Chapter 518 She Will Not Deceive Me Money, Will You?

“Ye Qingyu?”

The guard hesitated for a while and said, “Miss Ye, are you sure you know the young master?

If I disturb the young master for someone I don’t know, I will be severely punished! ”


Ye Qingyu thought for a while and said, “If you really don’t worry, you can take me with you. If I just come to make trouble and don’t know your young master at all, just leave me to him, and you don’t have to take responsibility.”


The guard thought for a while and nodded: “Come with me!”

With that said, he turned and walked towards the mountain gate.

It didn’t take long for the guard to arrive under Zhantian Peak.

This place is already a forbidden place for the Outer Sect disciples, so you should not approach it.

However, the guards have special duties, and they can still enter the surrounding area of ​​Immortal Cave where the great saint children live.

When he came under the Heavenly Slashing Peak, the guard moved his true essence and knocked a few times on the formation light curtain.

After waiting for a while.

Tang Liuxue swept down from Zhantian Peak, and his eyes flicked over the guard, falling on Ye Qingyu, who was in a snow robe and had a cold temperament.

Before she could ask, the guards hurriedly said respectfully: “Miss Tang, this is Ye Qingyu, Miss Ye, she said that she knows the Young Master and wants to see the Young Master!”

“Know Your Highness?”

Tang Liuxue’s eyes became sharper, and he said in deep thought: “I have been following Your Highness for a while, but I have never heard him mention Ye Qingyu.

This girl, you said you know your Highness, who are you? ”

Never mentioned…

Ye Qingyu’s eyes were a little lost. Facing a holy realm, she didn’t dare to neglect, cupped hands said: “Senior, I am Su Gongzi…”

After a pause, she continued: “Friend.”


Tang Liuxue continued to ask, “Ordinary friends?”

“normal friend.”

Ye Qingyu nodded.

Tang Liuxue smiled slightly, and her attitude became milder: “Okay! Then I will believe you for the time being!

Come with me! ”

With that, she turned and left.

“Yes, senior.”

Ye Qingyu quickly followed.

Along the way, she looked at the Spiritual herbs that were planted as ordinary ornamental flowers on the side of the road, and a shocking color appeared in her eyes.

Any piece of grass is worth at least 50,000 shi!

Even if converted into holy stones, there are five hundred holy stones!

Walking halfway up the mountain, this ratio alone costs at least one million sacred stones!

Of course, the advantage of this is that along the way, I feel refreshed and even Cultivation Base has grown a little.

“This is the flowers and plants that His Royal Highness asked me to take care of, not the medicine field where we cut Tianfeng.”

Seeing Ye Qingyu’s shocked look, Tang Liuxue explained.

“The young master of Xuantian Sacred Land, he is not short of money…”

Ye Qingyu gave a wry smile.

At first, she was also an emperor in Tiannan, but now she is like a mountain villager who has never seen the world.

“Here is another Big sis, hello Big sis!”

At this moment, a spiritual message came.

Ye Qingyu looked at it subconsciously.

There, Demonic Beasts, a huge lion with a height of more than ten meters, was lying on the huge fence with two paws, looking at her curiously.


Ye Qingyu felt that the thunder lion was actually a Demonic Beasts, his face was pale, and he said.

Tang Liuxue smiled: “That’s a pet kept by His Highness.”

As she said, she glared at Lei Shi: “Xiao Bubai, how old are you, don’t you have any points in your heart? You still call someone Big sis? Go back to cultivation and watch the excitement!”


Lei Shi just wanted to argue, suddenly he was a little afraid of Tang Liuxue.

We, Demonic Beasts, live much longer than you, and I am actually much younger than you!

Muttering in his heart, Xiao Bubai also wriggled his ass and left.

After that, Tang Liuxue continued to lead Ye Qingyu towards Su Zhan Immortal Cave.

Of course, considering that Ye Qingyu came for the first time, she also slowed down so that Ye Qingyu could carefully appreciate the scenery of Zhantian Peak.

ten minutes later.

The two came to Su Zhan Immortal Cave.

“You wait for me outside, I’ll ask your Royal Highness.”

After speaking, Tang Liuxue walked into Immortal Cave.

Outside the Su Zhan Closed Door Training ground, Sheng Yuan surged and introduced his voice into it: “His Royal Highness, someone came outside and said it was your friend. He wants to see you, called Ye Qingyu!”

“Ye Qingyu?”

Su Zhan’s face was surprised.

It’s the empress, why did she come here?

Suspicious in his heart, Su said: “You take her to the living room, I will pass quickly.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Tang Liuxue retreated.

Su Zhan also stopped burning rune’s hand, and his gaze fell on the puppet Seventeen’s body that had been integrated into the spirit of the sacred tree but had not yet been fully integrated.

“It will take a few days for all to merge. It is not anxious at this time. The empress has been gone for a long time, so let’s go and see each other quickly!”

There was a whisper in his mouth.

Su Zhan put away the spirit pen in his hand and walked outside.

Soon, he came to the meeting room.

His eyes fell on Ye Qingyu, and he smiled and said, “Emperor, long time no see.”


The female emperor Ye Qingyu quickly got up and realized that Su Zhan’s identity was no longer the same as before. She hesitated and said, “Young Master Su.”

“You don’t have to be like this, you can call it what you used to call it now.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I don’t care about this.”


The female emperor’s heart loosened, the feeling of strangeness faded away, and she smiled and gave a salute: “Master Su has a more dignified temperament than before, and her demeanor is more glamorous.”

“The empress is the same with you.”

Su Zhan remembered something, and asked: “I actually went back to Tiannan some time ago, but you weren’t the Empress at that time, huh?

Your Realm…”

As Su Zhan said, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he was a little surprised: “The third change of the ichthyosaur.”

Within a few months, from just entering the ichthyosaur to the third transformation of the ichthyosaur, although it is nothing to him, the female emperor…

Living in the barren land of southern Tiannan, and without an identity background, in terms of talent, any core disciple of Xuantian Sacred Land can surpass her.

But under this circumstance, it is a bit strange to be able to jump into the two realms in a few months.

Seeing Su Zhan’s doubts, the female emperor Ye Qingyu explained: “After I walked out of Tiannan, I did have some adventures, and I came to you this time because of a bigger opportunity.”

“What chance?”

Su Zhan was a little curious.

“Master Su, in fact, in fact…”

After hesitating for a while, the female emperor Ye Qingyu gritted her teeth and said, “Actually, I am the descendant of a mythical figure in the ancient times hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now, my blood is awakened in my body and I have inherited some memories.

In those memories, there is a sealed teleportation formation. Through the teleportation formation, you can go to another big domain, and there is the inheritance left by my ancestor myth!

However, if you want to stimulate the teleportation formation, you need 30 million holy stones, let alone 30 million, even 30,000 won’t be available… So, I want to borrow money from you.

After I get the inheritance, I will definitely repay you twice! ”

Hearing Ye Qingyu’s words, Su Zhan was stunned, his face turned a little weird.

The words of the empress, how do they sound like “I am Qin Shihuang, in fact, I am not dead, I just took the elixir and hibernated for thousands of years, and now I am resurrected. There are millions of troops and ten million tons of gold sealed by the state, as long as You transfer me half a million, and when I become a domineering business in the future, let you swindle information like “Hou Baixiang”?


Will you lie to me for money? ? ?

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