I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 971: Sealed secret

Among the stars in the body.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the wreckage of the building that suddenly appeared next to the temple, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then put away the game console in his hand and walked towards the wreckage of the building aside.

Before coming to the wreckage of the building, looking inside, the divine light in his eyes burst out, looking towards the center of the building.

I saw a white jade statue standing quietly in the center of the main hall.

The moment he saw the statue, a look of surprise flashed in Yueling Rabbit's eyes, as if he had seen the statue somewhere.

But where she saw it, she couldn't remember it.

Just as Yueling Rabbit was puzzled, he heard Hongyun speak: "You enter the city, and explore that there may be remaining powerful palms in it."

He can still remember that the giant hand that wiped out a star was severely cut off by the gatekeeper with a fishing line.

Just left in the city.

If you can find that giant hand, I'm afraid you can find the secret of the master of the starry sky.

After hearing Hongyun's words, a clear look flashed in the eyes of Yueling Rabbit, and then he walked towards the broken building in front.

Before coming to the dilapidated building, the color of surprise in Yueling Rabbit's eyes became more and more intense.

She could see that what she saw before her eyes was a top spiritual power in the world, and it could be said that all the power in the world was gathered here.

But even so, it was still annihilated by people and the whole world.

There are still the masters of the starry sky, and there is more than one. Such a powerful force can be easily destroyed by people.

How strong should the player be?

Before, she heard from the master that the person who took the shot still left a palm here, and it should be because the gatekeeper took the shot.

Otherwise, relying on the strength of these people, how could it be the opponent of the invading person.

The Moon Rabbit entered the dilapidated building through the formation, and then his nose moved slightly, as if he was feeling a certain breath.

Following the breath, I have been to the place where the statue is.

Yue Lingtu raised his head and glanced at the statue, with a clear look in his eyes.

It turned out that the previous masters of the starry sky were all integrated into the statue, no wonder she did not detect the breath of the master of the starry sky along the way.

However, based on her induction, the palm left by the intruder should be nearby.

Is it possible, under this statue?

Yueling Rabbit rubbed his hands and walked towards the statue in front of him with some excitement.

Before coming to the statue, he began to sense the defects of the statue through his natal supernatural powers, and wanted to see if he could move the statue away.

Just before she came to the statue, she saw a burst of golden light burst out of the statue.

Almost knocked the Moon Spirit Rabbit away...

Yue Lingtu patted his chest, and said with a bit of fear: "This guy is so fierce? Anyway, he is also from the same universe, and his shot is so cruel. It seems that there is no more sage left..."

She walked closer and began to perceive the void near the statue using the secret method.

After a long time, a burst of red light broke out in her eyes.

A secret place appeared in front of his eyes instantly, and on top of that secret place, there were dense chains bound by Dao Ze.

Yueling Rabbit touched his chin, then sighed leisurely, muttering to himself: "It seems that the main body is not there, even this little thing can't be done..."

She looked up at the sky and shouted: "Master, the thing has been found, but I can't make a move, take it out."

Sitting on Xiao Bai, the red cloud wandering toward the center of the universe heard this, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Yueling Rabbit.

Looking at the secret place that was bound up densely with chains, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted the Moon Spirit Rabbit to come and search in this Sanshou Building, but he just wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect to find it...

It's just that it's been so long, and there are so many Daoist chains to bind it up. Could it be that the giant hand can still struggle?

Hong Yun patted the Moon Spirit Rabbit's head, and suddenly realized that the Moon Spirit Rabbit's breath was much weaker than before.

He couldn't help but said in a bit of surprise: "How can you use your own magical powers and secrets to lose so much?"

It stands to reason that at the level of the saints in the starry sky, they all use their own magical powers and secret methods, and there shouldn't be such a big loss.

What's more, where they are now, it's a pure Yang Wuji star.

The moonling rabbit's authority is not low, and it can arbitrarily condense energy from the stars or the starry sky. How come it seems that this guy is so big now?

After hearing what Hongyun said, Yueling Rabbit couldn't help but scratched his head and smiled: "I think the master should have already guessed it, my body is not here, so the loss is a bit bigger."

Hearing this, Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit suspiciously, and said: "That monster beast at the master level of the Starry Sky in the Spirit Beast Palace, shouldn't it be your main body!?"

Yue Lingtu quickly waved his hand when he heard the words, and said, "How is it possible, I don't have that kind of strength."

Hong Yun nodded thoughtfully and said, "It should be the same if you think about it."

Afterwards, he looked at the secret place densely bound by Dao Ze's chains, and he raised his hand and waved before turning around.

I saw that countless Dao Ze breaths came to the fore, constantly trying to release the secret land from the chains of Dao Ze.

It's just that the speed is quite slow. If you want to completely unblock this secret land from the chain of Taoism, it should take more than a hundred years.

He patted the head of Yueling Rabbit beside him, smiled and said, "From today on, you will be watching your practice here. When you are about to unblock it, you must be careful!"

Hearing this, Yuelingtu nodded with a smile.

Then Hong Yun's figure disappeared in place and appeared on Xiao Bai.

Suddenly, he looked at the starry sky not far in front of him, the master of the starry sky who was driving the broken stars, couldn't help but stared blankly.

Then he felt the starry sky here, and found that it was not far from the center of the universe.

If nothing happens, these guys should also be cultivators heading to another ancient road in the starry sky.

Those saints in the starry sky above the broken stars glanced at the red clouds that controlled Xiaobai, then turned their heads and stopped paying attention.

After all, there are many people who want to enter the ancient starry sky, and it is normal to run into some along the way, and they will naturally not make a fuss.

What's more, he started to set up stalls among his broken stars, bartering for some special treasures he had obtained from his travels in the universe...

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