Chapter 519 Martial God Ye Xing, Body Tempering is the ultimate!

Seeing that Su Zhan was stunned and did not speak.

Ye Qingyu was afraid of Su Zhan’s misunderstanding, and quickly explained: “I have never lied! To be honest, originally, after I heard that it cost 30 million sacred stones, I dispelled the idea of ​​using that teleportation formation to find the ancestor’s inheritance.

However, not long ago, at a trade fair, I heard some people talking about you, Lord Su.

Only then did you know that you have actually become the Young Master of Xuantian Sacred Land!

Moreover, there is even the title of the first genius in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Only then did I realize that maybe I can ask you for help…”

With that, Ye Qingyu got up and showed apologetics: “I was abrupt.

Thirty million sacred stones, that is a huge sum, most of the holy kings are not available. Although you are a young master, you need to use it yourself. You can’t lend your savings to others.

I just took the attitude of giving it a try. If it was inconvenient for Young Master Su, let it go. Anyway, I didn’t have much hope of getting the ancestral inheritance.

Even if the teleportation array is activated, there will still be many dangers! ”

Ye Qingyu smiled sweetly: “This may be good, at least it can be cultivated slowly and steadily.”

Su Zhan shook his head and said with a smile: “I just thought of some interesting things. I was taken aback for a while. Don’t think too much.

Thirty million sacred stones are not a lot to me, and I agreed. ”

After finishing speaking, Su Zhan Shengnian entered the cave of the black jade ring, and spent two seconds to point out 30 million sacred stones and put them into the low-level storage rings stored in the black jade ring.

Space treasures of the same level cannot be placed in each other, but this kind of low-level storage ring can be placed in a higher-level cave sky ring space.

Of course, placing the storage ring would directly occupy the space of the cave sky equivalent to the size of its inner space. Su Zhan didn’t place too much, just left some spares.

A few seconds later.

Su Zhan flipped his palm, took out a storage ring and handed it to the empress: “Emperor, this is thirty million sacred stones, you take it.”

Thirty million holy stones!

Ye Qingyu’s excited hands trembled a little, she did not check the storage ring, she hesitated, she looked at Su Zhan because she cultivated Lingqing Shenmu’s eyes that looked clearer than ordinary people’s eyes.

“Su Zhan, thirty million holy stones, you, did you just give it to me?”

Ye Qingyu asked in a low voice: “Don’t ask which mythical figure my ancestor was, what is my chance? Where does the teleportation array lead?

Do you really, believe me so? ”

I believe you?

Isn’t it 30 million holy stones?

Everyone is acquaintance, I also borrowed them from Tang Elder. Why don’t you believe it…

Could it be that you really came here to lie to me for money?

Seeing Ye Qingyu’s serious look, Su Zhan smiled dumbly, and said disapprovingly: “Since it’s your chance, I’m asking what these do.

And, to be honest, the very important opportunity in your eyes, the Empress, may really be nothing to me today. If you want to borrow the holy stone, I will lend it to you. It is not a big deal. ”

“Thank you, Su Zhan…”

The female emperor bit her lip, made up her mind, and suddenly said: “Su Zhan, my ancestor was named Ye Xing, and he was the Star Martial God known as the strongest body cultivator in the world in ancient times!

The Star Promise Body I gave you is actually a simplified version of the Star God Body Tempering, one of the strongest martial arts in the spirit world! ”

Star Martial God!

Hearing this name, Su Zhan was also a little surprised.

Although, with his current knowledge and eyes, it has long been seen that Star Promise Body is like a simplified version of some powerful physical training technique.

Moreover, even the simplified version of Star Wujishen should not appear in small places like Tiannan.

Therefore, he had long felt that the female emperor’s life experience was not that simple, and he was not too surprised by the words that the female emperor had previously said that she was a descendant of a mythical figure.


Star Martial God is not an ordinary Martial Dao myth!

If in the ancient times, the group of people of the Wusheng Sword Emperor were the strongest group of myths in the history of the spiritual world, then the Star Martial God was enough to rank second!

It is the second-rate in the spirit world for more than a million years!

Better than most Martial Dao myths!

In modern times, it was even the existence of Megatron Lintian!

In later generations, many physical training methods have some shadows of Star Martial God.

When Su Zhan was looking for some body refining methods in the Saint Book Tower before, he saw an introduction about Star Martial God.

At this moment, I would be surprised to hear this legend, Martial God, the first person to refine the body in nearly 150,000 years.

“My ancestor, Martial God Ye Xing, was a person from the Lintian realm. I am a bloodline of his remaining in the Eastern Wasteland realm, but if you want to get the inheritance, you still have to go to the Lintian realm, and that one transmission formation, It’s the gateway to Lintian Domain!”


Su Zhan immediately thought of Jiang Poyun, Five Elements Dao Sect.

At their speed, they should still be flying at sea right now?

“Su Zhan, I want to invite you to find the inheritance of my ancestors together!”

The female emperor Ye Qingyu made up her mind: “No matter what kind of treasure, even the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, if there are two, we will each have one.

If there is only one, it belongs to you!

It can also be regarded as thanking you for lending me the money so that I have the opportunity to seek inheritance opportunities! ”

Looking for opportunities together…

Su Zhan was a little moved when he heard the words of the empress.

If it’s other general Martial Dao myths, Lin Tianyu is so far away, and he wants to study puppets now, I’m afraid I really don’t bother to go.

But Ye Xing’s strong body refining inheritance of Martial God…must go!

After thinking a little bit in his heart, Su Zhan nodded and agreed: “Okay, I’ll go with you.”


Ye Qingyu smiled: “With you, I am actually a lot safer, what do you think…

I still take advantage!

correct. ”

Ye Qingyu remembered something, flipped his palm, and took out a roll of Jade Slip: “Su Zhan, this is the location map of the teleportation formation I mentioned. Take it!”


Su Zhan took over Jade Slip, Sheng Yuan inspired.

A light curtain emerged.

On the light curtain, there are mountains, rivers, various topography, and some text annotations.

“This map…”

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the light curtain map, and he was taken aback for a moment, then with his left hand, he took out another roll of Jade Slip.

After being excited, another light curtain appeared.

Although there are subtle differences in some places, the specially marked terrain is basically the same where the teleportation formation is located!

“Su Zhan, why do you have the map of the teleportation formation left by my ancestors?!”

Ye Qingyu was immediately confused and shocked.

Don’t talk about him, even Su Zhan is a little dazed.

never expected.

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo gave the Jade Slip map, which is actually the same place as the one given by the Empress.

and many more.

Heavenly Demon claims to have been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years. His body is also a peerless great demon of hundreds of thousands of years. Ye Xing Martial God is also a mythical figure ten years ago. Now, there is Ye Xing Martial in the restored memory of Heavenly Demon. The transmission formation controlled by God…

Is there any special relationship between Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo and Martial God Ye Xing?

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