Chapter 525 I have a way!

As soon as this statement came out, Su Zhan was stunned.

I… also to die?

That’s all, what kind of shit guard I am Daoist?

I didn’t even know him, and said such vicious words as soon as I met, how vicious is this person’s heart? !

“Su Zhan, bear with me.”

Ye Qingyu was very upset when he saw Su Zhan, and he immediately pleaded: “I was about to recognize my ancestors and return to the clan today. There is something wrong with the Patriarch and them. Please forgive me for the time being…”

“It’s not that I’m short-spirited.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s really too much of him. A man who seems to be in his seventies and eighties, who seems to be going into the soil, actually said that I am a shit guardian Daoist?

You want to kill me! ”

“What did you say!”

Ye Yun Xiao was angry.

“I said you are about to fall into the soil, you can’t hear you clearly?”

Su Zhan said in amazement: “Sure enough, he is an immortal fellow, and his ears are not working well. At your age, why do you come out with deaf ears and dazzling eyes?

Wouldn’t it be nice to find a cool place to wait for death? ”


Ye Yun Xiao was furious, and half a Deva level of terror erupted!

“Patriarch! Do you want to kill the blood left behind by the ancestor Martial God and eradicate the alien!”

Ye Qingyu’s face changed, and without hesitation, he stood in front of Su Zhan and said loudly: “The Ye Family, inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, even now, it is still a first-class family.

The Patriarch of a first-class family is so narrow-minded that he even wants to kill the descendants of the Martial God bloodline in public!

I know that the position of the head of the Ye family takes turns, but if you commit a big mistake, you have to abdicate!

I think, apart from the Patriarch, you, the other three vassals will not do this kind of thing that will kill the descendants of the blood of the ancestor Martial God just after they meet, right? ”

“Dare you threaten me!”

Ye Yun Xiao was even more angry, but when his eyes were swept away, he found that the other three pulse masters were all silent, and even had a hint of joy in his eyes. It seemed that he calmed down suddenly when he took the shot.

The four veins of the Ye family are almost the same in strength.

If he really kills Ye Qingyu and others today, the three main vein masters will definitely take advantage of the topic, and there are still a few days left to be the heritage left by the ancestor Martial God, the day when the martial world opens.

Now, there must be no more trouble!

Thinking like this in his heart, Ye Yun Xiao suppressed his anger: “Let’s start the test! You’d better have the blood of the ancestor Martial God, otherwise…huh!”

Su Zhan said: “Huh what huh, it’s pretty arrogant to get into the soil at an age?”


Ye Yun Xiao was about to get angry, and immediately thought of something. He took a deep breath and looked at Su Zhan with cold eyes: “Remember what happened today. Soon, you will pay for it!”

The inconvenience of hands-on now does not mean that it is inconvenient in the future.

His inconvenience does not mean that it is inconvenient for others.

As the head of his dignified Ye Family, wanting to kill a sacred king in the sky, it couldn’t be easier!

If this is the case, why should he be anxious for a while, take action here, kill Su Zhan and others, and give other pulse masters an excuse?

Moreover, it is not good to say whether Ye Qingyu can induce the bloodline stone pillars!

You know, this bloodline stone pillar, not all descendants of Martial God can be mobilized, only the bloodline of Martial God in the body reaches a certain concentration.

There are more than a thousand people in the Ye family’s four veins, and there are only more than one hundred people who can provoke it!

If it can’t be induced…

Ye Yun Xiao sneered.

Then you can let these people know the terrible end of offending his Patriarch on the spot!

“Su Zhan.”

The female emperor Ye Qingyu also leaned in Su Zhan’s ear at this time, and whispered: “Have you forgotten our plan? Everything, wait until Martial God inherits it!”


Su Zhan nodded, and looked at Ye Yun Xiao in surprise.

He thought that Ye Yun Xiao would shoot at him very furiously.

But I didn’t expect that the other party actually restrained it.

