Chapter 512: The Tree Spirit Appears! (Large chapter two in one)


Huo Xiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with an ugly expression: “Su senior.”

When Huo Xiao spoke, Chen Shan, another holy son, also hurriedly stepped forward, cupped hands and said: “Su senior!”

“Well, two fellow daoist are good.”

Su Zhan glanced at Huo Xiao and the other saint son and found that they were all saint sons who had participated in the Eastern Wasteland saint son feast. He had also met once, so he nodded and said hello.

Afterwards, his gaze looked at about ten miles away, the big trees flashing with powerful Restrictions runes on the periphery.

About ten meters high, the trunk is about the thickness of an adult’s waist, and the whole body is pale blue, with a faint streamer flowing on the surface, making the trunk look like a jade.

There are very few branches, and there are fewer leaves on the branches.

Those leaves hung on the canopy like emeralds.

Su Zhan Shengnian scanned it once, and easily counted the number.

Three hundred and sixty-seven leaves.

This is the Lingqing Sacred Tree?

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

I thought that the sacred tree should be at least a kilometer high, thrusting straight into the sky, and magnificent.

But I didn’t expect it to be just an ordinary tree about ten meters high.

When Su Zhan looked at the sacred tree, Chen Shan and Huo Xiao also looked at him.

Chen Shan was okay, but he was a little embarrassed not to be dealt with by Su Zhan, and there was some curiosity.

Huo Xiao’s expression turned gloomy.

I think at the beginning, at the Feast of the Son, everyone was still the same generation.

But now, I actually want to call Su Zhan senior…

This makes him a little unacceptable.

“Huo Xiao.”

A voice sounded, Huo Xiao quickly walked in that direction, and respectfully said: “Ancestor.”

“Su Zhan is a guest from afar, don’t be so narrow-minded.”

Huo Yue’s tone intensified: “If you feel that you have lost your Face, you can win it back with your talent later!”

“Yes, ancestor!”

Huo Xiao also suddenly woke up.

He is a holy son who has not yet become a holy king, and his hostile gaze towards Su Zhan will indeed only cause trouble for himself, and it will also make others feel that he is narrow-minded and cannot be a great weapon.

“Ancestor, I will prove own!”

Huo Xiao said with confidence.

“The First Saint Child has amazing talents. It is not difficult to achieve Lingqing Xuanmu today.”

“The First Saint Child is originally a wood-attribute divine body. After possessing the wood-attributed Xuanmu, he will be even stronger than the ordinary people’s Lingqing Xuanmu!”

“I wish the First Son all the best today.”

At the side of Huo Yue, those Elders all smiled and praised.

When Huo Yue heard those words, he also smiled slightly: “Well, Huo Xiao, you go!”

“Yes, ancestor!”

Afterwards, Su Zhan, Huo Xiao, and Chen Shan headed towards the Lingqing Sacred Tree under the leadership of the Langya Holy Lord.

“Xiaoyou Su, the spiritual tree has a period of energy gushing every 100 years. In fact, it can also be said to be a growth period.”

After passing through the Restrictions and coming to the Lingqing God Tree, Langya Holy Lord explained: “Little friend Su, the Lingqing God Tree will grow its leaves every 100 years.

And what I call the achievement of Lingqing Xuanmu means to get the approval of the god tree tree spirit, to give the god leaf, refining the power of the god leaf to transform the body, make the eyes change, and become a special “xuanmu”. ”

“It turns out to get leaves…”

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the Lingqing God Tree, and he was a little puzzled: “Then why don’t you pick it off by yourself?”

“Xiaoyou Su doesn’t know something, thousands of years ago, some ancestors did this.”

The Holy Lord Langya shook his head and said, “It’s just that after that ancestor picked more than ten divine leaves, he found that although those divine leaves are very full of Spiritual Qi, they don’t have the special source energy of the spiritual tree.

In other words, it is no different from the general growth of Spiritual herbs in the Cultivation Base.

Moreover, since then, the sacred tree has not lowered the sacred leaf that carries the original power for the next five hundred years. From that time on, the ancestors knew that the sacred leaf of the Lingqing sacred tree could not be taken away. Can only wait for it to give.

Over the past thousands of years, we have created better growth conditions for the sacred tree, attracting spiritual springs for it, and every 100 years of its growth period, while adding more than ten sacred leaves, it will also give us some feedback. This is also a kind of transaction between us and it!

Generally speaking, everyone who tries to understand the tree spirit and communicate with the tree spirit can get at least one leaf. If the tree spirit appreciates it, he will get more. ”

“It turned out to be so.”

Su Zhan nodded and walked towards the Lingqing God Tree.

Soon, he, Huo Xiao, and Chen Shan were sitting cross-legged around the spiritual tree.

According to the Langya Holy Lord, the spiritual tree will soon reach a period of energy gushing. At that time, you can use the Holy Mind Mental Energy to penetrate into the tree to perceive the existence of the tree spirit and obtain the divine leaf.

Waited a full two hours.

When Su Zhan was a little impatient, the light of the trunk of the Lingqing God Tree suddenly brightened!

A very strong emerald light went up from under the tree.

Every inch upward, the light on the surface of the Lingqing Divine Tree became more dazzling.

Finally, that little emerald light rushed to the canopy.

More than 300 divine leaves received that little light and moisturized light, from the petiole to the tip of the leaf, they seemed to be transformed by a divine light shining inch by inch, becoming more crystal clear, and even making a slight trembling sound!

at the same time.

