Chapter 535

Su Zhan stretched out his hand to catch the longevity candle, and said in surprise: “Ye Xing, Martial God, what are you doing?

Without the longevity candle, what would you do with your soul separation? ”

“What can I do!”

Ye Xing Martial God smiled and said: “My wish is over, what else are you doing here?

Su Zhan, this longevity candle can not only continue the soul life for the person who has just died and the soul is not dying, so that the soul will be preserved, and it also has the miraculous effect of amplifying the power of Sacred.

However, there is not much left, and it is estimated that it will not be used a few times, so save a little by yourself! ”

“Ye Xing Martial God, take it back!”

Su Zhan shook his head, waved his hand, and pushed the Changshengzhu back.

It’s better to die than to live. Does anyone really want to die in this world?

“Take it!”

The longevity candle was in mid-air, and it was beaten back by Ye Xing Martial God: “I have been here for hundreds of thousands of years!

Hundreds of thousands of years, finally fulfilling my wish, do you want me to suffer here? ”

Ye Xing’s Martial God didn’t have a good air said: “What’s more, the spirit world has been circulating, the soul will be reincarnated after the death of Mighty, maybe my soul is waiting for the soul to return to its place in Samsara!

Do you want to delay my reincarnation and rebirth?

Okay, I’ll leave it to you to take care of Qingyu. If you don’t follow your promise and do anything unfaithful, if I really reincarnated, I will definitely find you!

Let’s go! ”

When the voice fell, Ye Xing Martial God waved his hand, Su Zhan’s longevity candle suddenly went out, and Ye Xing Martial God gradually faded away.


As Ye Xing’s Martial God gradually dissipated, this space also became unstable.

“The posture of Martial God is really not comparable to those villains who only know conspiracy and calculations, but only for profit…”

Seeing Ye Xing Martial God dissipate, Su Zhan murmured, earnestly cupped hands saluted to Ye Xing Martial God.

Afterwards, he put away the longevity candle and walked into the starlight vortex with Ye Qingyu with a sad face.

At this time, Wujie.

On the ruins of the altar.

The young master and guardian Daoist of the four veins of the Ye family gathered here.

One by one was surprised.

“I clearly saw the divine light appearing in this direction, how come I suddenly disappeared?”

“That beam of divine light broke through the sky, unlike ordinary treasures, could it be… Martial God inheritance?!”

“It’s not impossible!”

“What’s the matter, now we can’t find where to put the gun!”

The four Young Patriarchs of the Ye Family, and Young Master Shao Mai spoke one after another, all of them frowned slightly.

Just when they were going to look for this place 500 meters underground.

A starlight vortex suddenly appeared on the ruins!

That beam of light appeared again!

When the beam of light dissipated, Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu appeared in their sight.

The four young masters of the Ye Family looked at each other.

Finally, Ye Heng, the son of the Ye Family Patriarch, took a step forward, and the cupped hands respectfully said: “Fifth Vessel Lord, Lord Su, have you got the inheritance of the ancestor Martial God?”


Su Zhan glanced at several people and said, “You are all around here, are you trying to snatch it?”

“Do not!”

Ye Heng was surprised and quickly bent over to salute: “Master Su misunderstood, we were just attracted by the light of God!

The inheritance of ancestors has been in the martial arts for hundreds of thousands of years.

Right now, Lord Su and the Fifth Vein Master get it. It’s really a blessing for my Ye Family!

Ye Heng congratulates Su Gongzi and the Fifth Vessel Lord! ”

The other three young masters, as well as the four guardian Daoist, also changed their faces and bowed in panic.

Su Zhan nodded: “Well, if I’m fine, I’ll leave. There is still half a day before the Martial World is closed. I can still find some elixir or something.”

“Respectfully send Master Su!”

Ye Heng said respectfully.

When Su Zhan walked away, he couldn’t see his back at all.

The respectful look on his face suddenly disappeared.

Martial God inheritance, are you an outsider worthy of it?