In this way… the original idea of ​​a sword smashing Ye Yun Xiao to death can only be put down temporarily.


Su Zhan was quite regretful.

The three branches of the Ye Family were also a little bit lost when they didn’t see the results they wanted to see.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyu was relieved.

After smiling apologetically at Su Zhan, she walked to the stone pillar, took out a sharp knife with her left hand, and lightly swiped it in the palm of her hand.

The true essence surged, pushing out the blood and sprinkling it on the white stone pillars.


The next moment, the stone pillar immediately trembled and hummed!

Bloody lines appeared on the surface, and a bloody light shot straight into the sky!

“Is it really a descendant of an ancestor?”

“The bloodline concentration is not low!”

“It should be the first-class bloodline among our four veins. Compared with our few masters, it will not be much worse!”

The three branch masters were all surprised.

Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao froze for a moment, a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, it is really descended from the blood of ancestors.

The guy surnamed Su is lucky, otherwise, I can kill him right now!

Ye Yun Xiao sighed, and immediately said blankly: “Well, since you are really the blood left by my ancestors of the Ye family, you will officially return to the Ye family today!

Today’s Ye Family has four branches.

You choose a pulse to join! ”

“Little girl, I think you have a lot of fate with me, why don’t you join me?”

The pulse master Ye Yun Shan said with a smile.

“Ye Yun Mountain, your line of direct descendants are all ignorant and skillless people. If the girl joins your line, can’t you be harmed by your unscrupulous younger generations?”

Ye Yun Qiao said: “If you want me to say, I think joining my line is the best choice!”

“Two, the three major branches, it’s not just you two. This female bloodline has the first-class talent. The cultivation of my Ye Family Cultivation Technique must be very fast. Do you two want to cheat away the branches?”

The last pulse master turned his head to look at Ye Qingyu, flipped his palm, took out a high-grade holy king artifact, smiled and said: “Little girl, I am Ye Yunkong, join my vein, this thing you are now You can take it away.”

“Huh, it’s a mere mess, what’s so great about it!”

“Join me, I will give you two!”

Seeing that Ye Qingyu’s bloodline talent was actually top-notch, several of the line masters were vying for it, that is, Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao and Ye Qingyu had some contradictions just now. They couldn’t hold back their faces for a while, just stared coldly.

“Several pulse masters.”

Ye Qingyu also spoke at this time: “In the memory of my awakened blood, the ancestor Ye Xing Martial God once left a legacy. Moreover, the ancestral legacy is extremely difficult to obtain. It seems that it is in a certain special world. There is no Deva state, I think no one has obtained that inheritance, so it gradually declines.

I don’t want anything, I just want the inheritance opportunity left by my ancestors! ”

“Do you want the inheritance of the ancestors in the martial arts world?”

Hearing this, the pulse masters looked at each other, and immediately shook their heads.

“If the ancestors really left the inheritance, it must be in the martial world, but not everyone can enter the martial world.”

“The martial world is opened once every thousand years, and only four young masters of the four channels, plus four guardian Daoist can enter the martial world to explore, seek treasures, opportunities, other people even if we are the channel masters, they are not qualified!”

“Although you have outstanding talents, you are definitely not up to the point where we can change the young master, so you can’t enter.”

Ye Qingyu was very disappointed. He looked at Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao: “Is there really no other way?”


Ye Yun Xiao shook his head: “Only two people in one line can enter the martial world. This is a rule. I don’t know how many years I have followed, how could it be changed because of you!”

“Oh, all right…”

Ye Qingyu turned around with some guilt, and said to Su: “Sorry, I can’t help it…”

“You have no way, I have a way.”

Su Zhan smiled, and then in Ye Qingyu’s puzzled eyes, he turned towards the vein masters and Patriarch Ye Yun and said, “You can only enter the martial realm in one vein, right?

Isn’t it enough for us to establish a new line?

In this way, we are just two of us, just in time to enter the martial world.

You have lived for so many years, why can’t you think of such a simple way? ”

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