that the top of their heads suddenly went dark.

When they came back to their senses, they found that the surrounding area was as bright and wide as usual.

Ao Xue and others even looked up into the distance, not knowing what they were thinking.

Moonling Rabbit was standing outside the temple, looking up at the extremely strange starry sky above his head, and couldn't help scratching his head, and said, "Master is really impatient! Why don't you wait for a while?"

She sighed leisurely, and then intercepted a part of the world rules and mana falling from the sky and began to refine the Pure Yang Palace.

After all, Hong Yun was about to refine the entire world, so he couldn't take care of it.

And just when Hong Yun wanted to step out of the way and refine a world, Hong Jun in the predicament now seemed to have a feeling in his heart and glanced in the direction where Hong Yun was.

Only after sensing the breath of Hongyun, he closed his eyes again.

Although he could perceive the disappearance of that world, he also felt that the aura of Hongyun was still there, which showed that no accident happened.

It should not be an invasion by a powerful enemy, otherwise it will not only destroy one world...

And in the great world of Hongmeng.

The Lord of Hongmeng naturally also sensed that one of the worlds in the starry sky that he was in had completely disappeared, and when he was puzzled, he wanted to make a deduction.

With the help of the world power of the Hongmeng world and the rules of the universe, a picture suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Seeing that Hong Yun's figure became huge in the starry sky, he opened his mouth and swallowed a world into his abdomen.

This made Hongmeng Realm Master not help but feel cold.

How could this person devour the world under his control?

Originally after the two had traded, he thought that besides the strong cultivation base, he should have sentient beings in his heart!

But how can a person who can swallow a world with kindness exist? !

The Lord of the Hongmeng Realm became serious in an instant, and then stimulated the world barriers of the entire world to prevent foreign enemies from invading, and wanted to completely protect the entire world.

But outside the universe, the guardian was still the old man in the entire universe, suddenly looking down at a point in the universe below.

Muttered to himself authentically: "A new way, do you want to step into the realm of the master of the starry sky in advance?"

Immediately, he smiled and shook his head, then raised his hand to the Universe Sea below and lightly clicked, and said: "Since you want to step into the realm of Star Lord in advance, then this seat will help you..."

When the voice fell, I saw a blue light directly falling into the universe below.

At this moment, Hongyun's refining world has also reached a critical point. As long as this world is completely refined into the universe in his body, the world tree and other backgrounds in it can be used to give birth to the world.

This trip is a real success...

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the vastness of nothingness above, and saw a clear light flying quickly from far to near.

Even Hong Yun didn't have time to react, so he incorporated that clear light into his body.

Hong Yun's complexion couldn't help but changed. When he just wanted to notify the Moon Spirit Rabbit of the change, he found that the clear light was on the side of the world where he was refining.

Begin to continuously give birth to the vast starry sky and chaos.

"He's helping me spawn the universe in my body?!"

This thought suddenly came to Hong Yun's heart, and he watched with an expression of disbelief that the world in his body grew stronger.

And his whole person is suspended in the starry sky of the universe, like a huge boulder, I don't know how long it will be up and down...

At this moment, outside the Universe Sea, another slender figure walked out, and directed at the old man guarding the Universe Sea in front of him. He bowed and said, "Yunyan, I have seen seniors!"

The old man looked at the Lord of Yunyan before him, shook his head slightly and said: "You have just set foot on the Lord of Starry Sky for less than ten thousand years, and you can continue to practice and settle down. Why bother to leave the universe so early."

The Lord of Yunyan smiled and said: "The younger generation has no concerns in their hearts, and there is no other effect if they continue to stay in the universe. It is better to come out and take a look."

The old man laughed and said: "If you really don't care about it, how can you get out of the universe!"

The main face of Yunyan's face was red, and then he said: "Please also seniors to help me go to the border town!"

The old man smiled and nodded, and then lightly tapped at the Lord of Yunyan, an infinite force instantly enveloped the Lord of Yunyan, and galloped towards the emptiness and chaos in the distance.

The old man looked at the back of the Lord of Yunyan leaving with a smile on his face, muttering to himself: "More and more people are coming out of the universe. It seems that the pressure ahead can also be reduced a lot..."

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly, then closed his eyes and continued to sit cross-legged on the stars like a rock.

I don't know how long it took, in the universe below, a burst of bright light suddenly burst out.

The old man's eyelids moved slightly, as if he was about to wake up from a deep sleep, but in the end he couldn't open his eyes again, only a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the cosmic sea below, the red cloud sitting cross-legged in the starry sky opened his eyes slightly, and the breath in his body burst out again.

The breath of his body has far surpassed the realm of the starry sky saint, but there is still some distance from the starry sky master.

It's just that the gap has been narrowing indefinitely, and it senses the endless mana and Tao in his body, and the world that is thriving on that side, and there is a universe that is gradually taking shape.

A smile on the surface of the red cloud could not help but muttered to himself: "According to the current trend, it only takes ten thousand years at most, and I can successfully break through to the level of the master of the starry sky!"


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