Chapter 531 Ye Xing Martial God! (Large chapter two in one)

The treasures of chance will come to us by themselves?

How can this be!

If this is the case, those things won’t cause the world to fight for it!

Su Zhan is too optimistic…

When Ye Qingyu heard Su Zhan’s words, his face was speechless, and he shook his head and followed.

Although Su Zhan’s words were not reliable, she had no better way at this time.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, Su Zhan stopped.

Ye Qingyu in the rear was a little confused: “Su Zhan, why don’t you leave–huh?

That is……”

Before he finished speaking, when he saw the fallen Spiritual herbs that was just in the middle of Su Zhan’s path, which was enough to make it into the top ten in the martial world spirit medicine, Ye Qingyu suddenly exclaimed: “That’s the fallen Spiritual herbs. Su Zhan, we are lucky too!!!”


Su Zhan took it off and handed it to Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu shook his head: “That’s right, Martial God inherits one person and one half, and I don’t want the others. However, this Fallen Spiritual herbs is still close to being fired. If you wait for a while, you may be able to transform into ‘star Spiritual herbs’!

That is the second-ranked Spiritual herbs in the spirit medicine of the martial world, for the cultivation star energy attribute cultivation method, there are, there are, there are…”

While speaking, Ye Qingyu suddenly widened his eyes, opened his small mouth to stuff an egg, and looked at Su Zhan’s hand with disbelief at the fading epidermis, and began to leak the starlight pattern of the meteorite grass.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

Just walk like this, and forget it if you find Meteor Grass.

Now it turns into a star in front of them, Spiritual herbs!

This is so special!

Luck is too heaven-defying!

Su Zhan was also a little surprised, but he had the experience of transforming in the sacred tree of the Void Hall last time. Although he was surprised, he was not too surprised.

No way, Qi Yu halo is so perverted.

After more than ten seconds, the metamorphosis of the meteorite grass was completed, and Su Zhan put away the Spiritual herbs of the star, and said to Ye Qing who was still a little confused: “It seems we are lucky, let’s go!”

When Ye Qingyu heard this, he glanced at Su Zhan a little bitterly.

We are lucky?

Please remove “men”.

I think you are the only one who is lucky?

Moreover, this cannot be said to be good luck…

This is probably called son of luck. It’s not an exaggeration, right?

Sure enough, you are not only about strength, talent, luck, but also extreme!

Ye Qingyu exclaimed, and silently followed Su Zhan away.

after an hour.

Su Zhan walked into a valley and just happened to ran into two Ye Family members.

The two men also turned their heads when they sensed the movement behind them.

After seeing Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu, their expressions changed slightly.

“Junior Ye Heng, the son of the Ye Family Patriarch, has met Ye Mai Master, Young Master Su.”

Ye Heng looked at the Spiritual herbs that were only a mere 100 meters away from him, then looked at Su Zhan, thinking of Ye Yun Xiao’s words, reluctantly retracted his gaze, and turned his cupped hands towards Su Zhan: “Since Young Master Su and The Lord Yemai arrives, then these Spiritual herbs will be given to you!”

With that, he was leaving.

“and many more.”

Su Zhan stopped him: “Ye fellow daoist, you are a young master of the same line. You can have a data map from the martial arts world on you. I want to borrow it.”


Ye Heng was angry.

Snatch my Spiritual herbs, and you want me to give you a map?

Okay, here you are!

Funeral for you!

He gritted his teeth in his heart, but Ye Heng’s surface was dripping water, flipping his palm, and handing a roll of Jade Slip to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took Jade Slip, took a look, smiled and said, “Keep those elixir!”

After speaking, he left the valley with Ye Qingyu.

Those elixir were not so precious as meteor grass, and he didn’t like it at all.

Moreover, with such an attitude, Ye Heng gave him Jade Slip, the map of the martial arts world, and let those Spiritual herbs be forgotten.

Shengnian entered Jade Slip, and Su Zhan began to move towards the places where the elixir grew on the map.

At this time, in the valley.

Ye Heng’s guardian Daoist was a little surprised: “Young Master, this person actually gave you these Spiritual herbs?

It seems that he is not too bad, maybe we can suggest to the family owners to change the plan? ”


Ye Heng snorted and looked at the gray-haired guard Daoist: “Lao Li, you have lived for thousands of years, so why do you live back more and more?

The law of survival in this world is The Weak are Prey to the Strong!

Don’t say he gave me these Spiritual herbs, even if he gave me half of his treasures, shall we not kill him? ”

Ye Heng carried his hands on his back.

“We Ye Family, want everything from him!

In this world, only those who are cruel and have a city can live to the end!

That Su Zhan, just like a kid, wanted us to be a good person in the Ye family. It was ridiculous!

This kind of person shouldn’t have lived in this world in the first place. One day later, the martial arts world was closed, which is his time of death! ”

The white-haired old man trembled and said respectfully: “The young master really deserves to be the son of the Patriarch.”

“I will surpass my dad. My dad is irritable and can’t hide his mind. He can’t beat me.”

Ye Heng said calmly, and went to pick the Spiritual herbs.

With the Martial World map data, Su Zhan got a lot of elixir and some strange ores.

Among them, they also met other people from the Ye family, but without exception, they all respectfully retreated to him.

“Ye Family, it looks like it’s really getting better.”

Seeing the Young Master Ye Family who retired politely, Su Zhan showed a slight smile.

“Su Zhan.”

