Chapter 538 The loss is heavy anyway!

Moreover, it is the natal sword?

The doubt in Yue Elder’s heart did not last long.

After seeing Su Zhan Yijian pulling the heaven and earth vitality into this place frantically, and cutting out a horror Sword Qi that caused the space to be broken open, a series of small space cracks appeared.

The doubt on his face instantly dissipated, turning into shock and fear!


Sword Qi is cut on the Huolin seal!

The Qilin ghost wailed and dissipated into the sky.

And the Huo Lin Yin was also buzzing, flying back!

“Ding Ding Ding!”

Yue Elder caught the Huolin Seal, but was also shocked by the terrifying force carried on it and backed more than a dozen steps before hitting the stone wall around the square before stopping.


That piece of stone wall suddenly collapsed!

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Yue Elder’s mouth. He was startled and angry. He pointed at Ye Heng and cursed: “Bastard thing!

This is what you said, except for body refining, nothing else? ! ”

Ye Heng was also dumbfounded at this time.

He didn’t even think of killing him.

Su Zhan actually knows how to use a sword!

Moreover, his kendo is even more terrifying than his way of refining the body!

Yue Elder’s use of Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier is not his opponent!

Such a horrible guy…Why did I provoke me in the first place? !

Since my dad is about to kill him, why should I stop pretending to be a good person for a while?

So, why am I here? !

Ye Heng felt so regretful in his heart that he turned and ran.

“Asshole! I want to run if it hurts!”

Yue Elder was furious and blasted a palm towards Ye Heng.

Although he has been seriously injured, he is a half-step Deva after all, and Ye Heng is just a small heavenly holy king.

Even though he took out a treasure defense of a fake Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, he was blown away directly by a palm.

Falling to the ground, only vomiting blood, can’t even climb up!

A palm blasted Ye Heng, seeing Su Zhan walking towards him, Yue Elder was also frightened.

But even though he was afraid in his heart, on the surface, he was pretending to be calm: “Su Zhan! Do you know who I am?

I am the strongest Elder in the Sky Sword Sect except Sect Leader and Deputy Sect Leader!

Don’t you dare to touch me, don’t talk about you, your woman, your whole family, your whole clan… are going to die! ”

“Your Heavenly Sword Dao Sect wants to destroy my whole family?”

Su Zhan’s eyes widened, in disbelief.

It’s just the first time I met, I didn’t even know him, just because I didn’t want to pass on Martial God to him, he was going to kill me!

That’s all!

But now, he actually wants to kill my whole family!

Under the world, is there anyone more vicious than this? !

At this moment, Yue Elder saw Su Zhan’s shocked look, thinking that he was afraid and terrified, so he resumed his aloof look and said proudly: “Yes!

If you don’t know how to promote, you won’t be finished!

Have you heard of the method of refining souls?

Even if you die, you have to constrain your soul and torture every day!

Of course, if you are willing to hand over the Martial God inheritance, behave-what are you going to do! ”

As he spoke, he suddenly found that Su Zhan’s expression was a little wrong, and then he was hit with a punch, and Yue Elder was shocked, and he quickly released the fire lin seal to resist!


His body flew a mile away again!

Before landing, Su Zhan turned into an electric light and appeared above him!

At the very moment, Yue Elder flipped his palm, took out a white jade bead, and roared: “When this bead is broken, the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect will learn that I am dead!

You will also be wiped out! ”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, his left hand was dazzling with thunder, and his body crashed down from a height of tens of meters!


Where Su Zhan fell, a wave of air quickly dissipated towards the surroundings!


With him as the center, the ground within a radius of a radius was directly swept by a terrifying force, turning over like a wave!

Smoke and dust all over the sky!

After the smoke cleared, a big pit appeared in the place where Su Zhan was. In the center of the big pit, Yue Elder sank into the ground, and the blood mixed with visceral fragments was constantly pouring out of his mouth, already breathless!

Seeing that Su Zhanlian Yue Elder was killed.

