Chapter 517 The Empress Arrives! (Third more)

When the other Elders in Langya Sacred Land heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Although Huo Xiao’s refining process was very smooth at this time, he was not happy at all.

What about achieving Lingqing Xuanmu?

Compared with Su Zhan, it’s not a fart…

Losing himself still thinking about being in the limelight today, suppressing Su beheaded.

Now I know.

He and Su Zhan.

Not on the same level at all!

Huo Xiao laughed at himself, bitter in his heart.

Three days later.

Xuantian Sacred Land, slashing the sky.

Tang Liuxue hurriedly came to Zhantian Peak, his gaze fell on the Saint King-level powerhouse in front of him, and he quickly cupped hands and said: “Junior Tang Liuxue is the guardian Daoist of His Royal Highness Su. His Highness is not here now. What’s the matter?”

Protect Daoist?

The holy king froze for a moment, and immediately cupped hands to return the courtesy: “Miss Tang, I am Elder, the wind family of the Kamikaze Dynasty. We, the wind family, owed the sacred stone to Young Master Su more than half a month ago. Come and return it.”

As he said, Feng Huang took out a storage ring: “There are a total of 600 million sacred stones. Please also ask Girl Tang to count them and forward them to Young Master Su.”

Tang Liuxue froze for a moment: “Six hundred million Spirit Stones?”

“No, it’s the holy stone!”

“Hi~600 million holy stones!!!”

Tang Liuxue took a breath of air-conditioning, and the hand that stretched out to receive the ring was trembling a little!

Her net worth is actually more than one thousand sacred stones.

Six hundred million sacred stones are equal to sixty hers!

Moreover, this is also because of her special status, and her wealth is more generous than many small heavenly kings.

If you change to someone else, this multiple will be even greater!

Such a huge amount of wealth, His Royal Highness actually said it was “a little bit”?

Tang Liuxue took the storage ring in shock.

Mental Energy enters it and counts it up.

This process lasted a full hour.

It wasn’t until her Mental Energy was exhausted that she stopped.

I counted a dozen times!

If it weren’t for Mental Energy’s fatigue, she planned to order it again.

No way, six hundred million sacred stones are too huge!

As Su Zhan’s guardian Daoist, she can’t help with other things, instead she has been following Su Zhan’s cultivation resources. If this thing Su Zhan confessed to her goes wrong again, she doesn’t know how to talk to Su. Zhan explained.

“Miss Tang, are you okay?”

That holy king, a little impatient, asked.

“It should be all right!”

“What do you mean by ‘should be alright’?”

The holy king knew that Su Zhan was not there, and that Tang Liuxue was only a holy realm. In addition, he was a little impatient to wait, and his tone became a little more serious: “If it is good, it is good! If it is not good, it is not good!”


Tang Liuxue was a little hesitant, and suddenly saw the electric light in the sky, and his face was immediately happy: “His Royal Highness is back, let him personally count it!”

Su Zhan is back?

As soon as I heard this.

Feng Huang’s momentum just got up suddenly wilted.

When Su Zhan landed on the ground, he respectfully saluted: “Feng Family Elder Fenghuang, I have seen Young Master Su!

Six hundred million sacred stones have been prepared, and I hope Young Master Su will count them! ”

“His Royal Highness, I have counted it, it should be correct, but your Highness should count it yourself!”

Tang Liuxue quickly handed over the storage ring to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan Shengnian poured in, checked the outline, and nodded: “It should be correct.”

“His Royal Highness, this Elder said, to be sure, you cannot use the word’should’.”


Su Zhan frowned and looked at Feng Huang, “You have to deal with what I say?”

“No, no, no!”

Thinking of Su Zhan’s terrifying strength, Feng Huang suddenly knelt down in fright: “Misunderstanding! I just missed the word! Our Feng family has gone bankrupt, and we must fulfill our promise and send these 600 million sacred stones. How dare you control Master Su? Woolen cloth?”

“Okay, you can go!”

Su Zhan waved his hand.

Feng’s family has already gone bankrupt. Even if Feng Huang voluntarily apologized to him, it is probably still a little shabby. This trip has been very rewarding from the God of Blood Demon, and he simply doesn’t like this.

Besides, it is easy for people to misunderstand that his mind is too small and bad.

“Thank you Young Master Su!”

Feng Huang was amnesty, and quickly fled, not even daring to turn his head back.

“His Royal Highness! Six billion sacred stones! Six billion!”

Tang Liuxue rubbed her hands excitedly: “Your Highness, aren’t you excited?”

“What’s so exciting about this.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “To be honest, I have hardly touched money since my self-cultivation. I am not interested in money, it’s just something outside of my body.”

Haven’t touched money and are not interested in money?

Also, wherever you go, your Majesty, someone will give you things, and all treasures will come toward you by themselves, of course it’s not very useful!

Tang Liuxue slandered in her heart. Immediately, she curiously said: “His Royal Highness, you must have achieved Lingqing Xuanmu, right?

What power does Lingqing Xuanmu have? ”

What is the ability?

A faint blue light appeared in Su Zhan’s eyes. He glanced at Tang Liuxue and said with a smile: “White.”

After speaking, he flew up the mountain.


What white? ?

Tang Liuxue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened suddenly, and she subconsciously hugged her chest, her cheeks flushed.

Your Highness is too bad!

It seems that in the future, I need to wear more…

When Tang Liuxue blushed, Su Zhan had already returned to Immortal Cave.

Entering the Closed Door Training field, he threw out the puppet Seventeen, and then took out the branches of the spiritual tree.

“Seventeen although the defense is very strong, the attack is also very strong, but it lacks resilience, is too rigid and easy to break, and lacks rear power.

And Lingqing Shenmu is definitely the toughest wood attribute material I have seen so far, and even I can’t interrupt it with a full punch!

If these sacred tree branches are integrated into the Seventeen Body, and then several amulets are inscribed, perhaps the Seventeen is expected to advance to Deva puppets!

Deva puppet… Wouldn’t you not want me to shoot after that? ”

With this in mind, Su Zhan also took out the puppet technique Jade Slip left by the puppet emperor.

Turning on the puppet halo, he looked at Jade Slip, and slowly began to transform the puppet seventeen!

Five days later.

Su Zhan was still at Zhan Tianfeng, integrating Lingqing Shenmu into Seventeen’s body, transforming Seventeen.

And Xuantian Sacred Land, at the gate.

But a young woman came.

The woman is tall, with a delicate face, with a cold, snowy temperament, wearing a snow-colored robe, and stops at the gate of the mountain.

After hesitating for half an hour, she finally summoned her courage and walked up.

“Who are you? What do you mean by coming to Sacred Land?”

As soon as she approached the mountain gate, a guard stopped her.

“Hello, I came to Xuantian Sacred Land to find the young master of Sacred Land, Su Zhan, please let me know. As for my name…”

The woman looked at the stairway leading to the sky in the mountain gate and seemed to see the figure of the young man in Sacred Land. Thinking of some past events, she took a deep breath.

“Ye Qingyu.”

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