Chapter 520 Seventeen, kill me!

Suspicious in his heart, Su Zhan asked: “Emperor, your ancestor Ye Xing, Martial God, did you know any demons?”

“I don’t know, I only have very few blood memories of awakening…”

Ye Qingyu shook his head: “Maybe I won’t know all the deeds of my ancestors until I get the inheritance of my ancestors!

By the way, Su Zhan, why do you have the teleportation formation map mastered by my ancestors? ”

“This is given to me by a demon.”



Su Zhan nodded: “That’s why I’m curious about what your ancestor Ye Xing Martial God has to do with the demons.”


Ye Qingyu shook his head repeatedly: “My ancestor is the strongest human race, and will not collude with the demons!”

“Well, I don’t think it’s possible to have a good relationship, but other relationships are not impossible.”

Su Zhan said: “However, it doesn’t make sense to think about this now, everything, when you find your ancestor’s inheritance, maybe the truth will come to light.”

“That said, Su Zhan, when shall we leave?”

Ye Qingyu smiled: “When I thought of getting the ancestral inheritance, I was a little excited and couldn’t wait.”

“A few days later!”

Su Zhan smiled and said: “I still have some things. You live here first, and after I finish processing, go together.”


Ye Qingyu’s eyes rolled, thinking that this is Su Zhan’s Immortal Cave, and his face blushed slightly and said, “Then where do I sleep?”

“There are several guest rooms in Immortal Cave, so let Tang Liuxue take you to choose them!”

“Okay, speaking of it, Su Zhan, I never dreamed that by the time of goodbye, you would have become the prestigious young master of Eastern Wasteland!”

Ye Qingyu had some admiration in his eyes: “It’s only been less than a year!”


Su Zhan said with a smile.

Next, the two began to chat about their experiences.

Su Zhan said very briefly, but still shocked Ye Qingyu.

After all, things such as going to the Five Elements world, saving the Five Spirits, entering the Demon World, and perfectly assassinating the Owl Head Tribe, even if they are simplified, they are enough to shock people!

It’s like, if you destroy a country, even if you ignore all the process, you even speak it lightly.

But just this sentence is already very shocking!

Su Zhan’s experience didn’t need any exaggeration. In Ye Qingyu’s eyes, it was like a legendary story with ups and downs.

We talked for more than two hours.

The two talents decided to separate.

Before leaving, Ye Qingyu hesitated for a while, and said with a smile: “Su Zhan, Young Master Su, in fact, I am not the Empress, I have a name, you can call me by name.”

“Good girl Ye.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Ye Qingyu was a little depressed.

Let you call me by name, shouldn’t you call me “whisper”?

What the hell is Miss Ye?

never mind.

Better than being called the Empress every day.

The current me is only in the realm of fish and dragons, and I am known as the empress in the big world. It will make people laugh to death…

Thinking like this, Ye Qingyu and Su Zhan walked out of the living room together.

Tang Liuxue, who was sitting outside, walked over immediately.

Su Zhan said: “Tang Liuxue, take Miss Ye to the guest room!

She will live in Zhantian Peak for a few days. ”

How many days to live?

When Tang Liuxue heard this, he hesitated: “His Royal Highness, our Sacred Land son Immortal Cave is not allowed to stay in non-Sacred Land people.”

“Who made the rules?”

“Holy Lord!”

Su Zhan said: “You do what I said. If there is a problem, let the Holy Lord come to me, and I will reason with him.”


When the Holy Lord heard your words, I was afraid that he would dare not come…

Tang Liuxue said, “Forget it, it’s not a big deal.”

In fact, there are regulations, but basically no one really cares about them.

The reason Tang Liuxue could say it was because the relationship between Ye Qingyu and Su Zhan looked a bit different from ordinary friends.

Ordinary friends, can you talk for two hours?


Tang Liuxue sighed in her heart and left with Ye Qingyu.

Su Zhan also returned to the Closed Door Training to continue his research.

Three more days passed.

Xuantian Sacred Land, somewhere in a wasteland over a hundred miles in size.

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on Seventeen who was about fifty meters in front.

Seventeen at this time, the general appearance has not changed much from before, but in the golden torso, there are emerald green wood veins that are like the Meridians of the human body.

Of course, these wood veins will only be revealed when the current power is erupting.

“Go all out and beat me to death.”

Su Zhan ordered.

“Sorry master.”

Seventeen shook his head and said stupidly: “I can’t kill you. You are my master. This is an unexecuted order.”

Su Zhan rolled his eyes: “Then beat me to death!”


The golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes, and the body turned into a golden light bursting out!

At the same time, the golden giant sword also appeared in his hand, and it came towards Su Zhan.

A very simple trick.

But in the face of the power that is even more terrifying than the half-step Deva, this sword directly tears the space ahead!

The rapid air current set off a storm!

Go towards Su Zhan!

Su Zhan’s one hundred and eight divine veins are stimulated, the blood of the demon god is stimulated, and at the same time the chaotic true magic power is run.

The imprint of the Extreme Thunder Mountain in his left hand was bright, and a punch was directly on the giant sword!


A huge force knocked him a hundred meters away.

Similarly, Seventeen was lifted more than a hundred meters away.

“Come again.”

The Wind Thunder God Wing appeared behind Su Zhan, and disappeared directly into Seventeen’s sight!

“Escape, soon, but it’s useless!”

The golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes, sensing the fluctuation of the air around him, he suddenly cut out with a sword!

Boom again!

The two also withdrew 100 meters each.

“The defense is much stronger than before. It seems that you can use the sword.”

With a whisper, a little star flew out from the center of Su Zhan’s eyebrows, Da Ri Star sword in his hand, he cut out with a single sword!

The vitality of heaven and earth gathered in his right hand and then burst into an instant!


In front of Dahi Star Sword and Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, Seventeen had no resistance, and Zhang Fei was directly taken a thousand meters away!

Hit the ground!

Then he got up again and continued to rush towards Su Zhan.

The puppet knows no fear or pain, and is naturally fearless.

Su Zhan also cut it flying again.

In this way, more than ten swords were cut out.

Su Zhan moved towards the seventeenth who was still rushing over: “Okay, the previous order is invalidated.”

“Yes, master.”

Seventeen stopped, stupefied.

Su Zhan also walked over, and his eyes fell on Seventeen, the sword marks he had cut out.

At this moment, in those sword marks, emerald green light was emerging.

The scars are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about three minutes, those cut marks were completely gone!

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan leaked a smile on his face.

Sure enough, after incorporating those spirits and sacred trees, Seventeen’s defensive power, tenacity, and resilience have been greatly Ascension!

With his great day Star sword, coupled with the power of Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, it is impossible to cause any substantial damage to Seventeen. Even if he bursts out of the divine body, it is afraid that it will not be able to truly destroy Seventeen in a short time!

This kind of defensive power is much more than the previous Ascension. You must know that before he broke out of the divine body, three or five swords could cut off seventeen wrists!

In terms of defense alone, today’s seventeen is definitely comparable to Deva!

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