Chapter 530 Entering the Martial World!

One day later, the Ye Family Sacrificial Ceremony began.

Patriarch Ye Yunxiao stood in the center of the altar. Around the altar, more than a thousand disciples of the Ye family watched sincerely and solemnly.

After reading the sacrificial texts, the Mai Master came on stage to light incense and worship.

Ye Qingyu stepped onto the altar as the fifth pulse master and immediately caused a sensation.

“Who is that? Actually go to the stage with the pulse master to make sacrifices?”

“Wearing the Maizu costume, she is naturally also a Maizu!”

“The Ye Family, actually has another branch!”

“This line… seems to be only two people?”

After Ye Qingyu walked up to the sacrifice stone platform from Su Zhan, many eyes also looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

Su Zhan ignored those people and stood there watching the sacrifice.

As for Jin Wu, he gave a little Medicine Pill yesterday and let the guy go back.

His Cultivation Base is humble, and he is not a member of the Ye family, so staying here is useless.


At this time, on the altar, Ye Yun Xiao saw the noise below, the holy yuan surging, and his voice covered dozens of miles: “This is the descendant of Martial God’s ancestors left behind by the bloodline!

I just returned to the Ye family. After reviewing with the three masters, she was allowed to establish her own line!

This is our common decision. You must not disagree or discuss! ”

As soon as these words came out, the Ye Family disciples were shocked, puzzled, and dissatisfied, but they didn’t dare to talk more. They all calmed down.

Next, the sacrificial ceremony was held normally.

Three full hours passed.

The ceremony just ended.

The crowd dispersed.

Ye Yun Xiao also came to Su Zhan with a kind smile on his face, holding a storage bag in both hands, and handing it to Su Zhan respectfully: “Master Su, 400 million sacred stones, please have a look.”

“400 million sacred stones, didn’t you say that it would take seven days?”

“That is our maximum deadline. Because our Ye family is really guilty and really reflected on our mistakes, we have been trying to get it together as soon as possible these few days, so it will be a few days in advance.”

Ye Yun Xiao’s face is sincere: “This is also the sincerity of our Ye family. I hope that Young Master Su can change our views of our Ye Family. If we make mistakes in the Ye Family, we will correct it. Family!”

Su Zhan took the storage bag, Sheng Nian swept it, and nodded: “I don’t expect your Ye Family to have this kind of consciousness. Don’t worry, I’ve never been an unreasonable person.

Your Ye family has been reformed, and I am also happy for you. I hope you can keep it up and be good people. ”

Be a good person?

Ye Yun Xiao thinks these words are weird, they are just a good person for a half-step Deva?

With disdain in her heart, Ye Yun Xiao was respectful on her face: “Follow the teachings of Master Su!”

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, take me to the martial arts world!”

“Master Su, Wujie, right here!”

Ye Yun Xiao explained: “When we disperse the miscellaneous people, etc., after the place is sealed off, the entrance to the Martial World Passage will be opened, and Young Master Su will wait a moment.”


Su beheaded nodded.

Soon, all the crowd exited.

ten minutes later.

This square is covered by a formation that isolates the sacred idea and isolates the line of sight.

In the square, only fourteen people remained.

The four young masters of the four channels, four guardian Daoist, plus the four channel masters, and Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu.

“Everyone, you can start!”

On the altar, Ye Yun Xiao, the other three vein masters, and Ye Qingyu stood in the center of the altar, around a mysterious circular formation, with their left hand pointing like a knife, and a stroke on the right hand!

The blood gushed out, dripped on the formation stone, directly submerged in it, disappeared, as if swallowed by some power.

The other three pulse masters and Ye Qingyu followed suit.

After absorbing the blood of the five people, the lines on the surface of the array still light up.

Ye Yun Xiao and the other three pulse masters also began to constantly change their hands, and they played peculiar runes one by one.

Ye Qingyu had just become the pulse master, and he hadn’t learned those things, so he had to stand aside and watch.

About half an hour passed.

Suddenly, that stone formation suddenly shined!

At the same time, the space above the entire altar began to be distorted visible to the naked eye!

After a minute, the turbulent space gradually stabilized, and a black hole appeared above the altar.

Ye Yun Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and came to Su Zhan, and said kindly, “Master Su, this is the entrance to the martial world.

The martial arts can only be opened together every thousand years, and because the space channel is not very stable, at most two people can enter at a time, and the rest will have to enter it in another ten minutes.

Su Gongzi is a guest from afar, so let Su Gongzi and Ye Qingyu speak in the first batch!

In fact, according to the rules, the Vessel Master cannot enter the martial world, but Ye Qingyu’s Vessel Master is different from me. In fact, he belongs to the younger generation, so he made an exception!

But Young Master Su, there is one point that must be explained. We have four channels, no, although the five channels are in competition in the martial world, death fights are generally not allowed.

According to the past practice, if there is a dispute, let the two Daoist guards or the two young masters decide the outcome separately. The Ye Family competes separately, but they are not enemies. I hope that Young Master Su can do the same. ”

“Well, I know, you can rest assured.”

Su Behead nodded: “Even if you don’t tell me, I won’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. Moreover, I have always been willing to help others. If your four-channel people encounter four-channel problems in the martial world, maybe I can help you too.”

“So thank you Master Su!”

Ye Yun Xiao smiled and stepped aside, letting Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu enter the space channel.

The four young young masters also cast their eyes on Su Zhan, their eyes full of dissatisfaction.

After Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu entered the space channel.

The young masters immediately sneered.

“What’s the use of entering?”

“He doesn’t even have a detailed map of the martial arts world. Going in is just wandering around!”

“The treasure of the martial world belongs to our descendants of Martial God. What kind of thing is he, and he is worthy to fight with us?”

“Okay! Shut up!”

Ye Yun Xiao swept over the young masters and coldly said, “Didn’t you explain to you, the two of them won’t live long, why are you still so small?

Also, you remembered it for me! ”

Ye Yun Xiao’s tone increased by one point: “In the martial world, if you encounter Su Zhan, no matter what treasure, you must give it to him!

You can’t compete with him!

Even if it is the inheritance of Martial God, if you have to compete with him to get it, you have to give up!

Because no matter what it is, when he leaves the martial world, he will spit it out to me, understand? ! ”


Four Maid Young Master responded at the same time, sneering one by one.

It’s ridiculous to laugh that Su Zhan is stupid, about to die, but he doesn’t notice it!

at this time.

Su Zhan has also entered the martial world.

“The sun in the martial world… is actually blue.”

Su Zhan was a little surprised when his gaze fell on the blue star-like “sun” in the sky.

In addition to the blue sun, the vegetation and air in the Martial World are also very different from the outside world.

The trees are greener than the outside world, and the air is fresher. Even the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth seems to contain less Impurities!

Ye Qingyu patted his forehead, feeling a little depressed: “Su Zhan, I just remember now, I should have asked my family for a detailed map of the martial arts…

Now that we don’t even know where we are, how do we look for treasures of opportunity? ”

How to find the treasure of chance?

Su Zhan smiled, opened the aura of adventure, and walked forward in a direction that was not fast or slow, and said casually:

“It’s okay, let’s go. The boat will naturally be straight at the end of the bridge. Just go ahead. Maybe by chance, the treasure will come and find us by itself.”

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