Chapter 526 War Canyon!

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, there was a brief silence in front of Ye Family Ancestral Temple.

Afterwards, there were a series of angry voices.

“Nonsense! Newly established a line? Do you mean to establish it immediately!”

“If everyone has their own line, wouldn’t my Ye family have thousands or tens of thousands of lines?!”

“It’s ridiculous!”

Su Zhan glanced over the pulse masters, and said: “Then how can I stand on my own?

How do you support yourself? ”

“Our experience cannot be copied, nor can it be told to an outsider.”

“You are just a guardian Daoist, I hope you pay attention to your identity, how should you talk!”

“If you want to be independent, bloodline concentration, strength, power, chance and coincidence… you have to have everything, so don’t think too much!”

The three pulse masters shook their heads without hesitation.

On the contrary, Ye Yun Xiao, the Patriarch of the Ye Family who was the most hostile to Su Zhan, showed a smile after his eyes flashed, “Actually, it’s not impossible.”

“Patriarch, how can this be—”

“Listen to me!”

Ye Yun Xiao glared at the pulse master, and then said: “If you want to establish your own channel, the two most important points are nothing more than blood and strength.

Her blood is enough, as long as the strength is up, I can make an exception and persuade the other three pulse masters to let you stand on your own. ”

Su Zhan’s eyes gleamed slightly: “What kind of strength is needed then?”

“It’s very simple.”

Ye Yun Xiao smiled even more happily: “Just go through the war canyon of our Ye family. That’s where our Ye family raises all kinds of fierce beasts and places all kinds of war machines.

If you can pass through the canyon of war, you can stand on your own! ”

After speaking, he turned to the other three pulse masters: “You should have no opinion, right?”

Hearing the war canyon, the three masters’ expressions changed slightly, and they all had no objection.

Moreover, he glanced at Ye Qingyu with some sympathy.

The War Gorge, which is the core of the Ye Family’s strength, is jointly controlled by the four line masters. Even they dare not release the beasts, puppets, talismans, spirit monsters… all the war machines in it, Ye Qing said. In the Yulong Realm, protecting Daoist Su Zhan is only the holy king in the sky.

With such strength, there is no difference between going there and going to death.

However, Ye Qingyu was reluctant to join them anyway, and he would die if he died, it was their shit.

Several pulse masters thought so, and they all nodded in agreement.

Su Zhan also nodded: “Okay, so be it!”

“Su Zhan, will it be dangerous…”

When Ye Qingyu observed the expressions of those pulse masters, he became a little worried.

Su Zhan said: “Don’t worry, I am here.”


Hearing what Su Zhan said, Ye Qingyu also felt a sense of security, and said towards Ye Yun, “Patriarch, I agree!”


Ye Yun Xiao smiled and sneered in her heart.

Are you here?

A mere saint king in the heavens, with you there is nothing more than an extra corpse!

“Come with me!”

Ye Yun Xiao was happy when he thought that the obnoxious guy in front of him would soon die in the war canyon, and that it would not affect him a little bit.

Afterwards, Su Zhan and others followed Ye Yun Xiao. Of course, Jin Wu was recognized by several pulse masters as Ye Qingyu’s servants, and was not qualified to travel. They could only arrange for Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu in Ye Yun Xiao. Waiting outside the courtyard where you live.

Soon, several people came to an area heavily guarded by the Ye Family.

After traveling for about tens of miles, he came to the edge of the gorge.

The canyon is not long, about twenty or thirty miles away, and Su Zhan’s location is the place where it started.

“This canyon…”

Su Zhan Shengyuan poured his divine eyes, and saw the rune formation below, as well as the aura of fierce beasts, and his strength was very powerful.

“How is it, have you considered it?”

Ye Yun said: “If you decide, now, I and the other three vein masters will open the formation to block the canyon and lift the ban on the beasts in it. You only need to reach the other end of the canyon in this case. You can stand on your own.

Moreover, you can also participate in a trip to the martial arts in a few days! ”

“Okay, open it!”

Su beheaded nodded.

Ye Yun Xiao glanced at Ye Qingyu and found that she had no objection, and said to the other three pulse masters: “Turn it on!”

As he said, he flipped his palm and took out a golden token.

The same is true for the other three pulse masters.

Four tokens flew from their hands, docked in the air, and merged into one!

Under the control of Ye Yun Xiao, that huge token shot a golden light toward the war canyon. Suddenly, above the canyon, the barrier of cloud and fog dissipated.

Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu also flew towards the bottom of the canyon.

“Several pulse masters, temporarily lift the ban on the seals of the War Canyon!”

Ye Yun Xiao sneered: “I want to see, where is such an arrogant arrogant king in the middle of the sky?”

The other three pulse masters nodded, and each played a golden rune on the token.

Ye Yun Xiao also played the last rune.

The token suddenly became radiant, and runes appeared everywhere in the canyon walls, caves, and the surface of the ground.

Echoing with it.

Immediately afterwards, the beasts roared through the canyon of war!

There are also some puppets, the swarms of insects appear!

Of course, even though those things ran out of the lair, their range of movement seemed to be restricted by some kind of force, and could only be stopped in the area in front of the lair, just blocking the path Su Zhan was traveling on.

Su Zhan glanced at the roaring fierce beasts, raised his hand, and released Seventeen.

“Except for Ye Qingyu, don’t let anything that can move close to me within a mile.”

“Yes, master!”

A golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes and recorded it.

“Okay, you can go now.”

Su Zhan stepped lightly, not too fast, and flew forward with Ye Qingyu.

When he started to act.

Above the canyon, several pulse masters and Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao were also a little surprised.

“I didn’t expect this person to be a puppet master?”

“The puppet of the puppet master is often more terrifying than the puppet master himself! I don’t know how strong his puppet is?”

“He only has the middle rank, so where can the puppet’s strength be-how is this possible!”

The pulse master, before he finished speaking, saw that the puppet Seventeen One Sword directly cut a Demonic Beasts of the great saint king level in half, and the whole person was immediately bewildered.

The other pulse masters also appeared shocked.

“Maybe… restraint?”

“It’s just the first fierce beast, the more dangerous it goes to the back, it shouldn’t be possible for him to pass through the war canyon with a puppet?”

The two pulse masters were surprised and continued to watch.

Ye Yun Xiao coldly snorted: “At the very end of the war canyon, there are beasts that are not weaker than ours. I don’t believe it. A puppet of a middle heavenly holy king puppet master can really fight half a step Deva. A fierce beast of the level cannot be achieved!”

When the other three pulse masters heard this, they nodded again and again, expressing agreement.

However, after only a minute, watching the bloody scenes in the war valley, their thoughts completely disappeared, replaced by shock, unbelievable, and even… fear!


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