Chapter 513 Pulling a Tree!

This statement came out.

Originally full of envy and shock, those Elders and core disciple who looked at Su Zhan were suddenly stunned.

“What’s the situation? The tree spirit is actually angry?!”

“The tree spirit has a very good temper. It is said that the only time he got angry was when the ancestor forcibly picked its divine leaf!”

“The tree spirit manifests itself, every time it will drop Fuze to others, this time, it is actually going to drive people away?”

“It’s incredible! Su Zhan, who was on the first day of the Eastern Wasteland domain, actually slumped in our Sacred Land…”

Langya Holy Lord and Huo Yue glanced at each other, both saw the shock in each other’s eyes, as well as a trace of worry.

In fact, they didn’t care much about whether Su Zhan could be recognized by the tree spirit.

It’s just that Su Zhan possesses powerful power. If he doesn’t make sense and starts directly, Langya Sacred Land is afraid that he will just finish playing.

However, although the tree spirit has never taken action, it has grown for more than 10,000 years, and its own strength is naturally unfathomable. The ancestor of the Holy Lord who forcibly picked the god leaf was only slapped in anger by the tree spirit. Was seriously injured.

With Su Zhan’s performance in the hinterland of Blood Demon… it really doesn’t have to be a tree spirit opponent!

Of course, Su Zhan’s status is special, and there must be no accident, but if he is driven away by the tree spirit, he can be regarded as a sulking help!

Thinking of this, Langya Holy Lord’s eyes flickered, and he smiled slightly, wanting to see how embarrassed Su Zhan was after being driven away by the powerful tree spirit, and it was a small revenge for Su Zhankeng.

Huo Xiao opened his eyes when he heard Shu Ling’s words and looked at Su Zhan. After a moment of stunned, a smile leaked from his face.

Fortunately, he thought that Su Zhan’s talent was much stronger than him, so he caused the tree spirit to appear.

It turned out to be driven away by the tree spirit!

Ha ha ha ha!

It’s so funny!

at this time.

Su Zhan was also stunned, his eyes a little unbelievable.

I am such a kind and good person, my only small goal is to live a quiet life, but that’s it!

There are still people slandering me viciously and viciously?

Since my cultivation, I don’t know how many good things I have done. Those who thank me can fill a Great Hall!

Can someone slander my sins?

There is a saying how to say it.

When a person’s kindness is questioned, he will lose his kindness.

This person… No, this tree wants me to be a good person to be insulted!

And after I am enchanted, I will slaughter wildly. Even with my current strength, it is very difficult for someone in the Eastern Wasteland to stop me, so it seems…

The real purpose of this tree is to destroy the Eastern Wasteland domain!

What a vicious heart!

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, and without hesitation, he broke out of the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night, the three kinds of heaven and earth anomalies appeared at the same time.

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the power of Five Elements flows!

The blood of the demon god, one hundred and eight divine veins, the body of the Star urges to the extreme.

Su Zhan ran the chaotic true magic power, and a shadow of the ancient mad demon appeared behind him!

At the same time, a terrifying power swept around!

Under this power.

Langya Sacred Land, including Huo Yue, all face great changes.

Heart palpitations!

His eyes were full of shock and fear.

The smile on Huo Xiao’s face instantly solidified, and his legs trembled with fright. Even Shenye didn’t care about refining, and even scrambled to escape.

It’s not that he is too cowardly, but that Su Zhan at this time is too terrifying.

Like a demon god, Huo Xiao even felt that his own life might perish at any time under that violent aura!

Chen Shan also froze for a moment, and then hurriedly fled.

Not to mention them, even Lingqing God Tree Tree Spirit, after feeling the terrible power of Su Zhan, trembled in his heart, and his huge eyes opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost!

What’s the situation!

This person’s Realm is obviously only the mid-heavenly holy king stage, why, why does it give me an illusion that is far more terrifying than the Langya Holy Lord!

Mid-heavenly holy king state…Middle-heavenly holy king state…

As soon as the tree spirit thought that Su Zhan really only had the middle-heavenly holy king state, and based on his ten thousand years of experience, it was absolutely impossible for him to pose any threat to himself in the middle-heavenly holy king state!

Therefore, it also said angrily: “What do you want to do!”

Su Zhan’s left hand Extreme Thunder Mountain imprint shines: “I want to dig out your heart to see how dark your heart is!

It is so vicious, maliciously slander me, slander me, and even destroy the Eastern Wasteland domain! ”

As soon as this remark came out, Shu Ling was immediately confused.

I can understand what you said to slander you.

What the hell is destroying the Eastern Wasteland?

I am a tree. Why am I destroying the Eastern Wasteland domain? ? ?

Just thinking about it with some wonder, suddenly seeing Su Zhan punching over, the tree spirit did not hesitate, the originally hard branch became soft and drew towards Su Zhan.

Along the way, there was a “crack” sound of sonic boom!

Su Zhan directly hit the branch with a punch.


The branches flew back faster than they were drawn to Su Zhan, cracks appeared on the surface!

There was a pained expression on the tree spirit’s face, feeling the power of that punch, a little shocked in his heart.


Su Zhan punched again, blasting on the tree trunk.

The surface of the Lingqing Divine Tree flashed wildly and suddenly shook!


The ground nearby was trembling!

The tree spirit phantom twisted for a while, and cried out in horror: “You stop! What are you going to do!

The body of my sacred tree is definitely not something you can break with just a few punches!

Don’t waste your energy, speak well if you have something to say! ”

“How many punches can’t be broken?”

Su Zhan said: “Then I will hit dozens of punches, hundreds of punches, and thousands of punches! It just so happens that you look like a punching bag and you are perfect in your punches!

When I break you, you can see what kind of sinister and vicious black heart you have grown! ”

As he said, he shook his fist again.




Su Zhan bombarded the Lingqing God Tree with fist after fist.

After only seven punches, the tree spirit roared intolerably: “Are you crazy! I am a tree with only roots and no heart. You can’t see it even if you dig it out!”

This sentence came out.

Su Zhan stopped immediately, showing a thoughtful look.

Seeing this, the tree spirit finally breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed out a smile: “This friend, I may have been a little agitated just now. We are not enemies. Maybe we can say it well—you!”

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Su Zhan’s body surface was radiant, and he hugged own trunk, thinking of a certain possibility, the tree spirit felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

Shocked and exclaimed: “What are you going to do?!”

“You are right, you have no heart, only roots.”

Su Zhan hugged the tree trunk with both hands, his divine body was excited to the extreme, his left eye turned into a big golden sun, and his right eye turned into a cold white moon, the power of the law of chaos filled his body!

A terrifying force that could easily move a mountain range broke out!

“If this is the case, then I will pull out your roots!”

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