Chapter 521 Super Long-distance Teleportation Array Started! (Fourth)

Su Zhan looked more satisfied.

“With the current defense of the seventeenth, even if you stand still, let the six top Sacred Land Holy Lords in the Eastern Wasteland domain bombard, I’m afraid it will take at least several hours of bombardment, right?

The tenacity of the Lingqing Shenmu combined with the ultimate metallic ability of the Seventeenth original will actually produce such a qualitative change, it is incredible! ”

The only regret is.

Seventeen’s attack power Ascension is extremely small.

Regarding this, Su Zhan speculated that it might be because his understanding of Deva is still too low.

It is impossible to infuse the mysterious power similar to the Deva realm into the seventeen body to form a magic array drive, but the defense power is purely on the pile of materials, coupled with the effect of his puppet aura, after the fusion, it will Ascension by itself.

Therefore, the defensive power has reached the Deva level, but the offensive power has not been reached.

Perhaps, only when Cultivation Base re-Ascension, new insights about the law, heaven and earth, and materials that can refine Deva puppets are obtained, will it be possible to turn Seventeen Real Ascension into a Deva puppet.

Although he did not succeed in turning Seventeen into a Deva puppet, Su Zhan was not disappointed.

After all, Deva is the pinnacle of existence in the spiritual world.

Even in the Eastern Wasteland domain has been extinct, it is a bit difficult and understandable.

With this in mind, Su Zhan turned seventeen into the hole of the Mo Jade Ring and turned towards Zhantian Peak.

Now that the transformation of Seventeen has been completed, it is time to find the inheritance of Martial God Ye Xing.

Soon, he returned to Zhantian Peak, called Shang Ye Qingyu, and prepared to leave.

“His Royal Highness.”

Tang Liuxue looked forward to: “Can you take me with you?”


Su Zhan resolutely refused.

This is the chance inheritance of the empress, he is almost there, after all, he has a good relationship with the empress.

If Tang Liuxue goes again.

For the empress, it was a bit too much.

“Take a good look at home, right.”

Su Zhan thought of something, and waved his hand, a ten-meter-high golden giant puppet appeared.

It was the golden giant puppet he defeated in the Puppet Emperor Ruins.

Turning over the palm of his hand, another token appeared: “Tang Liuxue, this puppet will be handed over to you to guard Zhan Tianfeng, let him patrol with those little puppets, just watch the door.

If you have something urgent and need help, you can also take it away to solve your troubles. However, in general, you still have to stay at Zhantian Peak and patrol for me. ”

“Yes, Your Highness Saint Child!”

Tang Liuxue quickly took over the token.

She also knew the power of this puppet. Although Su Zhan was not really given to her, she was only allowed to use it to guard the Heavenly Peak, but Tang Liuxue was a little pleased when he thought that he could command such a powerful puppet.

After that, Su Zhan explained the trivial matters such as urging Xiao Bubai to cultivate and watering the medicinal field, and left with Ye Qingyu’s sword.

One day later.

A frosty plain in the north.

Su Zhan’s speed suddenly slowed down.

The teleportation circle is on this piece of ice, and it needs to lower its speed to detect it slowly.

After slowing down, he went on for about three hundred miles.

Finally found the teleportation formation in a barren valley.

It has a diameter of about 20 meters and is round.

The foundation of formation is a special kind of white stone.

The top is engraved with dense inscriptions.

Of course, this is just to see.

A teleportation formation, the really complicated one, is buried underground, those invisible talisman formations.

A teleportation formation exceeds at least 360 small rune formations.

Only by supporting each other and complementing each other can we play the mysterious role of transcending space.

Su Zhan Shengyuan infused his divine eyes and activated the formation aura at the same time.

Suddenly, in his line of sight, a trail of rune appeared.

“This teleportation array…”

After taking a look, Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s damaged.”

“it’s broken?”

Ye Qingyu was a little disappointed when he heard this, “Forget it…”

In fact, she also expected this situation.

A perfect teleportation array, no matter how remote it is, I’m afraid it would have been discovered long ago, and it would have been taken as one’s own.

Moreover, even if the Eastern Wasteland domain is really not found here, but there will be someone using the teleport formation to send it over in the Lintian domain.

“Look at the specific situation first.”

As Su Zhan said, flicking his fingers, a special golden rune flew out of his hand and hit the white stone.


Shiraishi shook, and then a crack appeared.

The crack expanded and turned into a hole.

Su Zhan walked down the stairs at the entrance of the cave and soon came to the space below the formation.

Pillars and pillars were erected with dense runes engraved on them.

There is a huge groove on the periphery.

In those grooves, there are whitish stones.

Su Zhan took a look and recognized that they were all sacred stones.

It’s just a holy stone after the energy has been used up.

“How about Su Zhan?”

The female emperor Ye Qingyu looked at it for a while, and found that she couldn’t understand any of them, so she asked quickly.

“It should be repairable. I have seen some of the space inscription runes of the transmission formation before. It is not difficult. The only difficulty is that it needs to be built at two locations at the same time, and the rune formation must be exactly the same, and the progress must be the same.”

“Can you fix it? That’s great!”

Empress surprise.

Su Zhan shook his head and said: “However, if the teleportation formation on the other side is also broken, even if I repair the one here, we still can’t use it. We can only try it.”

As he said, he placed the holy stone in the groove, tried to activate the magic circle, urged his eyes, and repaired the broken and missing runes.

The female emperor Ye Qingyu didn’t bother him either, and walked up alone to help observe the surrounding situation, so as not to be disturbed by anyone or beasts.

Two days later.

Su Zhan finally completed the repair and came to the ground.

A rune hit the white stone, and the white stone gradually closed.

“It has been repaired, but I am not sure if it can be activated.”

Su Zhan said, took a deep breath, flipped his palm, and a spirit pen appeared in his hand.

Sheng Yuan poured the spirit pen, and he swiftly stroked in the air.

One rune took shape, hovering in front of him.

A minute later, those golden runes formed a special small magic circle, and he looked back and directly entered the space formation.


The space formation suddenly trembled and buzzed!

The next moment, runes on the ground and white stones suddenly brightened!

A white light shot up from the ground!

It didn’t stop until about a hundred meters in the air.

Su Zhan looked at the 20-meter-thick, 100-meter-high white beam of light in front of him. His divine eyes were aroused, and his holy thoughts surged. The result.

None worked.

He couldn’t see through the things in this white light.

Only through the law halo, you can faintly feel the strong spatial law fluctuations in it.

“Su Zhan, is this a success?”

Ye Qingyu looked at the beam of light, and asked with excitement and hesitation.


Su Zhan is also not sure, after all, it is the first time he has seen Spatial Teleportation formation.

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Ye Qing shrank his head, a little scared, and said, “If something goes wrong with the transmission formation, what will happen to us?”


Su Zhan thought for a while.

“About going to other wrong spatial regions?

Or torn to pieces by the space storm? ”

“So scary?!”

The female emperor Ye Qingyu turned pale and was a little frightened.

Seeing her look of fear and fear, Su Zhan smiled and comforted: “I’m just talking about the worst case, don’t be afraid of the empress!

It is also possible that it will not be torn to pieces, but the body will stay here after the head has passed! ”

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