Those Ye Family members no longer dared to have the slightest fluke in their hearts, and the bodies that had just stood up knelt down again, desperately begging for forgiveness.

“Capricious, sinister and vicious, you are so vicious and vicious, you damn it!”

Su Zhan didn’t listen to those people begging for mercy at all, and his figure flickered, killing them one by one!

Neither the pulse master nor the young master can stop him from a blow!

Of course, some people tried to catch Ye Qingyu alive and wanted to use this threat, but after his Primordial Thunder God shook, he slashed his soul and read the sword, he turned into an idiot.

Killed with a punch by him!

One minute later.

The altar square was in a mess, the ground cracked, overturned, the altar shattered, and the surrounding stone walls completely collapsed!

On the ruins, only Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu were left standing.

“The Underworld is empty, Devil—huh?”

After killing those people, Su Zhan was about to express his emotions, and suddenly realized that Ye Heng was not dead yet.

Ye Heng also noticed Su Zhan’s gaze, begging for mercy in a weak voice: “Give me, give me a chance, I must be a good person——”


The next moment, his chest was directly sunken, his internal organs were completely shattered, he was breathless on the spot, full of regret, and unwilling to die.


Su Zhan also exhaled a foul breath, retracted his fist, and continued: “The Underworld is empty, Devil is in the world!

Fortunately, justice always defeats evil, and I also killed these Devils, this world…

It’s better! ”

Ye Qingyu on the side heard this, and a strange color appeared on his dazed face, looking at the blood all over his body, no!

Su Zhan, who was covered in other people’s blood, looked at the corpse in this square again, her mouth twitched.

Although, I know it’s not right to think so.

But Su Zhan, why do I think you are more like Devil now…

The Underworld is empty, and Devil is in the world.

Well, it is indeed.

Just by my side!

Ye Qingyu slandered in his heart, and immediately after thinking of something, a happy smile appeared on his face.

For those Ye family with ghosts, Su Zhan is naturally Devil, but for her, Su Zhan is the most reliable support.

Even today, it seems extremely dangerous, as long as Su Zhan is there, everything will be solved.

It’s a pity… he doesn’t like me.

Ye Qingyu sighed.

Su Zhan’s fighting was huge, and it also shocked many Ye Family members.

But when the Ye family members came here, they saw the dead bodies of the high-ranking people in their Ye family on the ruins, and even the three Vessel Masters and Patriarchs were among them, and they were shocked to death in their hearts.

He didn’t even dare to turn around and run away.

One by one, his legs trembled and knelt towards Su Zhan.

His forehead was close to the ground, and his hands were trembling constantly.

It doesn’t make sense to do so.

However, this is what they can think of, the only way to increase the probability of survival!

Su Zhan glanced at those people and said, “The three vein masters and your Patriarch are dead, who among you can represent the Ye Family?”

As soon as these words came out, those Ye Family Elders and disciples looked at each other, and no one dared to stand up.

Just when Su Zhan was a little impatient, the old man who had been expelled by Ye Yun Xiao stood up, gritted his teeth and said: “The old man Li Wanhe is both the Elder of the main line of the Ye Family and the Daoist of Ye Heng. , Now the main line of the Ye Family, my seniority ranks the highest!

I should be able to represent the Ye family, what’s Su Gongzi’s instructions? ”

“It’s you?”

Su Zhan recognized the old man, the coldness in his eyes slightly dissipated, and he said calmly: “It’s nothing, it’s that I treat you Ye Family with sincerity, but your Ye Family repays me with conspiracy.

It caused me a heavy loss, even my hands—”

As Su Zhan said, he stretched out his left hand, only to find that the redness and swelling caused by hitting those people too hard had disappeared. After a moment of stunned, he coughed slightly.

“Ahem, this is not important. Anyway, it is a heavy loss. I plan to let you Ye Family compensate me for your family’s treasure house.

Such a reasonable request, no one of your Ye family should object to it, right? ”

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