On the branches of the Lingqing Divine Tree, new tiny divine leaves began to grow slowly!

And beside the Lingqing tree, Su Zhan and the others around the world, Spiritual Qi, also rose more than tenfold at this time.

“The time has come!”

Both Huo Xiao and Chen Shan took a deep breath, closed their eyes, and Mental Energy walked towards the spiritual tree, carefully comprehending the existence of the tree spirit.

Su Zhan was not in a hurry to feel it, but looked at the growth of the young divine leaves with some curiosity, and seemed to see the power trajectory of a certain wood attribute law from it.

In less than a minute, a divine leaf landed.

Hovering over Chen Shan’s head.

A special energy gushing from that divine leaf poured into his body, causing his whole body to begin to glow with a faint light.

Chen Shan was not very happy when he was given the leaves by the sacred tree, but was slightly disappointed.

Those Elder core disciple who were watching also felt sorry for him.

A divine leaf, this is just the lowest expectation.

Looking away from Chen Shan, most people began to pay close attention to Huo Xiao, who was feeling it.

It didn’t take long.

Six emerald streamers fell above the crown of the sacred tree of Lingqing, hanging above Huo Xiao’s head.

Six divine leaves!

Suddenly, there was an uproar above the mountain.

“Generally speaking, if you can get two divine leaves from the tree spirit, even if you have good potential, you will have no problem entering the Saint King realm, but Brother Huo actually got six divine leaves!”

“For nearly a thousand years, Brother Huo Xiao’s six magic leaves have been the best results!”

“Getting six divine leaves, Lingqing Xuanmu is definitely not a problem!”

“Brother Huo Xiao really deserves to be the most beloved junior of the old Holy Lord, indeed excellent!”

“Huo Xiao can get six divine leaves. I am now very curious. How many divine leaves can he get from Young Master Su, who is more talented than Huo Xiao?”

Voices sounded one after another, and after seeing Huo Xiao’s achievements, many people looked at Su Zhan with some expectation.

At this time, Su Zhan also closed his eyes and began to perceive the existence of the tree spirit with holy thoughts.

As he began to realize.

Langya Holy Lord, Huo Yuelao Holy Lord, as well as the powerful and powerful Holy King Elder and others in Langya Sacred Land also had their eyes solemn.

“Young Master Su is known as the number one genius in the Eastern Wasteland domain. Today, I have to take a good look!”

“Our Sacred Land received the most divine leaves from the divine tree is the 17th generation of the Holy Lord. When he was a holy son, he had received 13 divine leaves!

I wonder if Young Master Su can break this record? ”

“Thirteen pieces are absolutely impossible! His talent may be stronger than that of the ancestor, but the spirit tree is alive, and he is a stranger and won’t get too many divine leaves!

It is estimated that it is difficult to surpass Huo Xiao! ”

“That’s also true. Speaking of it, the tree spirit of Lingqing God doesn’t like people who are too murderous on his body. Young Master Su said that along the way, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, the tree spirit must be sensitive to the blood evil spirit, perhaps at all. I won’t recognize him, and I won’t even give him a single leaf!”

“If this is the case, then we have to watch a joke-eh? That is…”

Before the Elder had finished speaking, he saw the Lingqing God Tree shine brightly, and a divine light spurted out, forming a huge energy humanoid shadow.

“The tree spirit is here!”

The Elder exclaimed, and the whole person was stunned.

Not only him, Huo Yue, Langya Holy Lord, all Elder, core disciple, looking at the shadow of the tree spirit, they were shocked in their hearts!

In fact, if Su Zhan really felt it for a long time and attracted the tree spirit to appear in this world, they were not unacceptable.

But now, it took less than ten seconds from Su Zhan’s enlightenment to the appearance of the tree spirit!

In such a short period of time, the tree spirit was inspired…

This is simply subverting their understanding of the Lingqing God Tree!

Not only them, but even Chen Shan and Huo Xiao who were refining the Divine Leaf, their expressions changed when they sensed the appearance of the tree spirit.

Especially Huo Xiao, originally a little complacent, at this moment, suddenly lost.

Su Zhan didn’t reveal any joy at this time, but frowned slightly, looking at the energy body tree spirit with a little surprise.

He had only just realized the tree spirit, and he had clearly felt a kind of malice.

It seems that Shuling disliked him very much, very annoying.

Even, squeezing his holy thoughts out of the tree of Lingqing, not communicating with him.

He was about to ask Langya Holy Lord if there was something wrong with this sacred tree, or whether to repair it or something, the tree spirit appeared!

Since it is repelled, why does the tree spirit still appear?

Su Zhan was puzzled.

Just as Su Zhan wondered, other Elders and disciples were envious and even admired when they looked at Su Zhan, that tree spirit energy body looked at Su Zhan with two huge eyes, his mouth opened and closed, and an old voice that contained anger was emitted. :

“At a young age, the blood evil spirit on your body is so strong, and the people who died in your hands, I am afraid that there are not ten thousand people, but eight thousand!

Why are the common people suffering and why the people cannot be peaceful? Those of you who have blood in your hands are the victims!

If everyone in the world can have a heart of charity, do not harm others, and repay grievances with virtue, wouldn’t the world be peaceful?

You are not more than three hundred years old, you have committed such a heavy murder, your sins are monstrous!

This tree god hates you fierce and vicious people most!

Go away!

You are not worthy of the gift of the tree god! ”

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