I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 970: statue

Everyone was constantly shuttled among the stars in the universe, moving towards the center of the universe.

This time, Xiao Bai's speed was much faster than before, and he moved forward extremely fast while devouring the energy emanating from the cosmic starry sky.

But the Moon Spirit Rabbit and the others directly returned to the stars in Hong Yun's body.

Hong Yun was sitting on Xiao Bai's head, holding a fishing rod in his hand, looking at the stars in the universe ahead.

The next moment, he threw the fishing line in his hand along with the hook to the side.

He usually sits in a dry star and uses the fishing rod this treasure. This is the first time he has used it on Xiao Bai who is walking forward.

On the side of Xiaobai's body, a huge black hole suddenly appeared, exuding an extremely terrifying and mysterious atmosphere.

Hong Yun looked along the fishing line, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The two masters of the starry sky before left the universe through the current road, and they strengthened the chains behind the black hole before leaving.

Looking at it now, the chains of Dao Ze have become such a look, it looks like a shaky feeling.

Is it possible that after the chains of these Taoisms are broken, it is difficult to restore them to their original appearance?

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, but these were not so important to him. After all, he didn't believe it. What kind of treasures or enemies above the level of the saint in the starry sky could be pulled out of this black hole.

According to the previous Lord of the Sky, there are also guardians outside the universe. Since the fishing rod in his hand was given by the guardian, there shouldn't be any problems.

Just as Hong Yun was thinking like this in his heart, he felt the fishing rod in his hand sink suddenly, and then he noticed that in the black hole, a very strange aura gradually approached.

Just behind the black hole, the breath moved closer and closer...

I don't know how long it has passed before Hong Yun suddenly saw a huge monster, which seemed to come from a dilapidated building above a certain star.

I don't know whether it was destroyed by external force or internally, but now I can only vaguely see what it looks like.

Hong Yun frowned, wanting to see whether this building can enter the starry sky through the black hole.

After a while, I saw that the broken building quietly passed through the chain of Dao Ze behind the black hole and came to Hong Yun.

Xiaobai looked at the huge building that suddenly appeared here, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

Then he turned his head and headed towards the center of the universe.

And Hong Yun raised his hand to grab the huge building in front of him, led it over, and then drew out his spiritual mind, carefully inspecting the dilapidated building in front of him from the outside to the inside.

There are countless remains of creatures in it. Above these remains of creatures, the aura that exudes is at the level of the saints in the starry sky.

It stands to reason that this building has so many creatures of the starry sky saint level, there should be a master of starry sky existence.

But why, in this dilapidated building, there is no aura of the Lord of the Stars.

Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly clicked, and saw a chain spreading from his fingertips, tied to the broken building not far away, and then dispatched an incarnation of a white bone to explore it.

If it weren't for worrying that there were other dangers in it, he might have already placed this broken building among the stars.

After all, there is no safer place than the stars in his body.

The avatar of the white bone entered the building, and as the road continued to move forward, he did not pay any attention to the corpses of creatures all around.

Along the existing road in the building, I walked all the way to the very center of the dilapidated building.

I saw a huge statue standing in the very center of the dilapidated building, and everything in the building area was scattered and destroyed a lot.

But only the statue in the center did not show the slightest trace of damage, not even the slightest scratch.

The incarnation of the bone slowly approached.

As soon as he walked within ten meters of the statue, he could clearly sense the terrifying aura emanating from it.

It seemed that he wanted to force the incarnation of the bones to kneel to the ground.


The red cloud sitting on Xiaobai felt a smile on his face as he sensed what was happening in the building.

Muttered: "Something interesting."

A trace of his soul splits into the incarnation of the white bone, once again strengthening the power of the soul in the white bone incarnation.

Then abruptly carrying this coercion and approaching the statue.

Just walked to the foot of the statue, looked up at the huge statue in front of him, raised his hand and leaned in lightly.

Not waiting for the bone incarnation's hand to approach the statue.

I vaguely saw the statue above, exuding a very peculiar principle, and bounced the hand of the white bone incarnation.

The white bone avatar raised his hand again, covering Dao Ze with his hand, inserting it abruptly.

The moment he touched the statue, an inexplicable memory was transmitted into the soul of the white bone incarnation.

The red cloud on Xiao Bai's back naturally sensed all this.

In memory, this building was originally the center of a starry sky, the top power above the stars.

Among them, there are several masters of the starry sky, and there are also many starry saints.

And those corpses at the level of saints in the starry sky outside are those people in memory.

I don't know how long it took, someone was forcibly opening the starry sky, raising his hand to slap the star below.

Countless great energies are suspended in the air, standing in the starry sky of the universe, exhausting all means to resist the attack.

But even those few masters of the starry sky could not resist the huge palm that stretched out from outside the universe.

In desperation, he had no choice but to cast the statue in front of him with his soul and body.

Attempting to use the power of the statue to resist the supernatural power in front of him.

Together with the saints in the starry sky, he sacrificed everything he had to the statue in the center.

Infinite power came, but even so, all the creatures of the stars here died.

What they did was to delay the giant hand in this place for a while.

Just after the cosmic stars had shattered, a fishing line suddenly stretched out from a void and wrapped it around the giant hand that destroyed the world.

Directly cut the giant palm with infinite power.

It just blended into the statue in the center, and this kind of change happened.

What made him a little puzzled was what the owner of the giant palm said when the giant palm fell into this world.

What did the gatekeeper of this universe say?

Hong Yun frowned slightly, put away the white bone incarnation, and then laid a formation against the dilapidated building here, and threw it into the stars in his body.

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