Chapter 522 Lintian Realm, Golden Light Boxing Sect!


The corner of the female emperor’s mouth twitched.

How come I am even more scared after hearing you say that?

“Okay, let’s go!”

Su Zhan smiled: “I’m telling the truth, but that was when the space formation was unstable, and now this space formation is very stable, and there will be no space storms.”

With that, he headed towards the beam of light of the teleportation formation.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyu quickly followed.

Walking into the beam of light, Su Zhan could feel that the space around him was in a very peculiar state.

It doesn’t seem to belong to this big world, but another special space.

Considering that the energy consumed by the space formation every second is huge, Su Zhan didn’t dare to stay too much. His fingers drew a few runes in the air and hit the ground.

The next moment, the white beam of light dissipated.

Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu also disappeared at the same time.

And this transmission formation also returned to silence.


Somewhere in a huge body of water.

A hundred meters deep underwater suddenly shot out a white light!

After ten seconds, the white light dissipated, and Su Zhan led Ye Qingyu out from the bottom of the water and landed on the surface of the water steadily.

“The ultra-long-distance teleportation array, which cost hundreds of millions of sacred stones at every turn, was actually built underwater?

Forget it, don’t build a waterproof formation! ”

Su Zhan was speechless, and the starlight of the long gown formed by the meteor flying armour flashed all the water droplets.

At the same time, the power of his holy yuan gushes out slightly, drying the wet part instantly.

Ye Qingyu also acted similarly to Su Zhan.

In fact, even in the Yulong Realm, blocking the water flow is not a problem, but the two of them are in special circumstances, and they appeared in the water as soon as they were teleported over.

“Su Zhan, the place we are going to is called Xingguangyuan. It is the place where my ancestor family is located in my memory. Although the ancestor’s family dominated Lintianyu in the past hundreds of thousands of years, even if it has fallen, it shouldn’t be. As for it’s too bad.

The inheritance of the ancestors is also there! ”

After drying the clothes, Ye Qingyu glanced around and found that it was a huge area of ​​water and a swamp. There were no human traces at all. He said: “But I am not sure where we are now, so now, we You still need to find some people in Lintian to ask for directions.”

“Well, Lintian is completely different from Eastern Wasteland. We have just arrived here. Don’t be too eager. Let’s get to know the basic situation of Lintian first!”

As Su Zhan said, his palm flipped, and the Heavenly Golden Sword was thrown out and turned into a ten-meter-long giant sword.

If he were alone, using the wind and thunder god’s wings would definitely be faster than a pure sword, but now that he still needs to bring Ye Qingyu, he can only retreat.

After exchanging a few sentences, he randomly chose a direction and took Ye Qingyu away.

When the sky of Lintianyu was moving forward rapidly.

Su Zhan also discovered the difference between Lintian and Eastern Wasteland.

First is Spiritual Qi, Lintianyu is a bit richer, and then…

It is an extremely weird feeling.

After arriving in Lintianyu, he always felt that his Qi luck had increased a little. He possessed the Qi luck halo and was very sensitive to his Qi luck, and he would certainly not go wrong.


Not an increase!

After feeling the feeling carefully, Su Zhan finally determined it.

It’s not so much that the air transport in the Lintian region has increased a bit, but rather the air transport in the Eastern Wasteland region has been reduced and suppressed a bit!

“Different regions, different heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is normal, but there is also a difference in luck, which is really incredible.”

Su Zhan murmured, but couldn’t figure it out.

“Su Zhan, what are you talking about?”

Ye Qingyu asked curiously.


Su Zhan shook his head.

Qi Luck is too mysterious and mysterious, even if it is him, he still has a little understanding. With Ye Qingyu’s Realm, even if she said it, she couldn’t understand it.

That being the case, it is better not to say.

With this in mind, Su Zhan also cleared up those doubts. These things are useless. If you are strong enough in the future, you will naturally know that the most important thing right now is to find the inheritance of Ye Xing’s Martial God.

He flew forward for about a thousand miles.

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on a mountain peak in the distance, seeing the humans and Demonic Beasts on the mountain peak, a trace of joy leaked from his face.

I finally met someone, so I can ask how to get to the Starlight Plain!

Sheng Yuan surged, he turned his direction and headed towards that mountain.

At this time, on that mountain peak.

Nearly a thousand celebrities are fighting bloody battles against Demonic Beasts, demon birds, coming from all directions from the foot of the mountain and the sky.

The strength ranges from the Bingzhu realm to the Yulong realm.

As for the one with lower strength, he was already lying on the ground and turned into a corpse.

“Sect Leader! What to do!”

On the mountainside, an old man in the ichthyosaur realm was shining golden on his body. He punched and flew a huge Demonic Beasts. He noticed that there was little true essence left in his body. Instead, shouted a middle-aged man like some village barbarian.

“How to do?”

The middle-aged man clenched his fist and blasted directly into the head of a Demonic Beasts. When it was pulled out, it was already stained with blood and brain. He roared, “What else can I do!”

Fight with these beasts!

Our Golden Light Boxing School has been passed down for 1,300 years, how can we really surrender these Demonic Beasts!

Besides, these beasts are so fierce, we surrender, and sooner or later they will become food for them! ”

The old man also gritted his teeth: “Okay! Today, the old man will save his life–”


Before the words were finished, a huge black bird fell from the sky, and that claw, which was bigger than the kitchen, was infinitely powerful, and directly pressed the old man into the ground to kill!

“The stupid human race has warned you a long time ago, this is the territory of my Black Spirit Owl King. If you had given up this Spirit Mountain early, wouldn’t it be the calamity of today?”

The Black Spirit Owl looked down on the middle-aged man proudly: “Now that the king has transformed again and his strength has greatly increased, you don’t even have a chance to escape!”

“Beast! I want you to die!!!”

Seeing that Elder, whom he knew well, was killed, the middle-aged man’s eyes were cracked and his body was full of golden light, and he rushed towards the Dark Owl King.

“I can’t help myself!”

The Black Spirit Owl waved his huge paw.


The next moment, the middle-aged man’s golden light shattered, his body flew upside down for several miles, smashed a large stone pillar, and was buried by gravel!

When he crawled out of the gravel covered with blood, there were two more people in front of him.

A teenager with a dusty temperament and extremely clear eyes, and a tall man in his twenties, with a high temperament like snow, wearing a snow-colored robe.

When the middle-aged man looked at them dumbfounded.

Su Zhan also opened his mouth and said: “Hello, I want to ask for directions, do you know–”

“Ask for directions?!”

The middle-aged man suddenly became furious: “Our Golden Light Boxing Sect is about to be destroyed. Are you looking for me for directions?

Go ahead and ask the ghost!

Get out of the way, don’t get in my way! ”

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