Chapter 524 Arrived at Ye’s house, blood test! (Third more)

At this time, Su Zhan’s location belonged to the Quanshan Mountain Range generation within the territory of the “Tian Sword Dao Sect”. It was considered to be the edge of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect’s territory, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Starlight Yuan Ye Family at the other end!

“Hundreds of thousands of miles, I should be able to arrive tomorrow. According to the information about the Ye Family given to me by Jin Wu, this period of time happens to be the gathering of the four lines of the Ye Family. When the ceremony is held, all the strong Ye Family will come. .

This way, the empress can return to the Ye family dignifiedly. She originally had the blood of Ye Xing’s Martial God, and now it is not far from knowing how many miles to return. Those who are strong in the Ye family should be very happy to accept her!

Then I found the inheritance of Martial God Ye Xing. I got the Body Tempering fist of the star god, and the female emperor got other treasures. Then I returned to the Xuantian Sacred Land, returned to cultivation, and studied the life of the puppet! ”

Su Zhan thought about this in his heart and nodded in satisfaction.

The perfect plan!

After watching all those Jade Slips, Su Zhan started to cultivate.

Early the next morning.

Su Zhan took Ye Qingyu and Jin Wu to the Starlight Plain.

It only took half a day to arrive at Xingguang Yuanye’s home.

“Master Su, that is the territory of the Ye Family.”

Jin Wu pointed to the large building surrounding the mountains and mountains and explained: “The Ye family used to be a super family hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although it has declined today, it is still one of the top families in the territory of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

The Ye family is different from other aristocratic families. Zena has separated the four veins in nearly ten thousand years.

The four chakras are in charge of the territories of the original Ye Family of Starlight. In addition to these territories, the four veins of the Ye Family actually also have their own territories, each of which is a giant-level power.

The four veins are unified, and it can be said that it is the first family in the realm of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect! ”


Su Zhan responded flatly.

He actually read these materials last night.

“Master Su, can you take the liberty to ask.”

Jin Wu cautiously said, “What is the relationship between you and the Ye family?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Doesn’t matter?

What are you doing?

Jin Wu was puzzled, but seeing that Su Zhan didn’t want to say more, he didn’t dare to ask any more.

Soon, a few people came to the outskirts of Ye Family’s territory.

“Stop, who are you and what are you going to do?”

Immediately after walking to a huge mountain gate outside the Ye family, the guardian disciple asked vigilantly.

Jin Wu quickly cupped hands and said: “Sect Leader of the Golden Light Boxing Sect——”

“What bullshit Golden Light Boxing Sect! See you, Realm is similar to me, now is the day when the Ye Family’s four lines gather together, don’t bother with ordinary things!”

The Shoushan disciple of the Yulong Realm said impatiently.

“Hello, this is Ye Qingyu.”

Ye Qingyu also took a step forward at this time: “My ancestor is Ye Xing Martial God. I came today to recognize my ancestor and return to my ancestry.”

“Ye Xing Martial God descendant?”

The disciple’s expression changed, and he suddenly became respectful: “Ms. Ye is sure that you can’t make a mistake?”


“Well, Miss Ye wait a moment, I will immediately report to the Patriarch, the Master of Vessels!”

After speaking, he turned and left.

It was completely different from the previous attitude towards Jin Wu.

Jin Wu was also overjoyed when he heard this.

Although the Ye family’s direct lineage can basically be called the descendants of Ye Xing’s Martial God, they came from other domains just to recognize their ancestors…

Don’t think too much, it definitely belongs to the kind of Martial God with extremely rich blood and extremely noble status!

This trip, I made a lot of money!

Jin Wu thought about this, with a smile on his face.

Xingguangyuan, Ye Family, inside a huge hall.

The current main channel’s main channel, that is, the nominal Ye Family Patriarch, Ye Yun Xiao, sits in the main position.

Below, the pulse masters of the other three branches are also seated.

“Patriarch, this trip to the martial world will be led by Ye He from my vein.”

A branch master smiled and said: “Thousands of years have passed, and the Demonic Beasts in the martial world have become stronger. The first one to enter is very dangerous, but it happens that my young master Yehe and Daoist are both good at it. Defensive, let them take down those dangers first!”

“Ye Yun Mountain, what you said is nice. There are inherent limitations in the martial arts. It is impossible to have Demonic Beasts of the Deva level. Basically you will not encounter the Deva level in half a step. It is the elixir that has grown after thousands of years. almost!”

Another branch master sneered mercilessly: “I think you want to take the lead and take away those elixir?!”

“Nonsense, I’m actually that kind of person!”

“Then who are you? Hypocrite!”

“Ye Yun Joe, you dare to insult me!”

Seeing that the two masters below who had always had grievances quarreled, Patriarch Ye Yun scolded: “Okay! Shut me up!”

Afterwards, he glanced at the three pulse masters: “The martial arts can only be opened once in a thousand years. I can understand your feelings, but have you forgotten that the current Patriarch is me!

Entering the martial world this time, the main channel is the first, and your three channels are ranked according to the age and strength of the young master. The younger the younger, the stronger the leader. This is the case and no further discussion! ”

Hearing this, the three main branches are obviously a little unhappy.

But they didn’t say much.

The main line of the Ye family rotates once every thousand years, and when it’s their turn, they will also become the head of the family, and they will still make the same decision.

Just as a few people were about to disperse, a disciple from the Yulong Realm suddenly came to the door and knelt down: “Patriarch, three pulse masters!

A woman who claimed to be a descendant of Martial God came to our Yejiashan gate. Would you like to bring her in? ”

Descendants of ancestors?

Hearing this, several people were stunned.

Immediately, they laughed almost at the same time.

“Here’s another one. Speaking of Patriarch, this is the number one in the past ten years?”

“There is always a delusion to get into my Ye family and make it to the sky in one step!”

“The descendants of the ancestors… even if there are descendants living outside, they haven’t been found for hundreds of thousands of years. Come here now, isn’t this a joke!”

The three pulse masters shook their heads.

Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao said: “Take her to the Ancestral Hall. If she really has the blood of my Ye Family, then that’s all.

If not…”

As he said, a cold light flashed in his eyes: “I will let her understand how miserable the consequences of cheating on our Ye family are!”


The Shoushan disciple retreated.

Ye Yun Xiao exchanged a few words with the other major pulse masters, and they all headed towards the ancestral temple.


Su Zhan and others also came to the Ye Family Ancestral Temple.

“Are you the woman who claims to be the descendant of an ancestor?”

Ye Family Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao’s eyes passed Su Zhan Jinwu’s body and fell directly on Ye Qingyu’s face.

“Yes, Junior Ye Qingyu, I have met the Patriarch and the Three Vessel Masters!

This is Junior’s guard Daoist Su Zhan. ”

Ye Qingyu hurriedly bowed his cupped hands and took out the remarks he had discussed with Su Zhan in advance. Of course, Jin Wu was directly ignored by her.

“Don’t scream for now.”

Ye Yun Xiao pointed to a white jade stone pillar inscribed with dense runes in front of that huge ancestral hall and said: “You drop blood on it. If you really have the blood of my Ye family ancestor Martial God, it will naturally cause the stone pillar to react, and our Ye family will also Accept you.

If you can’t…”

Ye Yun Xiao glanced at Su Zhan and the others, showing disdain.

“Not only are you going to die, but your shit guardian Daoist, who is only in the realm of the Heavenly Saint King, is going to die!”

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