Chapter 537 Heavenly Sword Dao Sect is here!

This statement came out.

In the area of ​​this altar square, except for Ye Qingyu who looked dumbfounded, everyone knelt down instantly!

“Su, Lord Su, spare your life! I didn’t do anything against you, Lord Su!”

“It’s Ye Yun Xiao, the old guy coercing us!”

“Yes, yes! We didn’t have any thoughts about Su Gongzi! It’s all Ye Yun Xiao, Ye Yun Xiao has a vicious heart!”

“Ye Yun Xiao is the Patriarch, we have to obey him!”

“Now Ye Yun Xiao has been executed by Young Master Su. It is really a blessing for my Ye Family. My Ye Family is willing to spend 500 million yuan, no! Five billion holy stones, thank you Young Master Su!”

“I agree! The price is very reasonable!”

“Pray Lord Su forgive us, let us go to raise the sacred stone!”

One after another begging for mercy sounded.

Everyone, whether it is the pulse master, the young master, or the protector Daoist.

At this moment, they were all panicked in their hearts, crawling on the ground, knocking their heads like garlic.

“I used to want you to be good people, but you didn’t want to. Now, do you think I still believe you?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “You are not saved.”

After finishing speaking, the extremely thunder mountain imprint on his left hand suddenly lit up. When he was about to shoot, he suddenly noticed the appearance of a slightly stronger aura than Ye Yun Xiao at the entrance of the rear square. He turned his head in surprise and looked at the one in Ye’s house. Several Elders from the Holy King Realm surrounded the green-robed old man walking towards the altar here.

This person’s breath is almost equivalent to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord, stronger than the average half-step Deva!

Ye Jiaran still has hidden powerhouses?

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed.

When Su Zhan looked at the old man, the old man also looked at him.

A face full of consternation.

Not only him, but the three Ye Family Elders beside him saw Ye Yun Xiao’s head and headless body from a distance, and they were also stunned.

After a second, they reacted and became angry one by one.

“It’s you! Daoist Su Zhan, the guardian of the fifth channel master!”

“The kid surnamed Su! Unexpectedly that you hid so deeply, you actually killed the Patriarch while the Patriarch didn’t pay attention to a sneak attack!”

“I must avenge the Patriarch!”

The three Elders were more angry than the other.

But no one really shot at Su.

Having lived for thousands of years, they are not fools.

If Su Zhan is really inadequate, even if he attacked, he wouldn’t be able to kill Ye Yun Xiao!

Moreover, the other pulse masters would not be so scared!

It can be inferred from this that even if Su Zhan’s strength is in a head-to-head confrontation, he might be able to kill Ye Yun Xiao!

This kind of strength, under normal circumstances, they would have run away if they encountered it.

But now… there is Yue Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect, what’s so terrible!

The three Yejia Elders glanced at each other, and they all leaked a trace of fortunate expressions and saluted the stunned old man’s cupped hands.

“Yue Elder, this thief killed my Ye Family Patriarch, and hopes that Yue Elder will do justice to my Ye Family!”

“Yue Elder, if you can kill this person, our Ye family is willing to double the tribute in the past ten years!”

The green-robed old man with a sword embroidered on his chest heard the words of a few Elders, but he didn’t care too much. Instead, he looked at Su Zhan curiously. He smiled slightly when he thought of something, “You are the Daoist guardian of the Fifth Vessel Lord. , That’s the Ye family, the Ye family’s own business, I don’t bother to care about it.

However, they let me kill you and are willing to give twice as much tribute. How much are you willing to give? ”

“I am not from the Ye family.”

Su Zhan shook his head and said flatly: “I won’t give you a piece of sacred stone.”

Yue Elder’s face suddenly sank.

Seeing this, Ye Heng, who was trembling and trembling, suddenly became courageous. He actually bypassed the other side of the altar and ran towards Yue Elder.

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on him, and he didn’t immediately make a move.

He wanted to see what else the volatile, insidious villain could say.

“Yue, Yue Elder!”

Running to Yue Elder’s side, Ye Heng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, “I am Ye Heng, the son of the Ye Family Patriarch!

The kid surnamed Su just came out of the martial arts world!

He got the inheritance of Martial God! ”

“Martial God inheritance?”

Yue Elder was moved: “Really?”

“It’s true, I have seen it with my own eyes and heard with my ears!”

Ye Heng nodded.

“Martial God inheritance…”

Yue Elder looked at Su Zhan, his eyes were full of greed: “The surname Su, originally, you are not the Ye family. Killing the Ye family Patriarch is a capital crime!

I am the Elder of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect. As long as I report it, you will die if you flee to the end of the world!

But Ben Elder is not an unreasonable person, as long as you pass on Martial God to me, I can swear that you will leave safely!

Moreover, the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect will not pursue it!

Martial God inheritance is a good thing, but it has to be fate, right? ”

When Ye Heng heard this, he was worried that Su Zhan would come back for revenge, his eyes rolled, and he hurriedly said, “Yue Elder, why bother?

You killed him directly, his inheritance and treasures are all yours!

By the way, that puppet is half a Deva level!

It’s just been sealed by my father with a lock charm for half an hour, you kill Su Zhan, and that puppet is yours! ”

“Half a Deva-level puppet…”

Yue Elder’s eyes were even more greedy, but it occurred to him that he does not know how to use puppets, and different puppet control methods are different. Besides, Su Zhan can kill Ye Yun Xiao, and he is not weak. good.

So he opened his mouth and said: “There is also the puppet and the control method of the puppet. As long as you leave it to me, I will assume that today’s thing has never happened!”

Su Zhan said: “If I don’t give it to you, will you kill me?”

Yue Elder said proudly: “That’s natural!”

“In that case, there is no need to say more, let’s do it!”

Su Zhan’s fading power broke out again!

Yue Elder was a little annoyed: “You don’t want to give you a way to survive. Since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you!”

After finishing speaking, he flipped his palm, and a big flame seal appeared. At the moment when this big seal appeared, the surrounding air became hot, and waves of fire attribute laws were born.

Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

The eyes of the Ye Family’s pulse masters all brightened, and they felt that they were saved.

Ye Heng was also very excited and quickly reminded: “Yue Elder, what Su Zhan is best at is body refining. Apart from refining, he has nothing to do!

As long as you don’t go hand-in-hand with him, he is definitely not your opponent! ”

Yue Elder nodded.

It turned out to be a strong body refiner!

It’s no wonder that Ye Yun Xiao would be so cleanly squeezed off his neck, and his head was separated. At close range, without precaution, the sneak attack by the strong body refiner is definitely more terrifying than other cultivaters!

However, now that I know that you are a body cultivator, then you just wait to die!

Yue Elder gave a grinning grin. The idea that he originally wanted to push the big seal and combine the power of the flesh to kill Su Zhan in close proximity dissipated, but Sheng Yuan rushed into the big seal, urging the big seal to move towards Su Zhan!


The space where the big seal flies has become distorted, and when you look at it with the naked eye, you can vaguely see the waves of fire!

A series of fire attribute laws converged on the big seal, and on the big seal, the engraved flame Qilin appeared, stepping on the big seal, and rushing toward Su Zhan with great power!

“The kid surnamed Su, this old man is the Heavenly Dao sacred soldier. It gathers the power of the law. Under Deva, there is no one can stop it. You can’t stop your physical strength even if you indulge in it-huh?”

Before he finished speaking, Yue Elder suddenly became puzzled when he saw a little starlight flying out of Su Zhan’s eyebrows, falling into his hand and turning into a slender starlight sword.

He is a body cultivator, what does he do with a sword?

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