Chapter 536 You have no chance! (Fourth)

“Good guy? Still saying such naive and ridiculous words!”

Ye Yun Xiao sneered: “Now hand over the Martial God inheritance and the control of this puppet, I can leave you and Ye Qingyu a whole corpse!”


Su Zhan was a little unbelievable: “Even she wants to kill?

She is the same race of your blood! ”

“What kind of shit fellow!”

Seeing that Su Zhan had lost power, Ye Heng also stood up: “Just a bitch who tried to cling to my Ye family!

The kid surnamed Su, now you kneel down to me begging for mercy, I can let my dad kill this bitch, or think about it? ”

Su Zhan looked at Ye Heng who was arrogant in front of him, and the disappointment in his eyes was even worse: “You also pretended to be?”


“But I gave you those elixir.”


Ye Heng sneered: “You don’t think that a few elixir will let me spare you? Hahaha!”

The other few pulse young masters also sneered one by one.

“How did you naive fellow live until now?”

“If it weren’t for a puppet, you would have died long ago!”

“You don’t really think that you can take our Ye family’s Martial God inheritance and leave safely, do you? Hahaha!”

There were ridicules, disdain, and triumphant voices sounded.

The Daoist guardian of Ye Heng hesitated for a moment, and said to Ye Yun Xiao: “Patriarch, that Su is dead if he is killed, but the fifth channel master, she is the same clan of our Ye family, and she got it. The ancestor Martial God’s approval should not be put to death—”

“To shut up!”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Heng was already very impatient and said: “Old confused! I could still teach me some things on cultivation before, but now it’s getting useless!

Go ahead! I, Ye Heng, don’t need your kind of protection Daoist! ”

“Patriarch, this—”


Ye Family Patriarch Ye Yun Xiao also waved his hand: “Old Li, you were badly injured ten years ago, and your strength is far less than before. Now only Luo Li will talk about these women’s benevolence, you are indeed not suitable for Daoist. NS.

You leave, I will choose another person. ”


Old Li gave a wry smile and retreated sadly.

“Alright Su Zhan.”

Ye Yun said high up: “The owner of this family is more generous. As long as you hand over the Martial God inheritance and your puppet control skills, then kneel on the ground and give us a hundred beeps and finally decide yourself, I will whisper my life around Ye. !

How about it, this is my greatest kindness! ”

“It’s so vicious, you are really… hopeless!”

Shaking his head, Su Zhan suddenly aroused the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, the night, Star spreads out the sky!

In the night, the sea of ​​chaos and fog, Five Elements surged!

Seeing Su Zhan’s divine body and feeling that terrifying power, everyone in the Ye family changed their expressions slightly.

“What kind of divine body is this!”

“His divine body is ten times stronger than the average divine body!”

“Didn’t it mean that his own strength is very weak? But this doesn’t seem to be weak!”

Among those present at the Ye Family, the three pulse masters with the lower Cultivation Base were already a little flustered.

Ye Yun Xiao coldly snorted, “He only has the mid-heavenly holy king realm. How strong can the divine body be?

It’s just a bluff!

Watch me capture him alive!

Star Dragon Lock! ”

After finishing speaking, he flipped his palm, and a starlight chain flew out of his hand, turning into a slender star dragon, directly binding Su Zhan.

Seeing this scene, the Ye Family members who were still a little worried were relieved.

Ye Yun Xiao laughed loudly: “Hahaha! Have you seen it? I just said, without the puppet, he is just a worm in front of me—”

The words are not over yet.

Seeing that there was no limit to the star dragon lock, the whole body was surging with devilish energy, and behind him there was a phantom of the Primordial Crazy Demon, with one hundred and eight divine veins faintly appearing on the body, and Su Zhan swept away with the power of the violent and terrifying demon god.

Ye Yun Xiao’s smile froze, and her voice stopped abruptly.

In front of Su Zhan at this moment, he even had a feeling that he might die at any time!

“No, no, it’s impossible!

How could I be afraid of Deva in the midst of the heavenly king!

Bluff, just bluff! ”

With an unbelievable roar, Ye Yun Xiao’s body showed a star-like light spot, which is a more advanced Star attribute body refining method than the Star Promise Body!

At the same time, he madly poured the Star Dragon Lock in his hand!

The star dragon had a hideous face, and burst out with power that could easily kill a great apex Saint King, strangling Su Zhan abruptly!

Su Zhan’s body surface devilish energy rolled, the imprint of the extremely thunder mountain in his left hand suddenly lit up, and he reached out directly, pinching the most critical position of the star dragon lock.

Ye Xing’s Martial God’s Martial Dao perception makes him look at Ye Yun Xiao’s attack now like watching an old man’s very rigid drill, and he can easily see the weakest position.

Being pinched by the Star Dragon Lock, Ye Yun Xiao panicked a bit, and the body-refining method was running to the extreme. At the same time, the Star Dragon Lock also broke out a series of attacks, wanting to take it back.

But it didn’t work.

Those attacks couldn’t break Su Zhan’s defenses. Facing his full pull, Su Zhan didn’t even move.

“The Ye Family Patriarch, Ye Xing’s bloodline of Martial God, a half-step Deva level body cultivator, is there only this power?”

Su Zhan said in surprise, and immediately, his whole body burst out, and he pulled hard!


When he shot with all his strength, the whole body space was shocked!

Feeling Su Zhan’s terrifying power, Ye Yun Xiao’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he abandoned the Star Dragon Lock without hesitation, and backed away in horror!


An electric light flickered, Su Zhan appeared in front of him instantly, his left hand suddenly stuck out, and he directly grabbed Ye Yun Xiao’s neck and lifted it abruptly!

“Let it go, let it go, let me die!”

Ye Yun Xiao was terrified, and the power of Saint Yuan burst out from his neck, trying to resist the intrusion of Su Zhan’s power.

“Su, Master Su, I am willing to pay, I will pay you!”

Ye Yun Xiao’s voice trembled and begged for mercy: “I will pay you ten billion sacred stones! No! Ten billion, one hundred billion, one trillion!

We belong to you in the Ye family!

You spare me once, please, go around me once, I know, I know it’s wrong…”

Su Zhan was unmoved, his eyes were cold: “You have no chance.”

After speaking, his left hand suddenly pressed hard!


Ye Yun Xiao’s neck was directly squeezed off, and his head rolled to the ground. When he died, his face was still unbelievable, terrified, and regretful.

Seeing this scene, the remaining Ye Family Vessel Master, Protecting Daoist, the Young Master was dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

Didn’t you say that the good-looking Patriarch you captured Su Zhan alive?

Why was Su Zhan pinched to death?

Yes, he is just a puppet master, just a holy king in the sky, just a fat sheep with no resistance?

This is so special!

Is this fat sheep too scary? ? ?

Everyone in the Ye family was terrified, and their feet began to tremble constantly from the thighs!

Even, there are two Ye Family branch young masters who are weak in their hearts. Seeing that Ye Yun Xiao, who is extremely strong in their hearts, was so bloody killed, they were directly scared to the ground, their hands on the ground, their faces pale. , His lips were purplish and desperately trying to stay away from Su Zhan!

And this time.

Su Zhan threw away the headless corpse in his hand, turned his head, his eyes swept over the Ye Family people who were extremely horrified and regretful, with a cold tone.

“You guys, there is no chance.”

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