Chapter 533 Martial God Inheritance!


Ye Xing Martial God got a headache, looked at Ye Qingyu, then looked at Su Zhan, suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up: “Hey, you two entered this place together, what is your relationship?”


Ye Qingyu hesitated and said, “Friend.”


Ye Xing Martial God laughed: “Friends can develop slowly, a kid surnamed Su, or you just form a dao companion with Qingyu, so that everyone is a family?

My Martial Dao inheritance can naturally be passed on to you! ”

Become a dao companion?

Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu were both stunned.

Immediately, Ye Qingyu’s face was reddened and a little embarrassed, but he did not speak immediately.

Su Zhan directly shook his head and said: “Marriage is a major event in life, how can it be so hasty, let’s talk about it.

Getting married should be because of liking, not the means to achieve something, Ye Xing Martial God, I cannot accept it. ”

Hearing this, Ye Qingyu felt a little lost, but immediately nodded and said, “Ancestor of Martial God, I think Su Zhan is right.”


Ye Xing Martial God sighed: “Even if I admire you again, it is impossible to pass on my Martial Dao inheritance to an outsider who has nothing to do with the descendants of my Ye family.”

As he said, the stars in his eyes flickered, and he looked at Ye Qing and said, “Are you ready to accept my inheritance?”

“Ready, but…”

Ye Qing said: “Ancestor of Martial God, Su Zhan is not an outsider, he is a person I trust, and to me, he is like a relative.

Moreover, before we came in, we had agreed to split the inheritance in half, and asked our ancestors to pass on Martial Dao to Su Zhan! ”

“But he doesn’t want to marry you.”

Ye Xing Martial God’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and he smiled and said: “Are you still willing to divide his inheritance?

This is a mythical martial artist Dao Heart, Cultivation Technique, Martial Arts, Secret Technique… In addition.

There is also a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, a Heavenly Dao Divine Pill that is rarer than the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier.

Are you still willing to divide it out? ”

“I do.”

Ye Qingyu said firmly: “If it weren’t for Su Zhan, let alone inheritance, I would have been killed by the Ye Family Four Veins a long time ago. Without him, I would never have come here!”

“But what if I don’t want it?”

Ye Xing Martial God said lightly.


Ye Qingyu took a deep breath, and took Su Zhan’s hand: “Ancestor, your inheritance is rotten here! Su Zhan, let’s go!”

After speaking, she directly pulled Su Zhan and walked back.

This statement came out.

Ye Xing Martial God was stunned for a moment, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared: “Are you actually threatening a Martial God?”

“Ancestor, take care.”

Ye Qingyu didn’t look back, he was ready to step into that starlight vortex hole.

“and many more!”

Seeing that the two of them really didn’t miss his inheritance at all, they were about to leave here, Ye Xing Martial God had a gratified smile on his face: “What you said, I promised!”


Ye Qingyu turned around, he was relieved in his heart, and he confirmed with some nervousness.

After all the obstacles, the Martial God inheritance is at your fingertips, and it is impossible to say that you are willing.

Turn around and leave just to force Ye Xing Martial God.

She was also an emperor, and naturally knew all these tactics.

However, if Ye Xing Martial God does not speak, she will leave with Su Zhan directly.

Compared with the promise to Su Zhan, she would rather give up this inheritance!

“Since I speak, naturally there will be no fakes!”

Ye Xing Martial God laughed and cursed: “You are an unscrupulous offspring, you actually used to retreat and persecuted your ancestor Martial God, you are so bold!”

“A helpless move…”

Ye Qingyu smiled apologetically.

“Yes, not bad, not bad!”

Ye Xing’s Martial God re-examined Ye Qingyu, and said, “Do you know why I could become the lord of Lintian and suppress other Martial Dao myths?”

“Naturally because your ancestors are exceptionally talented! There are so many opportunities!”

“Talent? Opportunity?”

Ye Xing Martial God smiled disdainfully: “To be a Deva, which one is not a talented peerless? Which one is not a great opportunity?

But they can’t get out of my Martial Dao road!

I, Ye Xing, acted in my life, following my heart, from the opening of the vein to the Deva of the Nine Tribulations, my heart of Martial Dao has never changed!

Husband, there is something to give up, if you abandon your benefactor, friend, and seek inheritance, even if you get my inheritance, you will not be able to walk on my Martial Dao road.

But now, your choice, I like it very much, just like I was back then, this is my descendant of blood! ”


Ye Qingyu was a little lost and said, “My talent is still too bad.”

“The road to Martial Dao has never been based on talent alone.”

Ye Xing Martial God proudly said: “Not to mention that your talent is acceptable, even if it is a piece of waste. Since you have my bloodline and cultivate my Cultivation Technique, you will naturally improve your talent and physique!

As long as your Martial Dao heart is as firm as mine, for thousands of years, for thousands of years, you can stand at the top of this world as I was before!

That’s all. ”

Ye Xing Martial God took a deep breath and looked at Su Zhan: “I hope to get a promise from you. If there is a big crisis in the future, you can make a shot.”


Su Zhan agreed decisively.

Even without Martial God’s words, could he really watch Ye Qingyu fall into distress?

Whether or not this promise is the same.


Ye Xing Martial God nodded and suddenly closed his eyes.

After three seconds, he opened his eyes, and the starlight in his eyes widened, and the two compressed and condensed starlights merged into Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu’s eyebrows respectively.


Su Zhan felt a flood of information rushing towards his soul!

Among the information, there are Cultivation Techniques of Martial God cultivation, Martial God’s martial arts secrets, and Ye Xing Martial God’s lifelong Wu Dao heart, and these are all integrated into Ye Xing’s Martial God’s Martial Dao artistic conception. , Martial Dao feels!

Even if those martial arts, secret techniques, and Cultivation Techniques were completely copied, it was impossible to have the effects stored in Su Zhan’s mind!

Even when the stars exploded at that point and the information was fused.

Su Zhan even clearly felt that own Martial Dao’s artistic conception was stronger!

He tried to recall the physical exercises he had seen.

In the end, he discovered that the exercises that seemed to him mediocre in the past are now full of loopholes!

And he can easily modify, fill in those loopholes, and let those low-level body refining techniques leap into holy-level body refining techniques at will!

Is this what Ye Xing’s Martial Dao thought of Martial God?

It’s too big!

Su Zhan Shengnian poured into the purple mansion, looking at the starlight in the purple mansion.

The Cultivation Technique martial arts and other information in there was released long ago, and now, it is the Martial Dao perception of Martial God, the Martial Dao artistic conception.

As long as his holy thought enters, he will be able to realize and melt it into his own Martial Dao!

Ascension, which had just been aware of the body refining method, only absorbed one-tenth of Ye Xing’s insight into Martial God!

Just one-tenth, so much increase in the perception of oneself in refining.

If they were all integrated, what horror would it reach?

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