There is still half a day, half a day later, I will let you pay for your arrogance now!

I will let you…

Kneel down and beg for mercy!

Ye Heng sneered, waved his sleeves, and left with Daoist.

The other Three Meridians also laughed disdainfully.

“What pretend to be! Don’t just rely on a puppet!”

“The Holy King in the middle…I look forward to it. After his puppet expires, how will he panic and regret it?”

“Let’s go! Half a day later, it’s his death date!”

The three young masters left with a smile.

After Su beheaded.

Martial God inheritance, as young masters, they can naturally share a share.

for the rest of the time.

Su Zhan continued to explore the martial arts world.

Under his strength, there is no dangerous place in the martial arts world.

Half a day later.

The Martial Realm was about to close, and Su Zhan also left the space channel.

Returning to the altar, Su Zhan found that the people of the four veins of the Ye Family had already returned, and at this time he was around the altar with the three vein masters and the Ye Family Patriarch.

Seeing Su Zhan coming out, everyone in the Ye family saluted with cupped hands.

Ye Yun Xiao stepped forward and smiled: “I heard Dogzi said that Lord Su has been inherited from the ancestor Martial God in the martial world. I don’t know if it is true?”

Su Zhan nodded: “Yes.”

“Master Su is really an outstanding man!”

Ye Yun Xiao sighed and said, “Unexpectedly, the inheritance that no one had obtained for hundreds of thousands of years was actually obtained by Young Master Su, and the old man worshipped!

By the way, Young Master Su, your puppet is very powerful, and his material seems to be very special, very similar to the one I have seen before. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but it was not certain at that time.

Now, I have collected some information again, and I am 80% sure!

And that kind of special material, I happen to know that there is a place, can Su Gongzi let the old man observe your puppet, and finally confirm whether it is really the kind of material I know?

If so, I can just dedicate it to Young Master Su! ”

The material of Puppet Seventeen?

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and threw out the puppet Seventeen: “Let’s take a look!”

“Yes, Lord Su!”

Ye Yun Xiao took out a special metal material and compared it with a pretense.

At this time, the other three pulse masters also greeted Su Zhan from another direction, saying some compliments.

“Master Su is really a man of destiny! He can actually get Martial God inheritance!”

“Zhongzhou Territory has a list of spiritual arrogances, which specifically records geniuses under the age of 300. If I say, this is the person who manages this list in Zhongzhou Territory does not know the existence of Su Gongzi, otherwise, the top of the list must be Su Gongzi. what!”

“Yes, right, right, what a character Su Gongzi, even if he is the No-Born Sword Emperor, the strongest in the spirit world in millions of years, it is impossible to have Su Gongzi’s talent!”

The three were extremely respectful and flattering.

“Okay, don’t have to do it again!”

At this moment, Ye Yun Xiao watched that jade talisman completely merged into the seventeen body, he sighed and waved his hand.

And the three pulse masters listened to this.

The respect and flattery on the face suddenly disappeared!

It was replaced by disdain, sneer, and greed!

“What! Want us to submit to the Ye family?”

“A waste that only relies on puppets, now your puppets can’t be used anymore, just wait to die!”

“Martial God inheritance? Hey, soon, you will vomit it all!”

The three pulse masters sneered without any scruples.

Ye Yun Xiao was also proud.

“Su Zhan, you don’t really think that my dignified Ye Family Patriarch will succumb to you, do you?

Without this puppet, you are a holy king in the sky, like an ant in my eyes!

But speaking of it, you are really a lie!

Originally, I also prepared a lot of follow-up plans!

Unexpectedly, just talk about it, you believe it, and really put the puppet in front of me, hahaha!

Let the Ye family be good people?

Don’t you know that in this world, good people die fast, but bad people live long?

Hahaha! It’s so naive and ridiculous! ”

Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately glanced over Ye Yun Xiao and the other Ye Family members, his eyes full of disappointment.

“It seems that you can’t be good people…”

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