I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 969: Leave

The red cloud stood in the silent starry sky, looking down at the stars in his body. After seeing the efforts of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, a smile flashed across his face.

If he is alone, I am afraid it will take a lot of time to refine the stars here alone.

But now, with the Moon Spirit Rabbit inside and outside, it saves him a lot of time and allows him to speed up the refining of the stars in his body.

Hong Yun flickered and disappeared into the starry sky in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already entered the prehistoric land.

Suddenly, he raised his head and glanced in the direction of Zixiao Palace, and then disappeared in place.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun's figure appeared in the upper seat, smiling at the red cloud that suddenly appeared in the hall.

He opened his mouth and said: "The road you go is farther than being a teacher."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If there is no teacher, I am afraid that the disciple would not have come to this point. It is just that the path the teacher is doing now, I am afraid that he will not reach the true peak."

Upon hearing this, Hongjun was silent for a long time.

Then he smiled and said, "I know, but since this road is halfway down, there is absolutely no possibility of turning back. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will be glad to see the way forward."

Having said that, he looked at the red cloud below and said: "You should have something to do when you come back now!?"

Hongyun nodded slightly, and then said: "Teacher, I have seen the way forward and the way to leave the universe. Even if the master of the starry sky is not the peak of practice, I want to go out of the universe and see. Higher demeanor."

When Hongjun heard this, he couldn't help sighing deeply, and said: "If this is the case, then Nuwa and the others... I'm afraid they won't agree."

Hongyun smiled bitterly: "There will be many crises here. I can't take them there. If possible, I hope the teacher will take good care of them. If I set foot on the summit in the future, I will definitely come back. If not, maybe I'm already dead. Cosmos overseas."

Hongjun shook his head slightly, and said, "You can collect it into the stars in your body and stay in the wilderness. They can't see the way forward. Maybe they can't even wait for you to return."

Hongyun was silent for a long time, and then nodded deeply, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll just ask them how many people are."

Hongjun casually waved his hand and said, "Go! Set foot in the realm of the master of the starry sky first, and then come back and take them away."

Hong Yun nodded, then turned and left Zixiao Palace.

Suspended in the starry sky, he looked down at the prehistoric sky right now, and then completely disappeared in the starry sky.

And Hongjun, who was still in the Zixiao Palace at the moment, couldn't help but sighed while looking at the direction of the distant starry sky.

At this moment, they saw Nuwa and Houtu come to Zixiao Palace.

After the two came to Zixiao Palace, they looked around, then sighed quietly, and said, "Teacher, did he leave again."

Hongjun nodded slightly, and then said: "You two don't need to worry, when he returns again, you can take you two out of the wilderness, or even out of this universe."

Hearing this, a strange look flashed in the eyes of Nuwa and Houtu.

They looked at each other, then nodded.

After bowing to Hong Jun above, he left the Zixiao Palace directly.

After the two had left, Hongjun didn't know what was thinking in his heart, looking at the current predicament, he raised his hand and waved lightly.

I saw the entire sky above the vast wilderness, and the laws of the Great Dao began to grow, especially those saints and the powerful dojo category above the saints, and countless ways were constantly permeating.

Nuwa and Houtu, who had just returned to the dojo, also looked up at the many laws that permeated their bodies.

With gratitude in his eyes, he saluted where Hongjun was, and then returned to his retreat to practice.

At this moment, Hong Yun looked at the place where the stars he originally controlled, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then left the starry sky.

He went this time, stepping into the mysterious ancient road at the level of a saint in the starry sky, trying to find a breakthrough opportunity from it.

A step-by-step breakthrough is a waste of time for him.

Hong Yun led the crowd into the starry sky, looking at the unfamiliar starry sky around him, and then staring in one direction, moving forward at great speed.

This is still the way to the depths of the universe.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the red cloud by his side, and slowly said, "Although that path can allow the Saint of Starry Sky to step into the realm of the Lord of Starry Sky, there are many dangers in it. And retreat. ’

Hong Yun smiled and said, "If that's not the case. How can one set foot in the realm of the master of the starry sky?"

He looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit beside him, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you. I'm afraid I can't refine that star so smoothly."

Yue Lingtu smiled and scratched his head, and said: ‘I also want to go out of the universe to take a look. ’

Hong Yun heard this and said with a little surprise in his eyes: "If this is the case, the two previous seniors said that they would take you away, why didn't you leave? You still want to stay here."

Yueling Rabbit scratched his head and said, "I can't believe them. Both of them have been beaten by my master."

Of course, these two guys did not lose money from the previous owner of the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

So when the two people said that they would take the Moon Spirit Rabbit out of this universe, she was more vigilant in her heart, for fear that these two guys were secretly thinking about her.

not to mention. Now its body has not come out of the Promise Palace, and her current strength has not yet reached its peak. If she left the universe so hastily, I am afraid she would just lose an incarnation for nothing.

Hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, Hong Yun's expression couldn't help but become weird. How could this guy's previous master feel the more trouble he got.

In this universe, it felt like enemies were everywhere.

Everyone walked and sat on Xiaobai among the stars, just like when they first stepped into the starry sky and headed towards the center of the universe.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

Although the distance was the same two times, their cultivation bases and moods were completely different.

You know, the red cloud now contains a star in its body, which provides it with endless mana and laws, and it also continuously draws energy from the surrounding stars.

This also gave Hong Yun no worries, and all that was left was to set foot on the ancient starry sky road to find the opportunity to set foot on the starry sky master.

Calculating the time, the ancient road to the starry sky should almost be opened...

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