Chapter 527 Please don’t go forward!

I saw that Su Zhan had already walked through most of the war valley at this time.

And where he walked, there were the corpses of Demonic Beasts, organ fragments, and puppet torso… The blood was flowing into a river, and the corpses of the beast the size of a hill were piled up!

a mess!

And all this was done by that golden robe puppet!

In front of that puppet, the dangers of the entire war valley seemed to be easily dissipated like bubbles!

This power… is stronger than them!

Several pulse masters felt fear in their hearts.

Ye Yun Xiao is more fearful than them!

Even his face turned pale in shock!

Dense beads of sweat ooze from his forehead!

At this time, he knew that Ye Qingyu passed the bloodline test successfully, not because Su Zhan was lucky, but because he was lucky!

If it fails.

He is bound to attack Su Zhan!

And Su Zhan will definitely release that puppet, so…

He was afraid that he would be torn apart by golden robe puppets just like those fierce beasts!


It’s so thrilling!

Behind his heart, Ye Yun Xiao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Seeing that the golden robe puppet killed another fierce beast that was not much weaker than their half-step Deva, several pulse masters finally couldn’t sit still.

“Patriarch, go and stop him!”

“This puppet is too strong, and I don’t know how to be afraid. If Su Zhan is allowed to move forward, the half-step Deva-level fierce beast of our Ye family that has finally been cultivated will also be killed!”

“Yes, let him stop, we admit that he can support himself!”

The three pulse masters all spoke.

Ye Family Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao had no choice but to run the Saint Yuan, and came to the top of the canyon where Su Zhan was, and said loudly: “Okay, you don’t have to go forward anymore, we agree that you can stand on your own!”

In the canyon below.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingyu immediately showed a pleasant surprise: “Su Zhan, great, let’s not go ahead!”

“No need to go forward?”

Su Zhan shook his head, “How can you do it, how can you go back on what you say is good?”

With that, he continued to move forward.

And as his body moved, puppet Seventeen also continued to move forward.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun Xiao was anxious, gritted his teeth, and turned into a retreat towards Su Zhan.

“Don’t let anything that can move close to one mile.”

When Ye Yun Xiao approached, a golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes.

The next moment, the giant sword in his hand suddenly cut out!

A thick golden Sword Qi trains to cut through the space!

Cause a hurricane!

Sensing the strength of this sword, Ye Yun Xiao’s expression changed drastically, and while retreating sharply, he threw a square crystal shield into ten meters in size and stood in front of him.


Seventeen-one sword slashed on the shield.

Ye Yun Xiao’s body flew backwards suddenly under this tremendous force!

When he fell on the ground, his footsteps were unstable, and it took more than ten steps to stabilize his body.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

The shield wailed, shrank rapidly, and returned to his storage ring.

After wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Ye Yun Xiao looked at Seventeen with horror!

This puppet is stronger than he expected!

If you really fight, you might be able to block more than a dozen swords, and you will fall!

With horror in her heart, Ye Yun Xiao would have turned around and fled if he hadn’t seen Seventeen without chasing him.

But at this moment, feeling the movement behind him, Su Zhan also turned around and looked at Ye Yun Xiao in surprise: “Patriarch Ye, what’s wrong with you?

Why did you vomit blood well? You don’t have a bad heart, and you want to vomit blood to ruin me, right? ”


Ye Yun was anxious.

My dignified Ye Family Patriarch, will I need to ruin you?

Besides, why did I vomit blood… Don’t you have any points in your heart? !

Had it not been for a puppet, I would have to kill you today to vent my feelings!

He roared in his heart, but as soon as he spoke, Ye Yun Xiao persuaded him: “Master Su is joking, I just want to say, Master Su, you don’t have to go any further, this will also waste your time.”

“How can this work?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I have agreed with you to pass through this gorge to be completed. Now you tell me not to leave, don’t you want me to break the contract?

I’m not a person who doesn’t keep the promise. Since I said I must finish it, I must finish it! ”

With that, he was ready to walk forward again.

“No, no, no!”

Ye Yun Xiao hurriedly said in shock: “It’s not Su Gongzi, you broke the contract and didn’t keep the promise. It was me who broke the contract. It was the Ye family who changed our mind!

It has nothing to do with you! ”

“Did your Ye family change your mind and break the contract?”

Su Zhan turned around and said, “But since it is because of you that I can’t move on, should you also bear the corresponding compensation?”

“More compensation?”

Ye Yun Xiao was annoyed, but when he thought that the one in front was finally bred, it was in the stage of complete domestication, and it was likely to become a half-step Deva-level Demonic Beasts of Yejiazhen Mountain’s beast, so he nodded and agreed.

“Okay, pay, our Ye family pays! I don’t know how much compensation Su Gongzi wants?”

“Time is priceless, and promises are priceless. It stands to reason that you owe me two priceless things. Even if I want one trillion sacred stones, it is not an exaggeration.

But I am kind by nature and will consider others, so…one hundred million sacred stones are enough. ”

“One pulse, one hundred million???”

Ye Yun Xiao was dumbfounded.

One mouth is 400 million holy stones?

This f*ck!

Put this to grab money? ? ?

Seeing Ye Yun Xiao’s appearance, Su Zhan shook his head: “Since you don’t want to, then forget it, I will also go the whole way–”

“Don’t! Don’t!”

Ye Yun Xiao had no choice but to weigh the pros and cons. He gritted his teeth and could only agree: “Okay, 400 million is 400 million. Please also ask Master Su to go out to the canyon with me first!”


Su beheaded nodded.

“Seventeen, come back.”

Collecting seventeen into the cave sky, his holy yuan surging, with a dazed look, the female emperor Ye Qingyu, who has not recovered yet, returned to the top of the canyon.

“Master Su!”

“Master Su’s puppet is really powerful!”

“The strongest way of Lin Tianyu puppets is to seize the Heavenly Dao sect. Could it be that Master Su actually came from the Heavenly Dao sect?”

Seeing Su Zhan back.

The three masters of Ye’s family line did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly cupped hands to salute.

The attitude is better than before. I don’t know how much.


Ye Yun Xiao coughed slightly and said: “The three pulse masters, because we unilaterally breached the contract and broke our promise, resulting in the loss of Young Master Su, the loss…heavy!

Therefore, after discussing with Su Gongzi, I decided to compensate him with 400 million sacred stones to show our Ye Family’s sincerity and apologies!

What do you guys think? ”

As soon as this statement came out, the three pulse masters all looked at Su Zhan with a little disbelief, and each of them looked dumbfounded.

Young Master Su suffered a heavy loss?

He didn’t even break his clothes!

What did he lose? ? ?

Moreover, even if there is a loss, compensation…Four billion sacred stones?

Even if our Ye family has a big business, we can’t afford to be so profligate, right? !

Thinking of this, the three main pulses looked at each other.

They both disagreed, but no one dared to be the first to say it.

For a while, this place fell into silence.

Waited for ten seconds.

Did not wait for a reply.

Su Zhan frowned and waved his hand, a golden light shot out, turning into a puppet seventeen.

“You are not willing to pay for the mere four hundred million sacred stones. It seems that your Ye family has no sincerity at all!

Moreover, you are not talking, making eye contact, are you plotting to siege and attack me?

It must be!

Just now, your Ye Family Patriarch said that you would kill me, and now you have moved this mind too!

In contrast, your Ye family is so despicable and shameless, you unilaterally broke the contract and broke your promise. Instead of apologizing, you are planning to murder me!

You Ye Family, really vicious! ”

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