Ye Qingyu hesitated: “You may think of people too well. People are very complicated. Only they know what they think. You should not be too credulous.”

“You think people are too bad.”

Su Zhan shook his head and smiled: “The Ye Family gave me 400 million sacred stones in advance, and I think they are also very sincere. Although they were wrong before, let’s forget it!”

When Ye Qingyu heard this, he sighed and didn’t say much.

No matter how strong Su Zhan was, he still didn’t have the scheming to belong to the strong, the city mansion.


If so, what is the difference between him and other powerful men who have lived for thousands of years, who are savvy and cruel and vicious?

Su Zhan like this is the one I like!

As clean as in Tiannan.

Ye Qingyu smiled slightly, thinking in his heart.

Two more hours passed.

Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu came to a place in the center of the martial arts that looked like an altar.

The reason why it looks like it is because this altar has long been found.

It’s not an adjective, it’s really flipping the floor, no.

It should be said that it was thirty meters, three hundred meters!

In this area, the land is cracked and white rocks are scattered. The original round rune cornerstone at the center of the altar is already torn apart at this moment.

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the ruins, and he shook his head: “I don’t know how many times this place has been searched for. I have already searched for it underground, so let’s go to another place to find it again!”

“I want to try.”

Ye Qingyu glanced at the torn white stones, tapped his toes, and came to the center of the altar ruins. Under her feet, there was a white stone. On the stone, there were some blood stains that had been completely darkened and merged into the white stone.

It was the blood of the people who had entered the Ye family. They also tried to use the power of blood to spur the Martial God to inherit the present world. Later, when they found it was useless, they were so angry that they completely destroyed the place, digging a hundred meters in the ground, and wanted to find a little treasure.

In the end, there was nothing. After that, no one came here.

Weeds are everywhere.

“Ancestor, Junior Ye Qingyu, is your bloodline left in the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Since you have left this bloodline in the Eastern Wasteland domain, and you have kept the memory in your bloodline, now that I have come, please help me to embark on your Martial Dao road! ”

The female emperor Ye Qingyu whispered in her mouth, The next moment, her left hand pointed like a knife and swiped across the palm of her hand!

A drop of blood dripped!

At the moment when this drop of blood dripped out!

The earth under my feet trembled suddenly!

A stream of starlight emerged, instantly forming a huge starlight vortex under Ye Qingyu’s feet, and that drop of blood just dripped at the center of the vortex and was swallowed in.


After swallowing the blood, the huge starlight vortex suddenly blazed with starlight, and the starlight even turned into a beam of light, soaring straight into the sky!

“This is……”

Ye Qingyu was shocked, but before he could react, a powerful force of traction spread from the starlight vortex, pulling her body down!

“Su Zhan!”

She subconsciously stretched out her hand towards Su Zhan.


An electric light flashed, Su Zhan appeared beside Ye Qingyu, and also took her hand.

Su Zhan sensed the familiar Star power in the starlight vortex, and said in his heart: “Emperor, this is probably where the Martial God inheritance lies.

Of course, I’m not sure, maybe there will be danger, but I plan to try, if you don’t want to, I can take you to a safe place first, and then enter it. ”


Ye Qingyu gritted his teeth: “I’m with you!”


Su beheaded nodded, no longer resisting the traction.

One second later.

The bodies of Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu melted into the starlight vortex and disappeared, and the beam of light and the starlight vortex gradually dissipated. In the end, the place reverted to the original ruins.

At this time, Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu had already arrived in a special space.

In this space, the sky was full of stars, and even the ground they stepped on was a square paved with stars.

There was nothing around the square.

In the center, there is a blue flame and a middle-aged man with a square face.

Wearing a peculiar star dragon robe, with a straight face, it seems that there is a sense of not anger and prestige.

However, the body is somewhat illusory, and it doesn’t look like an entity.

The man’s gaze flicked over Ye Qingyu and fell on Su Zhan.

The original indifferent look suddenly changed!

After a second.

The man suddenly flashed in front of Su Zhan, his eyes widened with stars, staring straight at Su Zhan, and laughed loudly: “Okay! Okay!

I thought that the longevity candle was about to go out, and I had no choice but to find a mediocre person to leave my Martial Dao inheritance, but I didn’t expect it to be such a talent!

The body of Star, at the same time contains the Chaos of Five Elements, as well as the divine body of the star, moon and sun, the dragon veins… Such a heaven-defying physique is incredible!

Moreover, the bone age is seventeen!

Seventeen years old, the holy king in the sky!

OMG! OMG! ! ! ”

The man in the star dragon imperial robe was so happy that he was a little crazy: “How can I, Ye Xing, He De, can I have such a junior!”

God treats me Ye Xing not thinly, nor is it worthwhile for me to live in the spirit world and die to the devil world!


I am dead without regrets! ”

A full minute passed.

The man who claimed to be Ye Xing calmed down, still a little excited and said to Su Zhan: “Say!

What’s your name!

You are the blood of the one of my three sons back then!

I must pass on my lifelong martial arts Dao heart to you, so that you can embark on the ultimate Martial Dao road of my Ye Xing! ”

Ye Xing Martial God waited expectantly for Su Zhan to answer.

As for Ye Qingyu next to him, apart from taking a look at the beginning, he didn’t look at it at all.

Ye Qingyu was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to speak.

Su Zhan also had a weird face, and pointed to Ye Qing and said, “Ye Xing Martial God, I am not a descendant of your blood, she is.”

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