Chapter 529 Hope, you can be good people (fifth)


After a lot of laughter, the pulse master lost again: “How can he make his puppet invalid?”

The other two pulse masters were also depressed.

“What this is saying is that it’s useless for us to talk so much bullshit here!”

“What if, what if I became Deva!

If there is no complete certainty, I still disagree with dealing with Su Zhan. ”

“Perfect assurance?”

Ye Yun said: “Who said I don’t have any more!”

As he said, he flipped over his palm, and a peculiar talisman made of jade appeared: “This is a lock magic talisman, which specifically restrains the puppet. You only need to stick this magic talisman on the puppet, and the various magic circles in his body will It will be temporarily invalid, and naturally it will not be able to act!

This is the magic talisman of the Heavenly Talisman Daozong, that is, I was lucky. When I went to the auction house to put up a treasure in my hand yesterday, I happened upon someone selling this magic talisman with special effects!

In the end, I spent 10 million to photograph the sacred stone! ”

“Lock the magic talisman?”

A pulse master hesitated: “To be honest, if this thing is really so powerful, it can limit a puppet who is stronger than half-step Deva… Ten million may be difficult to buy.”

“This is because the lock charm is very special and there is no way to use it in the air. That is to say, I have to use my hand to stick this charm on the puppet, inject the holy yuan, and integrate the charm into his body!

Moreover, it takes several seconds to activate this magic talisman! ”

“What? It must be close, and it will take a few seconds to stimulate?”

The pulse master suddenly realized: “I understand why you can buy it for ten million. This magic talisman is basically impossible to come in handy in battle!

If you can resist the attack for a few seconds in front of the puppet, and then pat the magic talisman in front of him, you can probably dismantle it directly! ”

“Generally speaking, it’s really useless in battle.”

Ye Yun Xiaoyin laughed: “But if we designed a plan, it would be completely different!

The kid surnamed Su doesn’t look like a clever person. By then, we will gain his trust and take advantage of it to block his puppet. Then, isn’t the kid waiting to die? ”

“and many more.”

Vessel Master Ye Yun asked calmly: “Does that kid really only know how to use puppet skills? Could he still hide certain abilities?

In addition, his identity also needs to be ascertained!

If it is really the powerhouse to win the Heavenly Dao sect, our Ye family can’t afford it! ”

“rest assured!”

Ye Yun Xiao believed: “I’ve found out a long time ago!

This person first appeared in the Golden Light Boxing Sect in the Quanshan Mountains. With the help of puppets, he wiped out the wave of beasts and saved the Golden Light Boxing Sect!

Next, came to our Ye family!

As you can see, he still only uses puppets!

This is enough to show that apart from the puppet, he has no other power worth mentioning!

Moreover, even if he also practises some Sword Techniques, spells and the like concurrently, don’t forget, he is only a mere sacred king, where can he be so strong?

As for identity…”

Ye Yun Xiao smiled: “Don’t worry about it. I have checked. There is no one named Su Zhan who has won the Heavenly Dao Sect Saint King Stage or higher level!

And, haven’t you noticed that Su Zhan is Ye Qingyu’s Daoist?

If you really have a distinguished status, you should be accompanied by a Daoist, why would you be someone else’s Daoist instead?

It’s still a mere ichthyosaur!

This shows that his status is low, but by chance he got the chance to inherit from the power of a certain puppet. With that puppet, he voluntarily became Ye Qingyu’s Daoist.

I want to become a member of my Ye Family through Ye Qingyu, and use the Ye Family as a springboard to cling to the higher Dao Sect!

His identity is not a concern, as for his strength, leaving the puppet aside, it is no different from the ants!

That being the case, why should we give him 400 million sacred stones? ”

As soon as these words came out, the three pulse masters finally let go, their eyes flashed with cold light.

“If this is the case, let alone the 400 million holy stones, there are four holy stones, and Daddy won’t give it!”

“Instead of giving it to him, he wants to make this guy kowtow to us one by one and apologize, and search for all the treasures on him!”

“Then kill him again!”

“By the way, Patriarch, when will this plan act? I can’t wait!”

The three Holy Lords are a little eager to try.

“Not urgent.”

Ye Yun Xiao’s eyes turned and said: “The Martial God inheritance in the martial world has not been obtained for more than ten thousand years. Right now these two people suddenly came to our Ye family, and the surnamed Su is carrying such a powerful puppet… …

They may have a chance to inherit! ”

“The Patriarch meant to let them go in. If they can’t get anything, they will kill them when they come out. If they get the Martial God inheritance, then we can grab it too!”

“Moreover, even if he can’t get the Martial God inheritance, with his puppet’s strength, he can definitely get a lot of good things in the martial world. When we come out, we will do it again. Don’t those things mean that they belong to us?”

“However, his puppet strength is too strong, if he strikes our Four Meridian Young Masters in the Martial Realm…”

Thinking of this, the three pulse masters all frowned again.

Ye Yun Xiao waved his hand: “It’s very simple. Let us people of four veins not compete with him in the martial realm!”

The elixir he wanted was given to him, anyway, it was ours in the end!

However, I just thought about it carefully, we still have to give the 400 million sacred stones, and we have to give it early!

In this way, let him have more trust in our Ye family, so as to facilitate the follow-up action! ”

“Give it! Anyway, let him keep it temporarily!”

“Yes, speaking of it, Patriarch, after taking over that person, how will his treasure be distributed?”

“That puppet…I want it! And that little girl, who has a good blood talent, why don’t you train me as a Human Cauldron!”

Greed flashed in the eyes of several pulse masters, and they had already begun to plan the distribution of benefits after Su Zhan’s death.

“Okay, it’s too early to say this!”

Ye Yun Xiao was a little displeased: “There will be another day when the martial arts world will be opened. The opening will last for one day. Soon after, the Heaven Sword Sect will send people to collect the annual tribute.

People of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect should know that our Ye Jiaran was once crushed by a sacred king in the sky, but he really was going to be laughed to death!

In other words, we have to do it in two days. We can’t delay it too long. Time is running out. You should prepare more when you go back.

By the way, in the past few days, you have sent someone to monitor that kid, right? ”

Ye Yun Xiao waved his hand: “Retreat, it’s meaningless, don’t be self-defeating!”


The three pulse masters all nodded and left with smiles on their faces.

at this time.

Su Zhan stood in the courtyard on the top of the mountain peak.

Lingqing’s eyes are stimulated to the extreme.

Through the courtyard wall, looking at dozens of miles away, the extremely clever cultivation person was hidden.

After watching for a while, his eyes returned to their normal state, he withdrew his gaze, frowned slightly, and muttered in his mouth:

“This is the fourth one, the four veins of the Ye Family…

Hope, you don’t let me down, you can be a good person. ”

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