Chapter 532 Six god-tier words, conquer the devil world! (Third more)

“The younger Ye Qingyu is from the blood of the ancestors of the Eastern Wasteland domain and has seen the ancestors of Martial God!”

Ye Qingyu also hurriedly saluted.

Ye Xing’s Martial God was immediately stunned.

Looking at Ye Qingyu, and then at Su Zhan, he was a little broken.

Hundreds of thousands of years.

Hundreds of thousands of years!

After waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, I finally waited for a heaven-defying genius!

The middle heavenly king who is not even twenty years old!

Divine body and veins… this kind of talent even surpasses me!

Even those ancient characters who are known as the strongest myths in the spirit world, the inanimate sword emperor, the Taoist ancestor of the early days, etc., are absolutely incomparable!

Called the strongest genius in the history of the spirit world!

But such a genius, I was happy, you actually told me.

You are not descended from my blood.

The one with mediocre aptitude?

This is so special!

My mentality collapsed…

It took a full minute for Ye Xing Martial God to slow down, still a little unacceptable, and asked Su Zhan: “Are you really?”

“really not.”

“Or, if you recognize me as your ancestor now, I will take it as you and pass it on to you, how about?”

As soon as this statement came out, Su Zhan was stunned.

Descendants of blood, can you pretend to be?

Is there such an operation?

Silent in his heart, Su Zhan shook his head: “I won’t recognize others as my ancestors, Ye Xing Martial God, you are also a Martial God anyway, why would you say such a thing?”


Ye Xing Martial God suffocated.

It’s not easy for me to see you as a heaven-defying talent, so I can’t bear it!


After sighing, Ye Xing Martial God turned to Ye Qingyu.

After watching for a few seconds, he shook his head again, sighing silently.

Ye Qingyu didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Finally found the ancestor Martial God inheritance, but was rejected by the ancestor…

She was also very uncomfortable.

But there is no way.

Asking yourself, Su Zhan’s talent surpasses her a hundred times. She also understands the reaction of Martial God Ye Xing.

Su saw this and asked: “Ye Xing Martial God, you are… not in the state of a living body, right?”

“Well, the current me is just a ray of separation left behind.”

Ye Xing Martial God nodded and said, “By the way, although you are not descended from my blood, but I am also related to you, who is your last name?”

“My name is Su Zhan.”

Su Zhan thought for a while and said: “Ye Xing Martial God, as far as I know, Deva’s life is only ten thousand years. Even if you are the Nine Tribulations Deva, the Martial Dao myth, the soul can exist for hundreds of thousands of years, it is still a bit unbelievable.

Also, what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago? ”

“The reason why this ray of my divided soul lasts forever is because of the longevity candle.”

Ye Xing Martial God pointed to the blue fire candle: “This is a strange thing left by Dao Sect in the early days of the ancient times. Before the longevity candle burns out, it can make my soul immortal.

Of course, if it is my entire soul, the longevity candle will protect me at most for a thousand years after death, but my wisp of soul separation is very weak, and the energy consumed by the longevity candle is also very good, so it can only go through hundreds of thousands of years.

However, the longevity candle can only last for a hundred years at most. This is why I opened the channel here and let you in. I have no time to wait.

As for hundreds of thousands of years ago…”

Ye Xing Martial God recalled the past and sighed: “Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demon world repeatedly invaded, causing lives to be burnt, and our spiritual world suffered heavy losses.

At that time, the sixteen areas of the spirit world had the strongest strength in the Eastern Wasteland, Lintian, Zhongzhou, Primordial, and Bloodmoon areas.

However, the various domains are scattered, and they are not united against the demons at all, just sweeping the snow in front of each other.

Moreover, the top Martial Dao myths in the Primordial Domain of the Middle State Territory had long ignored world affairs. As long as the Demon Race did not defeat their Immortal Cave, they were both too lazy to deal with them.

All day long delusional to break through the barriers of the spirit world and become a true god.

In addition, those large domains are inherently deep, and the devildom to invade them is very costly.

Our Prosperity Domain, Eastern Wasteland domain, is also a large domain, but relatively weak, so it is also our two domains that suffer the most from the invasion of the Devildom.

Finally, in my anger, I united with the puppet emperor, led the Eastern Wasteland domain, the Lintian domain, four Martial Dao myths, 62 Deva, and three thousand holy kings to attack the devil world!

Before I went to the Demon Realm, I had arranged my affairs, and distributed all my treasures, resources, power… to my three sons.

However, although my three sons are all gods, their talents are regarded as leaders in the spiritual world, but they are far behind me.

It’s just a normal Deva if it’s dead, even the Martial Dao myth can’t be achieved, let alone me, it can suppress other Martial Dao myths abruptly!

I am the Lord of Lintian, Martial God exists, I am not reconciled! ”

Martial God Ye Xing paused, and then said: “So, I still have a legacy. I hope that in the future, younger generations who are as talented as me can inherit my Dao heart and follow my Martial Dao road!

However, in hundreds of thousands of years, no one has reached it.

Finally, seeing the longevity candle can not last long, there is no way, I can only choose one at random. ”

While speaking, he glanced at Ye Qingyu.

The latter is also aggrieved.

After listening to Ye Xing’s Martial God, Su Zhan suddenly realized.

It turned out that more than 100,000 years ago, the puppet emperor and Martial God jointly attacked the devil world, and the inheritance obtained by own was also the back hand of the puppet emperor before he went to the devil world!

Six Martial Dao myths, sixty-two Deva, three thousand holy kings attack the demon world!

Su Zhan’s blood boiled over and asked, “Ye Xing Martial God, what happened after the Demon Realm?”

“I don’t know what happened afterwards.”

Ye Xing Martial God shook his head: “However, I can sense that my body died about two years after it entered the Demon Realm, and after that, none of the myths, Deva, and Saint King returned.

But they should have destroyed those space channels in the Demon Realm, or caused the Demon Race’s vitality to be greatly injured.

Deva is passable and almost extinct.

But facing the sky, the Eastern Wasteland domain, the same plummeted, no longer the former scenery, the treasures were all plundered by several other big domains, and became a completely small domain! ”

It turned out to be so.

Su Zhan suddenly felt in his heart.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Eastern Wasteland domain powerhouse was nearly extinct, and the treasures and Cultivation Technique were all plundered. Tens of thousands of years ago, the battle of the six Sacred Lands wiped out the last Deva.

It will be reduced to what it is today, where there is not even a Deva.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan suddenly said: “Ye Xing Martial God, do you know a demon named Six Luo?”

“Sixth Luo?”

Ye Xing Martial God shook his head: “I haven’t heard of it. I don’t know any demons. All demons are my enemies!”

“All right.”

Su Zhan slightly regretted.

It seems that why Luo Liu knows about the transfer formation of Martial God still needs to wait for Luo Liu to wake up.

“Well, Su Xiaoyou, I have said so much…”

Stars flickered in Ye Xing’s Martial God’s eyes: “Are you willing to accept my inheritance and follow my Martial Dao road?”

Heard this.

Su Zhan had not had time to speak.

Ye Qingyu, who has been silent for a while, like a neglected air, finally couldn’t help it. Tears flickered in his eyes, grievingly said:

“Ancestor, have you forgotten that I am the descendant of your blood!”

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